Page 7 - Reedley Exponent 6-27-19 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent PB anorama
The latest news and events in the senior community
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Section | Thursday, June 27, 2019
Stopping through Orange Cove
Reedley (Fresno County) CA 93654
The View From Here
I received a message from Renee Delport last week, she is the public in- formation of- ficer for the Kings Can- yon Unified School Dis-
trict. Renee
told me that
the "Cavaliers"
were going to
be rehearsing
in Orange Cove on Friday, June 21. Prior to Renee's message I'd never heard of the Cavaliers. I had no idea who they were or what they did.
As I arrived on campus that afternoon, the sun was scorching. I walked onto the Titans football field only to be met with a crew of about 300 people. All males and all practicing for their upcoming com- petitions. I knew of color guard, but I had never seen anything like the performances these guys were put- ting on.
I stopped to talk to Orange Cove High's principal, Angel Duranzo. Angel told me that he received a call from a Clovis High School band di- rector asking if the Cavaliers could use the Titans' facilities to practice.
Angel also added that they'd never seen anything like this in Or- ange Cove. "It's really neat," he said.
I spoke to the Cavalier's direc- tor, Michael Vaughn. He told me the are from Chicago, Ill., and were on their summer tour.
He said they enjoy traveling the county and competing. Their dedication to their art and their per- formances were really well done. I hope they do well on the rest of their tour.
Later that day I sat down with Adrian Agavo. Adrian is an engineer with the Reedley Fire Department. He told me he's been with the de- partment since 2007. Adrian also works as a fire captain with the Cali- fornia Department of Corrections. It was interesting to hear his story on how he became involved with the Reedley Fire Department and how his coworkers have inspired him to be better. Thank you Adrian for taking time to talk to me and again, thank you to all the local first re- sponders who continue to serve our community and keep us safe.
Photo Contributed
From right, Isabella Aleman and Mali- yah Rios dance to the song “Once Upon a Dream” from the Broadway performance of Jekyll & Hyde during the second annual dance recital at the On Pointe Dance Academy.
Juanita Adame
ABOVE: The Cavaliers, a nationally known drum and bugle corps group practiced on the Orange Cove High School campus on the afternoon of June 21.
ABOVE: With temperatures well above 100 degrees, members made sure to take plenty of water breaks.
National performance group takes to Titan field for rehearsals
By Juanita Adame
It was a first for Orange Cove. A nationally acclaimed performing arts group, known as the Cavaliers, com- prised of 300 plus members, practic- ing on the Titan’s football while sev- eral curious spectators watched.
“It’s kind of amazing that this type of production would come here to Or- ange Cove and use our facilities to prepare,” said Angel Duranzo, Orange Cove High School principal. “This is just such a huge operation that seeing it all in action is amazing.”
The group, known as the Cava- liers, is a drum and bugle corp from Chicago.
“We are currently on our summer
tour and that takes us from our home base in Chicago to all across the Unit- ed States,” said Michael Vaughn, di- rector. “So we’re in California for two weeks for a series of competitions,”
Duranzo said they were contacted by a band director in Clovis to see if the group could use the facilities to
The latest virtual swim compe- tition at the Reedley Community Center's Aquatics Complex took this year's participants from Pine Flat Dam to Reedley Beach.
Dale “Chip” Vig was the first of five to complete the 27 mile virtual swim. He was able to finish the vir- tual swim, not once but twice.
This is the latest virtual swim co-sponsored by Swim Reedley and the City of Reedley Community Services Department. Prior virtual swims have been from Long Beach to
Catalina Island and swimming across Lake Tahoe.
All of these virtual swims have taken place at the Reedley High School Aquatics Complex.
It often requires several months for most of the participants to finish. Swimmers keep track of their prog- ress by logging their swim distance on a posted swim log after each lap swim session.
“We were looking for a chal- lenge that would have a more local element," said David Carter of Swim Reedley.
Photo Contributed
ABOVE: From left, Nanette Hashimoto and Naomi Hashimoto posed with their certificates after participating in the virtual swim. ChipVig(picturedinred)wasthevirtualswim'sfinisher.
Palm Village honors its employees
"The drum and bugle corps group was founded in 1948."
Photo Contributed
ABOVE: Front row from left, Ernesto Guzman and Gabriel Arcala, Sr. have been with Palm Village for 10 years. Back row from left, Andrea Avalos, (10 years of service) Surinder Kaur, (25 years of service) Jackie Escobedo, (5 years), Dalia O’Bryan , (25 years ) Leticia Hernandez (35 years) Amanda Perez, (5 years)
Staff Report
The Palm Village Retirement Community took some time to rec- ognize several employees for their years of service. In all, 22 employ- ees were honored for their time, dedication and service to Palm Vil- lage.
Employees who have been with the retirement community the lon- gest were Leticia Hernandez (35 years) and David Reimer. (30 years.)
Maybelle Chumbley and Mar- tina Garcia both have served for 20 years, while Dalia O'Bryan,
Theadora Jung, Donna Huie, and SurinderKaurhavebeenwith the retirement community for 25 years.
Maria Levya was recognized for 15yearsofservice. BreandaSan- chez, Beatrice Encinia, Elizabeth Herrera, Ernesto Guzman, Gabriel Alcala, Sr. and Andrea Avalos all have worked at Palm VIllage for 10 years.
Jackie Escobedo,Karen Fonse- ca, Julieta Alfonso, Laura Albrecht, Amanda Piceno, Sara Lawler. and Amanda Perez have been employed with the retirement community 5 years.
"Palm Village has 89 employees that have worked here more than 5 years," said Jim Dueck, director of marketing at Palm Village.
"Eight of our employees have worked at Palm Village more than 30years. Wehaveagreatstaff."
Virtual swim takes participants from Pine Flat Dam to Reedley Beach