Page 5 - Mid Valley Times 1-14-21 E-edition
P. 5

                 Thursday, January 14, 2021
    KCUSD students settle in during first week back
  The View From Here
 I would like to thank Reg- inald Wag- ner, prin- cipal at Lincoln El- ementary School here in Reedley
for allowing me to visit the campus during their sec- ond day back from winter break.
Also, thank you to Renee Delport for accommodating our deadline schedules and making these visits interest- ing and insightful for our readers and viewers.
I arrived at the campus just before 8 a.m. on Jan. 12. I parked behind “Dough- nuts to Go” and briefly fan- tasized about the possibil- ity of running in and buy- ing a glaze donut, maybe with some coffee, but soon snapped out of it when Re- nee let me know she had
also arrived on campus.
As we make our way into January, gone are the “cool”
days of early fall.
Those days where a light
sweater might help protect one against the dropping temperatures.
We are in the middle of winter. So, this time I dressed accordingly. The air was brisk and cold. I could see my breath as I ex- ited my car and walked up the sidewalk to meet with Renee.
Next to us, a group of students also walked across the street onto the campus.
At the gate, principal Wagner waited with hand sanitizer. Each student wait- ed patiently remembering the six feet distance rule.
Once at the gate, they were given some hand sani- tizer and sent on their way.
We toured a few class- rooms and inside students settled for a day of learning.
Now that the COVID-19 vaccine campaign is well under way, and with many locals being administered the vaccine, I wonder how much longer of this we will have to endure?
What will the post CO- VID-19 era look like? Will we still be wearing masks a year from now? Will we still have to stand six feet apart? How many of us will still carry hand sanitizer in our bags and use it wher- ever we go?
I remember going to the gym during the onset of the pandemic and witnessing a woman wearing a mask. I thought it was silly at the time, now I can't go inside that same gym unless I'm wearing a mask.
How much has changed in this past year. I now car- ry three masks in my purse.
Will there ever come a day when we won't need them anymore? Only time will tell.
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
Students at Lincoln El- ementary School in Reedley returned from their winter break back to "on-campus learning" during the second week of January.
“We are still on our hybrid model”,” said Renee Delport, the school’s public informa- tion officer on the morning of Jan. 12.
“So we have our Track A students, they attend on Mon- days and Thursdays. We also have our Track B students, they attend on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Delport said the students in those track models are in grades 3 through 8.
"All of our kindergarten, first second grade students; they attend on a daily basis," she said.
Aside from the required health checks and distancing requirements, school princi- pal Reginal Wagner said they
have encouraged their teach- ers to ventilate their class- rooms regularly.
“We are highly encourag- ing all our staff to open up all doors and windows to make sure that we have great ven- tilation,” said Wagner.
He also added that many students and faculty were happy to be back on campus.
"So far, it has been wonder- ful seeing our students com- ing back, people have been really excited.”
Delport added that stu- dents in the upper grades will return to on campus instruc- tion once the COVID-19 num- bers drop and Fresno County falls out of the Purple Tier into the Red Tier.
"Reedley Middle College High School has 9th and 10th graders who did begin on campus learning before the holiday break," she said. "Our highschool students are still attending on a online learn- ing model."
 Juanita Adame
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
Students at Lincoln Elementary in Reedley settled in for a day of learn- ing on the morning of Jan. 12, during one of their first days back on campus after winter break.
 Adventist welcomes new nurse practitioner
The Adventist Health Medical Office has added a new member to its Reedley Cypress location.
Sabrina Garcia is a board certified family nurse practi- tioner who treats chronic and complex conditions like obesi- ty, hypertension and diabetes.
Garcia also provides preventative care includ- ing woman exams, wellness checks as well as physical and health counseling.
She has helped care for pa- tients in the Central Valley for more than a decade.
Prior to becoming a family nurse practitioner, she served patients as a registered nurse at the Adventist Health Reed- ley Birth Center and Adven- tist Health Selma Surgery department.
Garcia is a first-generation college graduate and said she is driven by a strong dedica- tion to her community.
“I have a strong amount of compassion for my patients and my goal is to decrease health disparities within our rural communities,” she said.
She earned both her mas- ter’s and bachelor’s degrees in nursing from Fresno Pacific
University, graduating magna cum laude.
She also holds associates degrees in nursing, biology and general studies.
When not caring for pa- tients, she likes to spend time with her husband and four children.
She also enjoys volunteer- ing in the community and staying involved with the PTA at her children’s school.
Garcia is currently accept- ing new patients. For more information on available ap- pointment times, contact Ad- ventist Health at (559) 391- 3120.
Sabrina Garcia
  New 'Taco Bell' location opens in Parlier
Photo of the week
   Photo Courtesy Parlier Police Department/ Facebook
Members of the Parlier City Council and representatives of the City of Parlier participated in the official ribbon cutting for the new Taco Bell restaurant which is located at the intersection of Manning and Newmark Avenues in Parlier. The opening comes just months after a Starbucks was opened nearby adding to the city's business.
Aphotoof ablueeyedbabygirlnamedJolee,1,wassentinby her mother, Breanna Miller. Have a photo you'd like featured? Email

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