Page 6 - Reedley Exponent 6-27-19 E-edition
P. 6
The Reedley Exponent A6 Thursday, June 27, 2019
Alida Verduzco Silva / Photo Contributed
Members from the Reedley PoliceDepartment , Reedley Fire Department and Sequioia Safety Council surprised Nathan Diaz with a pizza party, cake and company on May 30.
Jon Earnest / The Exponent
Russ Robertson, public works director, spoke about Reedley’s wa- ter situation and water rates during the final Town Hall of 2019 on June 24 at the Reedley Community Center Senior Room.
NATHAN Continued from page A1
than with a pizza party, cake and good company. The event came 12 days before Nathan’s actual birth- day on June 12.
“We just wanted to make his day special. Seeing him smile gives us hope that no matter what you’re going through in life, as long as you smile, it makes a big difference,” says Pamela Staggs, a records super- visor at the Reedley Police Depart- ment. She worked closely with Cyn- dee Trimble, a community service officer, to bring together police offi- cers, EMT personnel and firefight- ers to join in on Nathan’s big day.
That was only the beginning of the surprises for Nathan.
Atalla and the clinic’s practice administrator, Robert Vasquez, knew that Nathan had never been to Disneyland, so they worked with Adventist Health’s administrative director of rural health clinics, Jessica Rodriguez, who contacted other Adventist Health clinics in the Central Valley. In just a matter of days, regional directors, practice administrators and other associates collected funds to buy Disneyland tickets for Nathan and his family and provided additional funds to
We just wanted to make his day special. Seeing him smile gives us hope that no matter what you’re going through in life, as long as you smile, it makes a big di erence.
— Pamela Staggs, records supervisor at Reedley Police Department
help the family with travel and other expenses.
“It was a good opportunity for us to fulfill our mission of living God’s love in a tangible way,” Ro- driguez says.
Seeing so many people come together for her son, Marcela says, “I felt very emotional and happy for him.” The family traveled to Disneyland in early June before Nathan’s radiation treatment be- gan and had an amazing time.
Nathan’s treatment contin- ues, and his inner strength keeps him smiling. Marcela said she is keeping hope alive. She is caring for Nathan with the help of her family and the Reedley Children’s clinic team.
More information about Ad- ventist Health’s rural health clin- ics is available at AHMedicalOf-
Diaz family / Photo Contributed
The Diaz family is pictured earlier this month at Dis- neyland. Adventist Health clinics in the Central Valley teamed to raise money for the family to take the trip.
WATER Continued from page A1
“Whenever a drought hap- pens, we really tense up and get fearful because we don’t know when the drought will end.”
John Ornellas, the Wa- ter Systems Supervisor for the city of Reedley, also ad- dressed community mem- bers and went over several water conservation devices including rain gutters and rain sensors.
“This is our landscape irrigation demonstration,” he said. “Irrigation timers, hopefully everyone has seen these around and has one on their homes. It’s not a big ugly monster. It’s ac- tually really easy to control and operate.”
He gave tips on how to better set the timer and have it work to benefit the homeowner and their water
bill.“In my own home, I put a stool in front of the thing, andIopenituptakealook at it,” he said. “I have my conservation ordinates, be- cause that tells me when I
can water.”
Ornellas also covered
the topic of water conser- vation sprinklers.
“Another thing to con- sider is drought tolerant landscapes for your yards,” said Robertson. “This will really help reduce your wa- ter use. The city has tried to lead by example.”
Robertson reminded community members of the days and times when water- ing is allowed.
“As we go through the summer months through Oct. 30, even numbered addresses ending in 2,4,6,8 would water on Wednes- day, Friday, and Sunday,” he said. “Odd numbered addresses, if your number ends with an odd number 1,3,5,7,9, you would water on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.”
He said its important to follow these rules to ensure that during a drought, the city of Reedley has enough water for everyone.
“As we move forward we are trying to take steps to save water, and we, the city, have tried to lead by example.”