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A profile of Reedley High’s newest band directors
Reedley High soccer teams reach section semifinals
Vol. 129, No. 8 | Thursday, February 22, 2018 Reedley (Fresno County) CA 93654 | 50 cents Council likely to vote on shelter on March 13
Neighboring residents continue to oppose facility
By Jon Earnest
It appears the Reedley City Council won’t vote on whether to approve a controversial pro- posed emergency shelter facility in southwest Reedley until the council’s meeting on Tuesday, March 13.
City Clerk Sylvia Plata said Feb. 20 that the issue was unlikely to make the agenda for Tuesday, Feb. 27. The item next goes before the council after the Reedley Planning Commission approved a conditional use permit and environ- mental assessment on Feb. 1.
Residents of the neighboring Riverview Es- tates and the Reedley Mobile Home Park have opposed the Faith House emergency shelter at city council and planning commission meet- ings. The two-story home was the former site of the Marjaree Mason shelter in Reedley for
victims of domestic violence and their families. That shelter closed in 2016.
“Our opposition has not changed, and we are extremely disappointed with Reedley city government for its lack of understanding even with overwhelming opposition,” resident Robert Miller told the council during public comment on Feb. 13. “Our fear of increased criminal activity and decreased property val- ues have been ignored, and you have refused to acknowledge or care about the location.”
Residents living near the proposed shelter
said the City Council’s lack of communication in the process led them to file an intent of pe- tition to recall District 4 Council Member Ray Soleno. More than 25 residents signed the initial petition to recall Soleno, who represents the dis- trict where the facility is located. But the group didn’t pursue the recall petition, which lapsed after missing a Jan. 29 deadline.
“After learning that all of you are elected in a citywide vote and not a district vote, we felt
See SHELTER on page A8
Lifetime culinary award to Koobation Staff Report
Jon Koobation is receiving his greatest honor in a long and storied culinary career.
Koobation chef and later owner of the popular Jon’s Bear Club in Reedley, will be recog- nized with a Lifetime Achieve- ment Award by the Fresno chapter of the California Res- taurant Association. He will be honored during the 27th annual Best of the
Valley Restau-
rant Awards
on Monday,
March 5, at
the Fresno
Convention &
Center’s new
Exhibit Hall.
RMCHS groundbreaking
Felicia Cousart Matlosz / The Exponent
Local educational leaders shovel dirt Feb. 15 during the groundbreaking for the new Reedley Middle College High School facility at Reedley College. RMCHS Principal AlejandroJuarez,center,standsnexttoReedleyCollegePresidentSandraCaldwell,inthegreenjacket. BoardmembersfromtheKingsCanyonUnifiedSchoolDistrict and from the State Center Community College District also participated in the groundbreaking ceremony.
“Having been given this hon- or just blows me away. Frankly, I’m overwhelmed by it,” Kooba- tion said in a news release from the restaurant association.
Koobation worked 40 years at the Reedley restaurant be- fore retiring in 2013. Jon’s Bear Club became known for fresh seafood and local produce as well as house-made soups, dressings and desserts.
“We had infants brought into the restaurant by their parents, who grew up and came back and worked for us,” Koobation told the restaurant associa- tion. “After having been there 40-plus years, you see genera- tions come and go.”
In 2017, Koobation released the book “Cooking with Jon.” The book features some of his best-known recipes including “Chicken George” — an origi- nal recipe of grilled chicken, sautéed mushrooms, artichoke
See KOOBATION on page A3
New campus building scheduled to open in 2019
By Felicia Cousart Matlosz
When the hoopla of the groundbreaking ceremony for Reedley Middle College High School ended on Feb. 15, sophomores such as Dylan Jackson talked proudly about their school and their anticipation for the new building that should open in about a year.
The charter high school, opened August 2012 in rooms at Reedley College, has steadily established itself as a high-achieving program in the area through its test scores, curriculum and opportunity for students to earn high school and college credits. By doing this, RMCHS students are prepared for the rigors of education and ca- reers beyond high school.
See RMCHS on page A2
Artist’s rendering courtesy of Integrated Design
This artist’s rendering shows the front of the new Reedley Middle College High School campus.
The event begins at 5:30 p.m.
Jon Koobation
Congressional candidates sound off at forum
Four 22nd District challengers share their platforms in Feb. 15 event at Reedley College
By Jon Earnest
Four challengers vying for the 22nd Congres- sional District seat made the most of an opportu- nity to present their platforms to the public during a Feb. 15 community forum in the Reedley College Forum Hall.
The forum — hosted by United Valley Civics and called “Issues in CD #22” — was missing two leading names. Incumbent Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Visalia, and the top fundraising Democratic challenger, Andrew Ganz, declined invitations. Representatives for Nunes said he was in Wash- ington, D.C. for a session of Congress while Ganz was elsewhere in the Valley at a forum hosted by Young Democrats.
On this night, the political spotlight shined on the four congressional candidates attending the
Classified - B5-6 Directory - A5
Reedley College forum. They were:
• Bobby Bliatout, a Democrat and health care
professional from Fresno;
• Brian Carroll, a Visalia resident and teacher
in Farmersville who is representing the American Solidarity party;
• Ricardo “Rico” Franco, a Democrat and busi- nessman from Fresno; and
• Bill Merryman, a Libertarian born and raised in Clovis who served in the U.S. Navy.
The candidates — fielding questions from moderator Desiree Lopez with Telemundo 51 and local stations KSEE24 and CBS 47 — spoke on a number of hot button issues. They gave their plat- forms and stances on immigration and the Dream Act, healthcare, the economy, sexual harassment, gun control, clean air and water, voting rights, and working on a bipartisan basis.
Some candidates directed their attention at Nunes, who has become a polarizing figure nation- ally along partisan lines for his role as chairman of the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Nunes was involved in the con-
Jon Earnest / The Exponent
Democratic candidate Bobby Bliatout speaks during a community forum for 22nd Congressional District candidates on Feb. 15 at Reedley College. Looking on are candidates Brian Carroll, second from left, Ricardo “Rico” Franco, far right, and Bill Merryman, foreground.
See FORUM on page A8
Legals - A6-7 Sports - B3-4 Lights & Sirens - A3 Obituaries - A2-3 Opinion - A4

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