Page 7 - Mid Valley Times 6-3-21 E-edition
P. 7

                 Thursday, June 3, 2021
    Pirates take to the field for live graduation
  The View From Here
time I cover
the Reedley
High School
tion or any
high school
there’s al-
ways a sense of excitement in the air.
As one approaches the stadium you can see the my- lar balloons off in the dis- tance various colors gleam- ing in the sunlight. “Congrats graduate!” some of the bal- loons read.
This year was a bit dif- ferent than years past, well different from last year for sure.
I won’t soon forget the graduation of 2020. I re- member Renee Delport and I standing and talking about the canceled ceremony. We both looked over at Sal Gon- zalez field and thought gosh it sure looks sad, it’s empty. No cheering, no speeches, no fireworks, nothing.
This year, 2021 marks a new beginning. As I walked up to the graduates while they stood in line and before they walked onto the field there was a common energy in the air, “Thank goodness COVID-19 is over and we can celebrate again.” Se- niors seemed to be smiling a bit larger this time around. The cheers were a bit louder this time around. The over- all sense of relief was felt on a greater scale this time around.
Over in Dinuba, at their graduation ceremony just one day prior on May 27, the same energy was present. The energy of overwhelm- ing happiness but there was also an overwhelming sense of gratitude. A sense of “we won’t ever take these types of things for granted any- more.”
Family and friends of graduates seemed a bit more outgoing, even though there had to be some distance be- tween those sitting in the stands, the overall attitude was “we don’t care as long as we’re here.”
California is suppose to ease mask restrictions soon, on June 15 to be exact. That day will signify the end of a terrible year. The year that robbed us of so many family members and friends, but if you are here and you happen to be reading this column, I want to say well we’ve made it through COVID-19.
The next few weeks will also be busy with gradua- tions. Sanger High School will be celebrating with a two day graduation ceremony at the Save Mart Center on June 10 and June 11.
I am sure we will feel the same sense of excitement and gratitude there as well. In Sanger and across Califor- nia as well.
"We'd like to thank all the staff for giving us the most normal senior year
we could have gotten."
Jocylin Martinez-Campos
“Today marks the end of a chapter and the beginning of another for all of us,” said Jocylin Martinez-Campos, se- nior student speaker.
“In the midst of the chaos that is COVID-19, we have prevailed to get to this day,”
“We'd like to thank all of the staff at our high school," she continued.
"For giving us the most normal senior year we could have gotten.”
The school's gradua- tion ceremony was also live streamed online.
On June 10 and June 11, Sanger High School will hold their commencement cer- emony as a two part event at the Save Mart Center. Grad- uation will begin at 7 p.m.
 Juanita Adame
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
Students sat at Sal Gonzalez field on the evening of May 28 to participate in their live graduation cer- emony..
 The Reedley senior choir sang a variety of songs during the gradua- tion ceremony.
Dolores Huerta Foundation brings smiles to Parlier
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
It's been only a handful of times since COVID-19 that groups have gathered at Sal Gonzalez field for an event.
The evening of May 28 was one of those times and was special for many reasons.
The school's annual com- mencement ceremony was held [in limited capacity] and students as well as fam- ily members were finally able to experience a sense of normalcy when it came to a graduation ceremony.
 Greater Reedley Chamber's 'Junior Board' tour museum
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
Karey Olson spoke to junior board members on the afternoon of May 26 about the Korean Exhibit that has been on display at the Reedley Museum.
Photo of the week
     Photo Courtesy / Parlier Police Department
Volunteerswiththe DoloresHuertaFoundationprovidedfoodand Personal Protective Equipment to citizens of the City of Parlier on the afternoon of May 29. More than 100 vehicles lined up near the city hall building to participate.
Sanger Unified opens registration for students
 Mid Valley Times
The Sanger Unified School District has announced reg- istration dates for their stu- dents in grades K - 12 for the Fall 2021 school year.
Dates for registration will be from Monday, May 17 through Friday, May 28, and the school also stated that all returning students must reg- ister.
Instructional options will include in person learning
which will follow the tradi- tional calendar and schedule. Taft Academy will have independent study and virtu- al learning options. Hallmark Charter will will partner with parents to educate their stu- dents at home coordinated
with a Hallmark teacher. For more information on registration at one of the SUSD locations contact the school or visit sanger.k12.
A photo of a worker standing on a ladder to help restore parts of the bandshell at Pioneer Park in downtown Reedley, was sent in by CarmenGarcia.Haveaphotoyou'dlikefeatured? Emailjuanita@

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