Page 2 - Reedley Exponent E-edition 5-17-18
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 Photo Contributed
Don May, right, of Madera stands in front of hiss GMC Cabover truck that won the Martens Chevrolet Best of Show trophy at the Cruisin’ to the Cove’ car show on May 12 in Orange Cove.
More than 50 compete at Orange Cove car show
On May 10, Immanuel Schools dedicated a plaque saluting the Gar and Esther Tootelian Charitable Foundation. The foundation’s financial donation helped build Immanuel’s new elementary school. The ceremony was held the same day the school hosted its inaugural Ag Literacy event. Im- manuel High School students involved with ag education showed animals to elementary school students.
ABOVE: Karen and Greg Musson, representing Gar Tootelian Inc.,applaudafterkindergarteners participatedinunveiling a plaque recognizing the Gar and Esther Tootelian Charitable Foundation. From left are Jacob Fillmore, Hailey Critchley, Melanie Alvarez, Grace Martens, Claire Chavez, and Cash Craft.
LEFT: Immanuel Elementary School first-grader Lyla Ehoff, right, pets one of the horses at the Ag Literacy Event held in the field at the south end of campus.
Photos by Jon Earnest / The Exponent
Bryan Sandoval, a senior at Parlier High School and participant in the Valley Regional Occupational Program, guides Reedley Middle College High School junior Dante Antonio, foreground
right, in operating the flight simulation machine at Reedley College during the college’s Flight Science Open House
on May 11. Sitting next to Antonio is RMCHS junior Mauricio Ruelas. Sando- val will attend Reedley College in the fall, when he begins his goal to become a pilot.
More than 50 classic cars and trucks came to Or- ange Cove for the inaugural “Cruisin’ to the Cove” car show in Eaton Park.
Don May of Madera took home the Martens Chevrolet Best of Show trophy with a 1954 GMC Cabover truck. The vehicle also claimed trophies for Best Paint and Most Exotic.
Lois Furtaw of Hanford
Michael Meave
Michael L. Meave of Reedley died May 9. He was 35.
Mr. Meave is survived
won the Best Interior and Ladies Choice trophies with her entry, a 1965 Dodge Dart convertible. Ruben Osovio of Squaw Valley won the Best Wild Paint trophy with his 1935 Ford Coupe.
The Orange Cove Area Chamber of Commerce hosted the event which was sponsored by Martens Chevrolet, United Health Centers, Cecelia Packing Corp., and Cruising for Je- sus Ministries.
by his mother, grandmoth- er, brother, aunts and uncle and many cousins.
Services were held May 16 at Reedley Cem- etery.
RC FLIGHT Continued from page A1
“You as an instructor get to put the flying time in your logbook,” he said. Johnson said the college degree and then two years as a flight in- structor build up enough fly- ing hours for the new pilots to get jobs at a regional airline such as SkyWest, American Eagle or Delta Connection.
The career opportunities weren’t lost on some of the high school students attend- ing the event.
“It’s a great experience, really interesting,” said Mauricio Ruelas, a junior at Reedley Middle College High School. “I’ve never thought about it before, but coming here opened my eyes and made me think about it. I found it interesting and defi- nitely would do this again if I
Wallin’s Parlier Funeral Home
Serving our families with integrity and compassion since 1964
Ruelas and fellow RMCHS
junior Dante Antonio took their turns on the airplane flight simulator, which pro- vides computer graphics on flight conditions and offers a realistic training scene.
Antonio said he’s interest- ed in mechanics, and enjoyed the demonstrations by depart- ment officials of airplane and jet engines.
“I liked hearing about the different rotations [of the en- gines],” he said. “One was able
Jon Earnest / The Exponent
to reach 30,000 rpms. Ridicu- lous. That was pretty cool.”
“It was cool to hear how their technology has advanced to where they can bring a camera from down below to
See RC FLIGHT on page A8
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Shelter cleanup day
Jon Earnest / The Exponent
Robin Wilson from Heritage Church of Reedley rakes weeds from the ground in front of the future Faith House emergency shelter in south- west Reedley during a cleanup day on May 12. Volunteers from Heri- tage Church and Full Gospel Tabernacle cut weeds and bushes and washed off the outside of the house. Ken Baker, pastor of Heritage Church and director of operations for Hope Now Ministries, said the shelter — approved by the Reedley City Council on April 10 — still needs some interior structure repairs, including work on the upstairs floor. Baker said the goal is to get an onsite manager in the house by the end of July.
1318 G St • Reedley
(559) 637-4477 (24 Hrs.) FD 2174
FRED HALL ............................................................................. Publisher JON EARNEST..............................................................................Editor CHRIS AGUIRRE .............................................................. Sports Editor FELICIA COUSART MATLOSZ..................................Panorama Editor DEBRA LEAK........................................................................Marketing JANIE LUCIO.....................................................................Advertising DUBY TREVINO..............................................................Graphic Artist CLINTON ANTONIO......................................................Graphic Artist TOM MONTIJO..............................................................Graphic Artist KATE ISAAK................................................................ Classified Sales STACY HAWKINS .............................................................Accounting ROSEMARY OCHOA........................................................Accounting
The Reedley Exponent (USPS 458-860) is published weekly on Thursdays for $20 a year, $24.50 other areas and $26.50 out-of-state by Mid-Valley Publishing Inc., 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654. Periodicals postage paid at Sanger, CA 93657. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Reedley Exponent, 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654
The Reedley Exponent is one of Fresno County’s oldest newspapers. It was established in March, 1891, in the Knauer residence on the corner of what now is F and 11th streets. In about 1893, it moved to the building where it is still located. The newspaper’s office is at 1130 G St, Reedley, CA 93654, Phone (559) 638-2244.
Julia Lawrence
January 30, 1923 – May 7, 2018
The best Auntie ever, Julia Lawrence, went to be with the Lord on May 7,
2018 at the age of 95. She was born in Garfield Table, Gandy, Nebraska
on January 30, 1923, and moved to Reedley, California, as a teen-
ager. She retired from Christian Brother’s Winery after 36 years. She was a member of The Eagles for 50 years and volunteered at the Senior Center for 28 years.
She was proceeded in death by her husband Vic Lawrence, two
sisters and two brothers. She is survived by her brother Jimmie
Klump of Bakersfield, and sister Luellah Wagner of Reedley, nieces
Luellah Woodard, Saundra Alvarez of Reedley, Lula Holtkamp of Menifee, Califor-
nia, and Sharen Phillips of Bakersfield, and nephew Mitchell Wagner of Dyersburg, Tennessee, and many more great and great great nieces and nephews.
A Celebration of Life will be at the Reedley Cemetery Memorial Service Building on May 21, 2018 at 10 a.m.
Let us Help you during this difficult time.
The Reedley Exponent A2 Thursday, May 17, 2018
Immanuel Ag Literacy
Family owned and operated for 4 generations. Continuing to serve the families of Reedley and all surrounding communities.
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