Page 13 - Reedley Exponent 10-25-18 E-edition
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Let your child grow with us! Catholic Based Educa- tion: The most important gift you will ever give your child!
We believe a Catholic school education is the most important gift that parents will ever give their child. We offer an opportunity for students to explore the many life paths that enable them to use their talents by serv- ing the church and our com- munity in various capacities and make the world a better place. Catholic schools make a difference in every child’s life! Visit us at www.stla-
Sports News
The soccer season has begun. The 2018 St. La Salle School Soccer Schedule:
Monday, October 29 St. La Salle School @ Clay. Thurs- day, November 1 Kings Riv- er @ St. La Salle School. Tues- day, November 13- Conejo @ St. La Salle School. Wednes- day, November 14, St. La Salle School @ Traver. Thursday, November 15- St. La Salle @ Monson Sultana. Tuesday, November 27, St. La Salle School @ Parlier Jr. High. Thursday, November 29 -Immanuel @ St. La Salle School. Wednesday, Decem- ber 5th- League Tournament @ Immanuel.
Congratulations -Con- gratulations to the students who received an award from the Reedley Fiesta Children’s Art Show!
1st Place Kaylee Vallena- ri-6th Grade. 2nd Place Mia Bella Leal-7th Grade. 3rd Grade Katelynn Molina-6th Grade.
Cookie Dough & Popcorn Fundraiser - Our Cookie Dough & Popcorn Fundraiser has begun. Students are sell- ing cookie dough and pop-
corn to show support for our school, what a tasty way to help our school raise mone. Our school uses all funds raised to directly benefit St. La Salle Students in the classrooms and throughout the school. So if you see a St. La Salle Student please take the opportunity to purchase some cookie dough or pop- corn and support them this year! May God Bless You! Sales started on October 22.
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon week was a fun filled week with activi- ties such as dressing up as Superheroes, dressing in their favorite sports attire, wearing pj’s etc. St. La Salle School got a visit from Reed- ley Police Department on Thursday, October 25, the officer spoke to the students about staying drug free and not bullying. We would like to say thank you for everything you do for our city to keep it safe! We hope the students understand the importance of staying drug free and not bullying.
All Saints Day
November 1- All Saints Day Mass will be held at 10:00am. Students come dressed in a saint’s attire to school. There will be a pro- cession starting at 9:30am to the new St. Anthony’s church for mass. Everyone is wel- come to join us!
All Souls Day
There will be a School Mass at 10 a.m. for all souls in Purgatory on November 2. During the month of Novem- ber, we shall remember our faithful departed. Students will bring in the names of their beloved departed.
Veterans Day
We will be having an As- sembly to honor our Veterans on November 9th at 1 p.m.
All veterans are invited to attend. Please call the school office to RSVP (559) 638-2621.
Safe Environment Train- ing -The Diocese requires all volunteers to be “Safe Envi- ronment Cleared”. No one will be allowed to participate in school sports, field trips, class parties, etc., until they have been cleared through the Diocese. The following requirements must be met before volunteering:
*Fingerprinted: You must be fingerprinted through the Diocese of Fresno.
Please pick up the form in the front office. This is done only one time.
*SE Training: You must complete the online course Protecting Children in the 21st Century. The website is https://safeandsacred-fres- Print the certificate and bring it to the school office with $10.00. You do not have to complete this course every year. *Code of Conduct: Sign and return the Code of Conduct to the school office. This must be done every school year. Copies are available in the school office.
Dates to Remember:
November 1st- All Saints Day Mass 10:00am (Dress as a Saint for Mass)
November 12 - No School Veterans Day - February 2nd-Annual Benefit Auction
Eagle News
October 25 - 31
FFA Ranked #6 in
State: The Immanuel High Schools FFA Chapter has been named as the number 6 top chapter in the state of California, based on the 2018 performance. Imman- uel is the smallest chapter in the region (37 members) to receive such a high rank- ing, and is also the highest ranked single teacher de- partment in the state for the second year in a row. We are also one of the young- est chapters, going into our 5th year, while many other schools have been estab- lished for decades.
