Page 2 - Reedley Exponent 2-22-18 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent A2 Thursday, February 22, 2018
College to Parkway Run/Walk on Feb. 24
Staff Report
There’s still time to sign up for the third annual Col- lege to Parkway 10-kilome- ter and 5K Run/Walk on Sat- urday, Feb. 24, at Reedley College.
The run and walk will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the col- lege track on the west side of campus. The route covers portions of the Kings River bluff and campus areas and then connects to the city’s tree-lined Rails to Trails Parkway before finishing at the college’s track.
Event organizer Dale
Melville said about 100 run- ners pre-registered for the run and walk. Persons wish- ing to participate can go on- line to CA/Reedley/college2park- way and use a $5 discount code available on the site.
Awards will be given for the top three overall finish- ers (both male and female) and the top finisher in each of the seven male and fe- male age groups. Melville said this year’s medals are improved in quality.
For more information, contact Melville at (559) 355-5880.
Bob Oliver Bonham
Robert “Bob” Oliver Bonham of Dinuba died Feb. 13 in Reedley. He was 93.
Mr. Bonham worked as a truck driver.
He is survived by one daughter, four grandchil- dren and nine great-grand- children.
A graveside service was held Feb. 20 at Smith Mountain Cemetery in Di- nuba. A memorial service was held Feb. 20 at Dinuba Christian Church.
Ramon Martinez
Ramon Martinez of Orosi died Feb. 12 in Visa- lia. He was 83.
Mr. Martinez worked as a truck driver.
He is survived by two sons, one daughter, three sisters, seven grandchil- dren and five great-grand- children.
A Rosary was held Feb. 19 at Dopkins Funeral Cha- pel in Dinuba. A graveside service will be at 11 a.m.
Thursday, Feb. 22, at Smith Mountain Cemetery in Di- nuba.
Jose Padilla
Jose Manuel Padilla of Parlier died Feb. 12. He was 43.
Mr. Padilla worked as a welder for Dale Brisco Inc. He is survived by his wife, five sons, one daugh- ter, his mother, three broth- ers, one sister and one
Visitation will be from
5 to 8 p.m. with a wake service at 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 24, at Wallin’s Parlier Funeral Home.
Elsie Reed
Elsie Kathryn Reed of Dinuba died Feb. 17 in Di- nuba. She was 90.
Ms. Reed worked as a packing house grader.
A funeral service will be held at 10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 23, at First Southern Baptist Church in Cutle. Burial will follow at Reed- ley Cemetery District.
Artist’s rendering courtesy of Integrated Design
A three-dimensional artist’s rendering shows the Reedley Middle College High School facility that will be built on the north end of the Reedley College campus. A groundbreaking ceremony was held Feb. 15 at the site.
RMCHS Continued from page A1
“It’s a work ethic environment,” Jack- son said after the event. “Everybody here knows what they want to do in life. Ev- erybody is, not self-centered, but they’re open. They’re go-getters. It’s a different level. It’s like a family, but we’re a moti- vated family.”
Speakers and a large audience of dig- nitaries — as well as RMCHS students and staff — had gathered under sunny skies on Feb. 15 at the northwest site at Reedley College, where the first phase of the permanent RMCHS campus will be built.
“Today is a historic and monumental day,” Sandra Caldwell, president of Reed- ley College said at the ceremony. “This is a day about belief in our own youth, our communities and our future.”
The Reedley program — one of about 13 middle college high schools in Cali- fornia — is a collaborative effort of the Kings Canyon Unified School District, Reedley College and local businesses. It provides “pathways” through two areas of study: Agricultural Business or Busi- ness Administration with an Entrepre- neurship option. And, there are no fees.
Diana Hoffman, a RMCHS sopho- more, was one of two student speakers at the ceremony, with senior Jeremy Ham- mond. Hoffman described the school’s purpose and “because of this school’s high expectations, we are constantly working hard and putting our hearts into our studies.” And, she said, she had made “many beautiful friendships.”
“I am privileged to be a student at this school,” Hoffman said. “The new
building will continue the dedication and the love that has already started to grow. We will finally have a little school to call our own.”
School officials have managed the steady growth of enrollment, which this academic year is 178 students.
Phase I, estimated to cost approxi- mately $8.7 million, will be able to accom- modate 300 students. Phase I will include eight classrooms, an administration of- fice, a staff room, a sheltered eating area, and a recreational area.
A second phase, which would rep- resent the full build-out of the RMCHS campus at a future time, would accom- modate about 600 students in total enroll- ment.
The start of construction has been anticipated for months as the multiple entities involved in the project worked through different issues. Funding will come from a combination of sources, including KCUSD’s general reserve and the charter school’s reserve. In addition, the district and its consulting firm will pursue grants.
The ceremony attendees included KCUSD trustees and administrators; Caldwell and other RC officials, such as Donna Berry, the college’s vice president of administrative services who’s been involved in the project process; Bobby Kahn, board president of the State Center Community College District that includes Reedley College; SCCCD Trustee Ron Nishinaka of Reedley, and Deborah Ike- da, vice president of the SCCCD board; Reedley Mayor Anita Betancourt and Reedley Council Member Mary Fast; and Juan Garza, former KCUSD superinten- dent and a prime advocate for RMCHS.
Berry and John Quinto, KCUSD assis- tant superintendent of business who also has been heavily involved in the project, introduced the speakers who included Caldwell, KCUSD Superintendent John Campbell, KCUSD Board President Noel Remick, and Kahn.
