Page 8 - Mid Valley Times 1-14-21 E-edition
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VACCINES Continued from page A1
dents that carried some level of COVID compli- cations had died since the documented start of the pandemic in March 2020.
If there is any hope that positive cases will start leveling off when vaccines are adminis- tered, it's not showing in the most recent num- bers for Fresno and Tu- lare counties. The most startling number from last week is deaths, where in Fresno County there were an additional 127deaths—to838—in one week's time.
It wasn't as drastic a jump in Tulare County, where deaths in a sev- en-day period increased from 421 to 474. Avail- able beds in intensive care units remained at low levels, with vacan- cies more often than not coming because of deaths.
The Fresno County surveillance and data dashboard continued to be under construction entering this week, with the most recent city up- dates coming on Jan. 8. Sanger and Reedley were the top two Mid
Continued from page A1
medical field, where she wants to study to eventu- ally become a pediatric neurosurgeon. She's con- sidering between UCLA, UC-Berkeley or UC-San Diego among the uni- versities to continue her education.
Among Mid Valley Times cities in the county through Jan. 5 (the Fresno County dashboard page is under construction until early 2021), Sanger continues to have the most total overall positive cases with 2,741. Through the Jan. 8 printed update, Reedley is at 2,232 cases; Parlier was listed with 1,742 cases and Orange Cove had 997 cases. Del Rey was at 201 cases while Fowler had 591 cases through Jan. 8.
Squaw Valley and Dunlap had 46 and six total positive cases, respectively, through a Dec. 29 update. The county announced on its website that it will not list recoveries at this time to reallocate staff for new COVID-19 cases.
SUNDAY - Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday - Bible Study 7 p.m. CLASES EN ESPANOL - 9:30 a.m.c Call 875-8270 / 960-8982 Para Espanol
Mendoza was booked into the Fresno County Jail and is being held on $205,000 bail. Anyone who may have additional information on Mendoza is asked to call the Reed- ley Police Department at (559) 637-4250.
Valley Times region cit- ies when it came to over- all positive cases with 2,741 and 2,232, respec- tively. Parlier was at 1,742 while Orange Cove neared the 1,000-case mark with 997.
Tulare County's CO- VID-19 website didn't
Delgadillo's pathway to success may not have come easy, physically and emotionally, but has been a rewarding road.
"It may not have been the traditional family, but the immense love I received from my mom and grandparents has allowed me to gain inde- pendence, empathy, and
include active cases on Jan. 12, but they had surpassed 5,000 in the most recent update of Jan. 8. Overall cases had increased by more than 3,600, and the top MVT city in the county with cases was Dinuba with 3,447 as of Jan. 12.
the willingness to help others," she wrote.
Although there were educational challeng- es, Delgadillo said her greatest challenge was a medical one during her junior year.
"On Aug. 29, 2019, I went from being a healthy sixteen-old-girl to a "mystery," when my
519 E. 11th Street (at corner of 11th & East Aves.) Reedley, CA 93654
Meets Sunday at 830am Outdoors on the property All are welcome
For more inforamtion call 559-638-2738
We welcome you to join us
For more information: Pastor Ron Robertson • Pastor Frank Pinon
Christ Lutheran Church
1254 N Frankwood Ave. Reedley | 559-638-2112 | Sunday morning Worship begins at 10:00am | All are welcome! Pastor Virgil Miller is Preaching | Musicians: Aarne Kela & Jason Awbrey Facebook: Christ Lutheran Church ELCA
First Lutheran Church an LCMS congregation
961 E. Elizabeth Way, Dinuba, CA 93618 • Phone: (559) 591-0375
9:45 Bible Study • 10:30 Worship
Jesus said, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit...fruit that lasts” (John 15:16) In response, First Lutheran Church holds values of Bible Centered Preaching and Teaching, Strong Families, and Godly Servant Leadership. A church where God gives and we receive.
