Page 2 - Mid Valley Times 11-28-19 E-edition
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Thursday, November 28, 2019 | A2 | Mid Valley TiMes
Thanksgiving dinner costs only rise a penny in 2019
The American Farm Bu- reau Federation's 34th annual survey of classic items found on the Thanksgiving Day din- ner table indicates the average cost of this year's feast for 10 is $48.91, or less than $5 per person. This is a one-cent in- crease from last year's aver- age of $48.90.
Jonathan Barry
Jonathan A. Barry of Dinuba died Nov. 19 in Dinuba. He was 66.
Mr. Barry worked as an installation and ser- vice technician.
He is survived by his wife Marlena Barry, fours sons, two daugh- ters, his mother and five grandchildren.
A Celebration of Life memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 5, at Dopkins Dinuba Fu- neral Chapel.
Tomas Hernandez of Sanger died Nov. 11. He was 81.
Mr. Hernandez worked as a mechanic.
He is survived by three daughters. He al- so is survived by many brothers and sisters.
Visitation and a ro- sary were held Nov. 25 at Wallin’s Sanger Fu- neral Home. A funeral mass was held Nov. 26 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church on O Street in Sanger.
Yukiko Ito
Yukiko Ito of Reed- ley died Oct. 4 at Somerford Place of Fresno. She was 98.
Mrs. Ito worked as an accountant.
She is survived by two sons, one daugh- ter and five grandchil- dren.
A memorial service was held Nov. 15 at
"The average cost of this year's Thanksgiving dinner is essentially unchanged from last year, after three years of decline since 2015," said AF- BF Chief Economist Dr. John Newton. "Americans continue to enjoy the most affordable food supply in the world, but most don't realize only eight cents of every dollar con- sumers spend on food goes to
farmers," he added.
San Joaquin Valley farmers
and ranchers produce many of the food items that appear on Thanksgiving dinner tables around the nation.
"As the nation celebrates a holiday known for showcasing the bounty of American agri- culture, our Valley should take pride in the vast array of lo- cally-grown fruits, vegetables,
nuts, meats, milk and fiber products that feed and clothe so many throughout the world," stated Fresno County Farm Bu- reau CEO Ryan Jacobsen.
In a new Farm Bureau sur- vey, most Americans were surprised to learn the farmers' share of the food dollar is so small. Three out of four Amer- icans are interested in learning more about how their food is
produced. Farm Bureau farm- er and rancher members, state educational foundations, as well as others involved in food production, are responding to public interest with expanded outreach and educational op- portunities. Survey results indicate Americans have faith in those who grow their food,
See DINNER on page A11
Reedley Cemetery.
Georgia (Sommer) Linscheid of Reedley died Nov. 14. She was
92.Mrs. Linscheid is survived by her hus- band Allen Linscheid, two sons, five grand- children and four great- grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 7, at First Mennonite Church in Reedley.
Memorial gifts may be given to First Men- nonite Church or Sierra View Homes.
Luis Alberto
Ruiz Cisneros
Luis Alberto Ruiz Cisneros of Sanger died Nov. 18. He was 36.
Mr. Ruiz was an op- erator for Leo Tidwell Excavating Corpora- tion.
He is survived by his wife Alexandria Ruiz of Sanger, and three daughters, all of Sanger. He also is sur- vived by his parents, one brother and three sisters.
Visitation will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. with a wake service at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2, at Iglesia El Buen Pastor in Coalinga. A funeral service will be held at noon Tuesday, Dec. 3, at Window of Heaven Christian Center in Sanger.
Annual Reedley Christmas Tree lighting will be held Nov. 30
MVT Staff Report
The Christmas holi- day season in Reedley officially begins this weekend with an annual downtown tradition — the Reedley Downtown Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at the intersec- tion of 11th and G Streets.
Activities begin Sat- urday, Nov. 30, at 5 p.m. with a Christmas mes- sage at Pioneer Park. A public procession, with walkers singing a varsity of Christmas and holiday carols, then will travel south on G Street to the tree, on display in the middle of the intersec- tion. The program will begin at 5:30 p.m. and in- cludes speakers and more music. The program will culminate with the light- ing of the tree, which will remain lit at night daily through Christmas.
The ceremony is part of what's a busier-than- usual Saturday for down- town Reedley's commer- cial businesses. Many stores will be participat- ing in the national Small Business Saturday event, which is an alternative to Black Friday shopping a day earlier. Some busi- nesses also may remain open during the tree lighting festivities.
While the tree is on display during the holi- day season, motorists are reminded that there are no left turns allowed at the intersection of 11th and G. Vehicles are allowed to loop to the right of the tree and pro- ceedsstraight, and also make right hand turns.
Jon Earnest / Mid Valley Times
On Nov. 22, Reedley city workers got an early jump putting decorations onto the city's Christmas holiday tree for 2019. The tree was transported to town on Nov. 21, and will be officially lit at the city's Downtown Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony sometime after 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 30.
Published every Thursday by Mid Valley Publishing 1130 “G” Street, Reedley, CA. 93654
(559) 638-2244
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