Remick said the RMCHS permanent home reflects the cooperation that is part of Reedley’s history, when different en- tities came together for an educational purpose, such as creating a high school district and then creating a college.
“They created opportunities for their kids,” Remick said. “We owe it to our communities, to ourselves and to our children to do what we do ... I applaud everybody here that made this happen. It’s important.”
Kahn told the audience that RMCHS “is a great opportunity for the region. It’s a great opportunity for us to have more college graduates in our area.” And, he said, “the biggest opportunity” is the college experience that RCMHS students have access to. The result, he said, is “I’m confident they will be suc- cessful.”
Caldwell in her speech pointed out that they have a 94 percent completion rate at the college level among RMCHS students.
In addition, RMCHS juniors on the 2017 state tests outperformed nearly ev- ery high school in the county. The test, given only to juniors at the high school level, covered English language arts and math.
Caldwell said it was unacceptable to have “low college-going and completion
See RMCHS on page A8
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Joel Dean
May 28, 1934 - February 12, 2018
Joel Dean Golbek went home to be with his
Lord and Savior on February 12, 2018 and is
now walking the streets of Heaven. He was born
to Ezra and Marie Golbek on May 28, 1934 the
eldest of three sons in the family and was raised on a
farm in rural Dinuba. He attended Windsor elementary school and graduated Reedley High School in 1952. He enlisted in the United States Army in 1955 and was stationed at Fort Polk, Louisiana where he worked as a mechanic and an MP. After his discharge in 1957 he moved back to the Dinuba area where he met and fell for a young Charlene Burkdoll who was attending Reedley College at the time. They were married in September of 1958 and began a 59 year journey together. That journey began on a rented farm south of Dinuba which they would later purchase and farm for many years. They were blessed with two sons during this time, Bruce in 1959 and Michael in 1961. After farming for many years, Joel’s health forced him to sell all but 15 acres of the home ranch. He then began a second career working as a Disaster Program Inspector for the USDA traveling all over the state meeting new people which is something he enjoyed very much. After retiring from this endeavor he continued to farm the remaining acreage and working in his shop. Joel and Charlene enjoyed traveling and made many trips together both in the US and internationally, including a farm exchange tour to Pakistan for 3 months in the late 1970’s. In his later years he spent many Sunday’s handing out tracts and witnessing to people at the Selma Swap Meet. He enjoyed meeting and talking with the people and would often invite complete strangers to the house with the promise of a home cooked meal that Charlene would whip up on a moment’s notice.
He is survived by Charlene, his loving wife of 59 years, his sons and their wives Bruce and Becky of Clovis and Mike and Joy of Kingsburg. He is also survived by his four wonderful Grandchildren Brandon, Kelsey, Ryan and Brittany, who were his greatest pride and joy. He is also survived by his two brothers, Lloyd and Carol of Washington state and Darrell and Lila of Dinuba.
FRED HALL ............................................................................. Publisher JON EARNEST..............................................................................Editor CHRIS AGUIRRE .............................................................. Sports Editor FELICIA COUSART MATLOSZ..................................Panorama Editor DEBRA LEAK........................................................................Marketing JANIE LUCIO.....................................................................Advertising DUBY TREVINO..............................................................Graphic Artist CLINTON ANTONIO......................................................Graphic Artist TOM MONTIJO..............................................................Graphic Artist KATE ISAAK................................................................ Classified Sales STACY HAWKINS .............................................................Accounting ROSEMARY OCHOA........................................................Accounting
The Reedley Exponent (USPS 458-860) is published weekly on Thursdays for $20 a year, $24.50 other areas and $26.50 out-of-state by Mid-Valley Publishing Inc., 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654. Periodicals postage paid at Sanger, CA 93657. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Reedley Exponent, 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654
The Reedley Exponent is one of Fresno County’s oldest newspapers. It was established in March, 1891, in the Knauer residence on the corner of what now is F and 11th streets. In about 1893, it moved to the building where it is still located. The newspaper’s office is at 1130 G St, Reedley, CA 93654, Phone (559) 638-2244.
DonalD armson
December 3, 1930 ~ February 11, 2018
Donald Meldrum Armson passed away peacefully in Greeley, Colorado, February 11, 2018. Don was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada on December 3, 1930.
He is survived by his sons, Don Armson (Jessica), Ron Armson (Linda); daughters, Julie Forster (Pete), and Keri Miller (Todd); grandchildren, Adam Forster, Patti Forster Erickson, Nick Armson, Brooke Armson Costa, Mitchell Armson and twelve great- grandchildren.
Don was married to Barbara Beckman Armson also of Winnipeg, for 59 years. She preceded him in death in 2014.
Don and Barb spent most of their married years living and raising their family in California. Spending over 20 years in Reedley, CA, farming, growing mostly stone fruit and raisins. Those were busy happy years. Most of those years they were surrounded by their children and grandchildren.
Family was always his priority, camping and trips back to Falcon Lake, Manitoba each summer brought many happy memories for the family. He played and coached a lot of sports in his younger years. He also enjoyed restoring vintage cars and had many. Don was a friend to everyone and enjoyed being the life of the party.
Don worked for GTE for 30 years. He held a variety of positions during those years, from lineman and cable splicer to Manager. He was very active in the Telephone Pioneers Association and made many good friends from those years of working.
Don will be greatly missed by his family and friends, but we are rejoicing that he is in heaven now and reunited with Barb and many other family and friends.
A private family service will be held.