Page 6 - Mid Valley Times 7-25-19 E-edition
P. 6

Thursday, July 25, 2019 | A6 | Mid Valley TiMes
New Tulare County ordinance eliminates some property taxes
Thousands of Tulare Coun- ty residents will pay less in property taxes thanks to a new ordinance recently approved by the Tulare County Board of Supervisors.
The ordinance, approved by a 5-0 vote on July 9, autho- rizes the Tulare County Asses- sor to cancel regular tax bills of $100 or less, beginning with
Continued from page A2
was tempted on several occasions to take mat- ters into his own hands by physically removing the squatters from the building.
"I told my family to tell me when they were here," he said. "But they wouldn't want me to come here because I would have dragged them out of there. It made me so upset to see them inside our house."
According to sfgate. com, squatters taking over vacant homes is a concern for California property owners.
Squatting, also known as “adverse pos- session,” means moving into a property without the owner's permission.
The article also states that here in California,
WEST NILE Continued from page A2
coordinator for the Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District.
It is very important that resi- dents avoid mosquito bites and stop mosquito development in their yards. The best way to avoid bites is by applying an insect re- pellent on exposed skin or wear- ing long-sleeved shirts and long pants when outdoors from dusk until dawn.
The best way to stop mosquito
the 2020-21 tax year. It also eliminates supplemental and escape bills of $50 or less start- ing January 1, 2020.
The ordinance, proposed by the Assessor’s Office, ap- plies to real property (land and structures) and personal property (business equipment, boats and aircraft). Approxi- mately 15,000 assessments will be eliminated.
“I am exited for the tax
relief this new ordinance will provide, especially for small businesses, and for the support the Board has shown through- out the process,” said Tim Ko- chendarfer, assistant assessor. “I am likewise thrilled to see the increase of fiscal responsi- bility this ordinance generates by not spending more to tax something than is generated by the actual tax.”
The modest decrease in
income to the county, an es- timated $680,000, (or 0.2% of total revenue for last fiscal year) will be offset by savings of $740,000 annually in staff time and other resources.
Revenue and Taxation Code section 155.20 permits county supervisors to exempt real and personal property from taxation if the full value is so low that the total taxes would
amount to less than the cost of assessing and collecting them, up to a maximum of $10,000 ($50,000 in the case of certain possessory interest assess- ments).
Similarly, Revenue and Taxation Code section 75.55 permits counties to cancel and supplemental tax bill up to $50, and section 531.7 does the same
See TAXES on page A11
I thank God for
the Dinuba Police Department and the District Attorney for being objective. And I am grateful for all the prayers from the community.
— Father Raul Diaz Saint Catherine's Church
the parishioners and asked for a timely reso- lution.
The letter closed with, “Please take our concerns seriously and expedite the investigation. We would like to have our priest back.”
As for his return, the Diocese of Fresno said on Wednesday that it will wait until it completes its own investigation into the matter before making a final decision.
“Father Diaz’s status will remain the same dur- ing this process,” said Te- resa Dominguez of the Di- ocese. “The findings will then be presented to the Diocesan Review Board to make recommendations to the Bishop.”
A letter from Bishop Joseph Brennan, an- nouncing the DA’s deci- sion and the Diocese’s investigation, was read at all five masses at St. Catherine’s this past weekend. The announce- ment was received with applause.
The investigation by theFresnoDiocesecan reportedly take up to two weeks, at which point the diocese will make a final announcement regarding Diaz and the case.
Several fire trucks and a large hose extended across Center Street in Orange Cove on July 18 after a fire destroyed an abandoned home on the block. The afternoon blaze caused an estimated $80,000 in damage.
state law does address the issues of squatters, however evicting a squatter can be a lengthy and frustrating process.
"My mom has since
passed away," said Lo- pez. "But there were memories in that house, so many memories and I hate to see those people squatting in here. It's
just terrible."
Officials estimated
the structure sustained nearly $80,000 in dam- ages. The fire remains under investigation.
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
Continued from page A1
Office the first week of July, the DA left with the final say as to whether there was enough evi- dence to pursue charg- es. Those charges would have, at most, amounted to a misdemeanor, ac- cording to the Dinuba PD.
Intent ended up be- ing the key issue in the charge. The District At- torney found that in each of the claims there was insufficient evidence to argue that there was any sexual intention. The de- cision of the DA not to file charges was reportedly hand delivered to the Di- nuba PD on Tuesday.
Normally, due to the overwhelming numbers, such cases can take months to process at the DA’s office. However, because the case was considered high profile and due to an increasing demand from the public for a quick resolution, the Dinuba PD said they worked with the DA’s of- fice to expedite the case andhadaresponseinjust over a week’s time.
In a petition letter ad- dressed to the Dinuba PD by concerned parishio- ners of St. Catherine’s, it stated, “We are parishio- ners who have been with Father Raul since he first came to this parish. Fa- therRaulhasalwaysbeen very careful around chil- dren and young adults.”
The letter, dated June 21, addressed the con- cerns and frustrations of
development is by dumping all water from any container at least once a week; this includes your pet’s water dish.
The Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District applies US/ EPA registered insecticides to control mosquitoes in cities and in rural areas throughout the dis- trict, and it will continue these operations during the mosquito season. These applications may, at times and under certain con- ditions, include the spraying of an ultra-low volume (ULV), aero-
sol insecticide fog at night in residential areas to reduce adult mosquito populations. These ULV insecticides are applied using a truck-mounted sprayer driving along surface streets. Informa- tion about truck ULV spraying can be found at TruckMounted-FactSheet.pdf.
For more information about the District, for an updated map of mosquito-borne disease activ- ity, and for locations of ULV fog applications visit the District website at
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