Page 7 - Mid Valley Times 2-10-22 E-Edition
P. 7

                 Thursday, February 10, 2022
      The View From Here
  Report- ers who give the news on television usually have a hand held microphone. On that mi- crophone is the station’s identifier.
Those are called mic flags. They can be changed out or removed if needed. When I walked onto the Reedley High campus on the morning of Jan. 31, I was pleasantly surprised to see the school’s video production crew with their own camera and mic flag.
It is white, with the Pi- rate logo on it.
I was there along with Renee Delport to get an in- terview and photos of the school’s College and Ca- reer Expo.
What a great event. It gives student’s the oppor- tunity to walk around and ask questions to a variety of colleges and local busi- nesses, and even law en- forcement and fire.
We started by talking to Hugo Gonzalez and Maris- sa Ramirez. Both of these students work in the video production class, and the class had set up a weather wall and camera.
It was a really great set- up. They told me that their class enjoys making videos for the school. Those vid- eos are broadcast on You- Tube. The show is called the RHS Connection.
I took some time dur- ing an afternoon to watch a few of their videos and they’re very well made and produced.
After we talked to them, I noticed a bit of crime scene tape in my periph- eral view. Since I regularly cover hard news, or crime news, my brain has gotten use to picking up on the yellow and black “Do not Cross” tape.
So immediately I no- ticed it in the distance. We then made our way to the VROP trailers. I had the opportunity to tour the trailer for criminology students and the one for future firefighters.
The VROP's smoke simulator was there and I was able to tour that one as well.
Reedley Fire's Wesley Miller was the tour guide, and showed me how stu- dents are taught to fight fire through the heavy smoke which can disorient crews so they are taught early on to deal with the lack of visibility.
In all, a learning event that helps students decide what career path they want to follow in the future.
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
The College and Career Expo is designed to help expose students to a variety of careers, colleges, and elective options.
 Juanita Adame
Career and College Expo at Reedley High
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
The 2022 College and Ca- reer Expo was held on the Reedley High Campus on Jan. 31. The day long event was broken down into one hour time slots for each class grade.
“This is for students to help them learn more about what classes we offer when we do course selection next month they have an idea of what classes they want to take,” said Rachel Tomassian, the Career and Technical Edu- cation Counselor.
“And then also to give them the opportunity to ex- plore college and post high school plans where they might want to get a job, things like that.”
A variety of vendors were in attendance to help accom- modate each students future interests.
“We have high school classes, colleges, we have
military here, and a variety of other post highschool careers for them to explore.”
Representatives from the Reedley College VROP pro- gram were also on campus.
"This is an actual fire hose, that we have set up in our smoke simulator that our students can learn from," said Wesley Miller.
Miller, who is a firefight- er engineer with the Reed- ley Fire Department said the smoke simulation exercise helps students to understand the challenges that come with smoke filled homes and teach- es them how to battle a fire.
"Instead of water, the hose uses a laser, and there is an LCD screen that displays a fire, students are taught through this how to combat the fire."
The event was also target- ed at incoming high school students.
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
From left, Giovanni Gutierrez, Hugo Gonzlez and Marissa Ramirez stopped to pose for a photo on the morning of Jan. 31 during the Career and College Expo.
FFA students among those recognized at SUSD Board Meeting
More Photos on page A8
  Dinuba Chamber awards dinner set for Feb. 18
 Mid Valley Times
The Dinuba Chamber of Commerce is now accepting nominations for their annu- al chamber awards dinner on Friday, Feb. 18.
The chamber is asking anyone who would like to nominate an honoree to visit their website SurveyMon- Ticket price infor- mation will be posted on the chamber website soon.
  Photo of the Week
 Photo Courtesy SUSD Facebook Page
The Sanger Unified School Board recognized Sanger's FFA class (pictured) the CLS Finalists and the CIF Champs for Boys and Girls cross country during their Jan. 25 board meeting.
Sierra Kings Health Care grant deadline approaching
This photo of Adeline Gorman, in North Carolina enjoying a Cali- fornia orange sent to her by her great grandfather Jerry Halford was sent in by Jerry Halford. Have a photo you'd like featured? Email
Staff Report
The deadline to turn in applications for a general and / or mini grant with the Sierra Kings Health Care is approaching.
The applications for the General Grant RFP (No. 2022-07) and the Mini Grant RFP (No. 2022-08) applica- tions must be received by Wednesday, Feb. 16.
The goal of the grants is to raise awareness for
diabetes, obesity and beha- viroal health through train- ing, classes and community events.
They include funding for programs to combat those issues.
Announcement of grant awards will be held on Tues- day, March 22. The grants will begin on Friday, July 1.
For more information, call the district at (559) 479- 1408 or email to cblasck@

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