Page 8 - Mid Valley Times 11-4-21 E-edition
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Thursday, November 4, 2021 | A6 | Mid Valley TiMes Community CALENDAR
To submit an entry, send information to juanita@midvalleypublishing. com or call (559) 875-2511 or (559) 638-2244
Nov. 13 Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7168 Community Breakfast will be having their monthly breakfast on at the American Legion Hall located at 1502 “O” Street in Sanger, from 8 - 10 a.m. Donations ac- cepted. For information
Nov. 6 - Weimar In- stitue Chamber Singers and String Ensemble will be performing at the Dinuba SDA Church starting at 3 p.m., loca- tion is 325 Eaton Ave. in Dinuba. For information contact Pastor Pikop at (559) 393-8257.
Dinuba Senior Cen- ter - The Coffee & Con- versation group have
Reedley Senior Center
Nov. 4 - Senior Cin- ema and Ice Cream So- cial at 1 p.m. and movie "Think like a dog" will be shown.
Nov. 10 - Senior Veter- an’s Lunch and Celebra- tion starting at 11 a.m. The guest speaker will be Reedley City Council Member and Veteran, Matthew Tuttle. Beauti- ful Patriotic Music by Alexis Gomez. Please rsvp by Monday, Nov. 8 for no cost registration.
Nov. 16, Free Senior Thanksgiving Lunch Musical entertainment by John O! Please bring cash if you would like to participate in a 50/50 raf- fle-please rsvp by Friday,
Garden Checklist: Extreme pruning of trees can leave them damaged
contact Clint Vance at (559) 960-2337.
Nov. 19 - 20 Dickens of a Christmas Holiday Boutique - The Sanger Woman's Club will hold its second annual holiday boutique from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hudson Farms Fruit Stand, 4300
S. Academy, Sanger. For information contact Liz Hudson at (559) 779- 1569.
Nov. 30 - Military Banner Presentation Ceremony, starting at 6 p.m. at the Sanger Com- munity Center, please join the Sanger City
Council in recognizing our local Military per- sonnel. Ceremony will be followed by a brief reception. Please RSVP by Nov. 22, for informa- tion contact (559) 876- 6300 ext. 1500 or cta-
the corner of Tulare and "P" Streets in Dinuba from 3 - 5 p.m.
Tickets available for purchase from church members or pay at the- door $15 each or two for $ 25, door prize drawing.
For info contact (559) 591-0746.
p.m. For more informa- tion (559) 637-4203
Every Wednesday - Men’s Hobby Time 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Join us in the Senior Center for a game of poker and pool.
Pre-K & Preschool Combo Class Space still available! Classes meet Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 a.m. to noon. For info contact (559) 637-4203
The Kings River Con- servatives will be meet- ing on Wednesday, No- vember 17, 2021, at the School House Restau- rant,at6:30pm. Assem- blyman Jim Patterson will be our guest speaker.
Don’t miss this great event. It is your chance to get answers to any questions you may have. Text 559-859-1813 if you need more details. Hope to see you there.
been crafting fall deco- rated painted jars. We welcome anyone who is interested in doing this project, just bring your own jars. Paint is pro- vided along with various decoration accents.
We meet on Mondays in the Social Hall from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m., For in- formation contact (559) 591-2450.
The Dinuba Senior Citizen's Inc. Board meetings are conducted on the third Monday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the Social Hall. Con- tact Cece Bobst at (559) 591-2450 for an applica- tion.
Nov. 13 - Palm Chuch Annual Asian inspired cuisine take out event will be taking place on
Nov. 12 (limited seating)
Nov. 17 - Senior Cook- ing Activity will begin at 1 p.m. We will be prepar- ing a Cranberry Cream Cheese Log. Deadline to sign up for this event is Monday Nov. 15. Cost $5- Due at time of registra- tion. Limited Seating.
Nov. 19 - 2021 Se- nior Trip to the Duarte Poinsettia Farm and Ca- tered Lunch at Hilmar Cheese Company. Cost will be $60, stop by the Reedley Senior Center to sign waiver and regis- ter. Deadline to register is Friday, Nov. 5.