Athletics News - For the first time in Immanuel his- tory, our Girls Varsity Golf took first place
in the CSL Championship, with 2 of our golfers scoring the highest points. Way to go Lady Eagles! Girls Varsity Tennis has moved onto the CIF Playoffs, and Individual Area Finals. While our Girls Varsity Volleyball team has also advanced to the CIF Play- offs first round.
“Peter Pan” for Fall Mu- sical- Immanuel Performing Arts has been working hard on the Fall Musical, “Peter Pan”. Tickets available for purchase from the office, or at the door, based on
availability. Dates for the show are as follows:
November 10 – 3p.m. & 7pm. November 11 – 3pm & 7pm. November 15 – 7pm. No- vember 17 – 2pm. November 18–3pm
Enroll Your Student To- day- Enrollment for the
2018/2019 school year at Im- manuel Schools is still open! If you are interested in en- rolling your children for the upcoming year, you may pick up an enrollment packet from the District Office located at 1128 S. Reed Ave., Reedley, CA 93654. For more informa- tion about Immanuel Schools, call today at (559) 638-2529. Visit our website at for up-to- date information on events. Immanuel Schools – The Dif- ference is Life Changing.
Eventide Dinner and Auc- tion- Only a few weeks left to purchase your tickets for the Auction, November 17 at 5pm. We are also still accept- ing donations, contact Rhon- da at rduerksen@immanuel-
St. La Salle CRUSADERS News
'Donuts with Dad' at Reed
Continued from page B1
and parents eagerly lined up in front of a large telescope.
"Okay, who is next?" called out Derek Bergthold, to the crowd near his telescope.
"Right now we are looking at Saturn, we were just look- ing at Jupiter."
Bergthold is a teacher at T.L.. Reed and said he wanted to give students a chance to look at the night sky as well
as the planets and stars. Bergthold's special tele- scope is one that uses mir- rors instead of lights which, he said makes objects clear
and visible.
"Mirrored telescopes can
pull down the most light so we can see objects better in this type of telescope," he said.
He added that spectators also had a chance to see Jupi- ter's primary moon, Titan as well as several craters on the Earth'smoon. "Sowearealso looking at all the moons and
the planets tonight," he said. "Earlier we were look- ing at the moon and we're at about the first quarter tonight, which is a beautiful
time to look at the moon. This side of the mooshows the biggest shadows so you can see a lot of dimension in the moon, so the craters are really beautiful tonight, the craters are so clear, you're almost crawling inside of the
ABOVE: Parents and students enjoyed time together at "Donuts with Dad" event.
Photo Contributed
2 eggs, potatoes or
BBQ Spareribs & 1/4 Roast Chicken
Served from 3 p.m. - 9 p.m.
14 Oz. Bone-In New York Steak
Served with
BBQ beans or fries. soup or salad
& dessert
95 12
Served with baked potatoe, hot veggies, cheese toast & dessert
95 14
Where Good Country Cooking Happens Every Day!
The Reedley Exponent B5 Thursday, October 25, 2018
Youth & Education
Reedley Buddhist Church
67th Annual
Sunday, November 4, 2018 at the
Corner of 15th & J Streets ~ Reedley, CA 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Dinner = $15: Chow Mein, Chicken Teriyaki, Beef Teriyaki, Namasu (salad), Rice, & Fortune Cookie
Other items available: desserts, sushi, beef sticks
Something for Everyone...
Monday thru Friday
$750 biscuits & gravy
Ham & Eggs
1620 E. Manning • Reedley
OPEN: 5:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. • 7 Days A Week
ABOVE: Local faculty and staff posed for a photo at the KCUSD Fair on Oct. 19.
Photo Contributed
See FAIR page B8