1518 Cherry Street (Corner of “P” Street) Sanger, CA 93657
accused of Daughter, multiple
You may list your Church Announcement on this page for $15 per week. Including Church name, address, phone and service times with additional 50 words for announcement. Deadline for Church News is 12 p.m. Friday.
For more information call, Reedley 638-2244, Dinuba 591-4632, Sanger 875-2511.
Thursday, January 14, 2021
| A8 | Mid Valley TiMes
COVID-19 update
As of the most recent update on Tuesday, Jan. 12, there had been 76,581 confirmed cases (no active update) of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) out of 626,676 tests in Fresno County, with 838 deaths and 684 hospitalized.
Dycora Transitional Health / Photo Contributed
Valerie Cisneros, a certified nursing assistant with Dycora Transitional Health in Reedley, received a COVID-19 vac- cination on Jan. 9. Cisneros was one of 35 staff along with 31 residents to receive the first of two vaccines.
Continued from page A2
go. It has also made my students more computer literate.”
Special Day Class (SDC) instructor Adriana Diaz highlighted the nu- merous barriers students and their families had to overcome.
“Our kids thrive on structure, routine, and consistency and COVID has taken that away from them.” she said.
Because of the virus and its social distance regulations and promo- tion of independent work, there has been a lack of
mom rushed me to the emergency room, in a lethargic state, for low platelets," she wrote. Delgadillo spent months in and out of the hospi- tal and was put on Home Hospital Instruction where she received only five hours of instruction per week.
"I had to adapt a 'new normal' that I was not accustomed to," she wrote. "One of my great- est accomplishments was learning how to face my circumstances and accepting that this situ- ation would only make
interaction and socializa- tion that is crucial to stu- dents in SDC.
Before, they would interact with students in general education classes, who supported them and acted as role models for their behav- ioral struggles. This in- teraction was important and proved to be costly, especially when it came to the instantaneous changes.
Many SDC students had regressed, from aca- demics to behaviors. Once they were back in school, they had to start from scratch again and recov- er all of the information
me stronger." Delgadillo said he
greatest portion of her 500 hours of commu- nity service has come with the Ignite Chris- tian Club on the Dinuba High Campus. She ar- ranged with the help of school advisers to broad- cast the National Day of Student Prayer event on YouTube throughout the campus. Her other vol- unteerism includes the annual Christmas Tree Auction through Open Gate Ministries.
Jada said she wants to show other students
that they’ve lost, on top of keeping up with new pro- tocols set to decrease the spread of COVID.
Nevertheless, Diaz strived to educate and assist the kids in her class. She goes above and beyond to make sure that they remain in good health, while promoting a warm and family-like environment for her stu- dents.
Ultimately, KCUSD staff and educators are committed to serv- ing students and their families. They’ve shown great enthusiasm and care toward the com- munity.
that they can accom- plish anything they set their mine to, event in the face of adversity and hardships.
"God gave me the gift of perseverance so that I could live up to my potential to become a pediatric neurosurgeon to help other children in similar circumstances," she wrote. "I may be a mystery, but it is not a mystery of the potential that I could live up to with the right people by my side and my determi- nation to succeed amidst adversity."
man is
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sex crimes
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
A Reedley man was arrested last week and charged with multiple sex crimes involving a minor.
Joe Mendoza, 36, was arrested by Reedley po- lice detec-
tives on
In Tulare County, there were 38,909 total confirmed cases (no updated active number) of COVID-19 with 474 deaths and 206 hospitalized as of midday on Tuesday, Jan. 12. Breakdowns by cities/ regions show 3,447 cases in Dinuba, 1,148 in Orosi, 622 in Cutler, 200 in Traver, 47 in the rural area south of Reedley and 17 in the rural area southeast of Orange Cove.
A total of 33,089 people (85.0percent) had recovered in Tulare County.
Jan 4 and
is facing
several fel-
ony charg-
es, some
of which
ous sexual
abuse of
a minor as well as oral copulation on a minor.
Police said that Men- doza was well known as a coach in the youth softball community in Reedley.
Joe Mendoza
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