Nov. 23 - Senior Bun- co at 1 p.m.
Nov. 30 - Reedley Se- nior Center Bingo and Pizza Party. Bingo will begin at 10:30 a.m. Fol- lowing bingo is a pizza lunch. The cost for lunch is $3. Due at time of reg- istration. Please rsvp
before Monday Nov. 29 to reserve your spot for bingo and /or lunch.
Dec. 3 - Lunch around the World, starting at 11 a.m. Once a month Reedley Senior Center will host a catered lunch from various cultures.
This Luau lunch will also feature Hawaiian dancers!. Deadline to sign up for this delicious lunch and fun event is Friday Nov. 26. Cost $10. Due at time of registra- tion. Limited seating.
Reedley Senior Cen- ter is open Monday-Fri- day 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Enjoy the morning with friends. The pool table is avail- able for those who wish to play pool. Coffee and pastries will be served.
Gleaners (drive thru) Every Wednesday 8:30 - 9:30am. Available from 9 - 9:30am for those who do not have a vehicle.
Every Monday - Yoga Monthly Class 6 p.m - 7
Tasks for this time of year include staking newly planted trees in windy areas. Clean up debris to eliminate hid- ing places for pests.
Irrigate citrus trees at night if frost is ex- pected. Damage to cit- rus varies with vari- ety and fruit ripeness. Continue to irrigate if weather remains dry. When pruning, do not top or prune trees se- verely in an attempt to avoid raking leaves. Extreme pruning will disfigure trees and shorten their lives.
Discard diseased wood. Fertilizing: Add bulb fertilizer to the planting hole before planting bulbs.
Planting Fall plant- ing ends this month. The soil will cool rapid- ly which will slow root growth. If you wish to transplant trees in the
fall, it is best to wait un- til December or Janu- ary when deciduous and evergreen trees are dormant.
Perennials: dianthus, euphorbia, kalanchoe, red hot poker (Knipho- fia). Bulbs, corms, tu- bers: Snowdrop (Galan- thus), snowflake (Leu- cojum) tulip, Watsonia. Fruits and vegetables: bulb and green onions, strawberry
Annuals are love-in- a-mist (Nigella).prim- rose (Primula), pansy (Viola). Trees, shrubs, vines: sedge (Carex), rose of Sharon (Hibis- cus), bay laurel (Lau- rus).
Enjoy these now, an- nuals and perennials: Mexican blue sage (Sal- via leucantha), pincush- ion flower (Scabiosa). Fruits and vegetables: Asian pears, kale, pome- granate, persimmon, winter squash Trees, shrubs, vines: lantana,
viburnum. Fall color: Chinese Pistache (Pis- tacia chinensis), Heav- enly Bamboo (Nandina domestica.
Things to remember for this time of year, Calendula petals (fresh or dried) can be used as a substitute for saffron to color rice or flavor soups and stews.
Drought tip. Land- scape watering in many areas is now restricted to one day per week. Check your city’s poli- cy for winter irrigation schedule.
Source: Adapted from “A Gardener’s Companion for the Cen- tral San Joaquin Valley,” 3rd edition, currently available from Fresno County Master Garden- ers for $30.
Gardening Questions answered at mgfresno@ Prepared by Judy Parker, Master Gardener UCCE Fresno County.
Cutler - Orosi
Nov. 6 - Veteran's Day Parade a commu- nity event to honor Vet- erans who have served and continued to serve. Parade will begin at 9 a.m., line up starts at 8 a.m. Parade will begin at Orosi High School and
end at Ledbetter Park in Cutler. Admission is free recognition will be held for best entry. For infor- mation contact
Parade entries from all those interested are currently being accept- ed. We will need a copy
of liability insurance for the vehicle in the parade and a copy of the drivers license.
For information con- tact Mario Rodriguez at marrodriguez@cojusd. org or Becky Ramirez at (559) 260-4859.
Last week's answers
Have a story idea?
Call Juanita Adame
(559) 638 - 2244