Page 7 - Mid Valley Times 11-4-21 E-edition
P. 7

                  Thursday, November 4, 2021
     The View From Here
Halloween makes a comeback in local towns
   Down- town Reed- ley on the afternoon of Oct. 29 was filled with families and children en- joying Hal- loween.
event made a comeback this year. “Trick or Treat on G” has been a long stand- ing tradition in town. I re- member the first few years when I worked here, we had a steady flow of children come through our office for candy.
As soon as "Trick or Treat on G" was over, I made my way over to Dy- cora’s first annual “Trunk or Treat” event. I will admit, I was wondering what that turnout would be like.
As I drove East on Di- nuba Avenue I noticed sev- eral cars lining the road in front of Dycora. For those who are not familiar with the name Dycora, that’s because it was recently changed. Dycora use to be Golden Living Center. That is the name more common- ly known to people around this area.
Like I was saying though, I was driving toward Dy- cora when I noticed a large amount of cars out front. I also realized there was no- where to park. The event was filled with people. It made me happy to see how many families showed up to participate.
Dycora also had some of their residents participate, they were able to watch children smile and laugh as they picked up their bags of candy. On the afternoon of Nov. 2, I spoke to Parlier’s Police Chief, David Cerda.
He told me that Parli- er’s trunk or treat also was hugely successful. I be- lieved he used the world “miraculous.” Last year during Halloween, I re- member filling up a bowl of candy for potential trick or treaters, and for the first time since I could remem- ber, I had absolutely no trick or treaters.
No one showed up, no one came out and that night made me really sad. This year, however, the dynamic had completely changed. It seems that with each holiday that passes, we are returning slowly to a more normal life.
A few days later also in Reedley, an armed robbery took place at the Smoke Shop around the corner, po- lice are still looking for a suspect.
I guess "back to normal" doesn't necessarily mean good. So maybe more local events, and less armed rob- beries would be better.
 Juanita Adame
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
Hundreds of families showed up to the first annual "Trunk or Treat" event at Dycora in Reedley.
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
Most, if not all Halloween events were put on hold in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the statewide restrictions that followed.
However, since COVID-19 numbers dropped and restric- tions eased, residents in the cities of Reedley, Sanger, Or- ange Cove and Parlier made up for lost time by showing up in full force for some of the first local Halloween events this year.
“Remarkable turnout,” said David Cerda, Parlier's Police Chief.
Their “Trunk or Treat” event was held on Halloween night at Heritage Park and included a haunted house, candy, food vendors and even a hay maze.
"We had nearly 500 people show up, there was a steady line from Heritage Park to First and J Street, we weren't sure what to expect but we had many more people than
we anticipated."
The city of Reedley also
held a variety of events in the days leading up to Halloween. and those, said Erik Valencia, the Executive Director of the Greater Reedley of Com- merce- were just as success- ful.
On Oct. 29, “Trick or Treat on G” was held in downtown Reedley, just several hours later, Dycora held their first annual “trunk or treat” event.
"It was a great turnout," said Valencia. "After a year off we weren't sure what to expect, the businesses and community were so happy to see this tradition return."
Sanger's Trunk or Treat event, which was held on Oct. 28 also brought in a large number of people enjoying the event.
"The Trunk or Treat was fantastic!" said Karen Pear- son. "We handed out approxi- mately 1,200 trick or treat bags and had a great turnout with more than 40 sponsors this year."
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
Participants at Dycora's first annual "Trunk or Treat" event waited with candy for guests to arrive on the evening of Oct. 29.
  Cat House hosting annual fundraiser on Nov. 11
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
A young guest played a game of corn hole at one of the attractions during Dycora's Trunk or Treat event.
Photo of the week
A Cat House on the Kings resident made herself comfortable on the quilt that will be raffled on Nov. 11.
The Cat House on the Kings will be hosting a fund- raiser that they said will help save more lives as the flood of kittens needing help con- tinues.
"We are excited about this beautiful and colorful 86x72 inch throw/lap quilt that was generously created and do-
nated by longtime Cat House on the Kings supporter and Board Member, Francine Caraker."
The drawing for the quilt will take place at The Cat House on the Kings on Nov. 11.
For more information on the fundraiser or other events at the cat sanctuary visit cat-
This photo of Leo Alvarado, 7 dressed up as a police officer for Halloween along with his two "police dogs" Coco and Bear was sent in by Irma Jasso-Mendez. Have a photo you'd like featured? Email

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