Page 2 - Reedley Exponent 9-27-18 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent A2 Thursday, September 27, 2018
FPU peacemakers win ‘Champion of Justice’ award
Former RPBI director Swenning heads up Center for Peacemaking
Swenning spent seven years as the director for the Reedley Peace Building Initiative Justice program before moving to the Fresno Pacific University post last January.
According to the nomination, “Restorative justice is not program, rather it represents a philosophical shift- a new way of thinking and act- ing that provides alternatives to pu- nitive justice and discipline.”
The nomination stated that Fresno has long been a leader in restorative justice across the na- tion and the world and has served this type of justice as an alternative to a harsh and ineffective form of punishment. Rather, it said, Fresno has focused on offender rehabilita-
tion and healing.
The center’s juvenile restorative
justice program, Community Justice Conferencing (CJC) brings together offenders, their family and victims in a voluntary, supervised process. This is to repair harm through agree- ments that restore equity between victims and offenders. Offenders are held accountable for their ac- tions while being helped to learn from their mistakes, make restitu- tion to victims and avoid reoffend- ing. “This is far from a permissive approach. Instead it is an empow- ering approach,” according to the nomination.
Reasons for the nomination were based on several key factirs:
In August 1995, the United Na- tions Non-Governmental Organiza- tion Working Party on Restorative Justice adopted a set of principles. Those principles were written by then-center co-director Ron Claas- sen. They served as the foundation for its work in preparing for an in- troduction of restorative justice at the International Crime Congress in 2000.
Also in 2000, the center and more than 20 leaders of Fresno County’s governmental agencies and organizations developed “Re- storative Justice: A Framework for Fresno” which laid the groundwork
See PEACE on page A3
The Fresno Pacific University Center for Peacemaking has been selected for a “Champion of Justice” award by the Central California Le- gal Services or CCLS.
The center will be honored with the “Ronald M. George Equal Jus- tice Award.” It is given for work in restorative justice and will be pre- sented to the center at a ceremony on Thursday, Oct. 4, in Fresno.
The award was named after former California Chief Justice Ronald M. George and according to the CCLS website, it is the highest award given by the center to honor individuals, organizations or proj- ects that exemplify Justice George’s commitment to a fair and accessible system of justice.
The nomination was given by The Children’s Movement of Fresno. John Swenning, program direc- tor for the center has some local ties.
Cox, Janz will appear at Peace Center in October
Immanuel hosts Rally Day
Democratic Party candi- dates for the 21st and 22nd Congressional districts will speak and answer questions at two Reedley Peace Cen- ter events in October. The public is invited to the free events.
T.J. Cox, who is chal- lenging Republican incum- bent David Valadao in the 21st District race, will ap- pear at 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 5. Andrew Janz, challenger to Devon Nunes in the 22nd District, will appear at 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 26. The meetings will be in the Fel- lowship Hall of the First Mennonite Church, located on L Street between 12th and 13th streets in Reedley.
Reedley Peace Center officials said that Valadao
and Nunes were invited to make presentations, but had not responded to the cen- ter’s invitations as of Sept. 24. Cox and Janz accepted their invitations, and at their appearances will speak and answer questions from audi- ence members.
Cox is an engineers and small businessman who fo- cuses on community devel- opment. Janz is a deputy district attorney in Fresno County, most recently work- ing in the violent crimes di- vision.
The 22nd District con- tains all of Reedley, Orange Cove, Dinuba and most of Sanger and Kingsburg along with portions of Fresno and Clovis. The 21st District in- cludes Parlier, rural areas west of Reedley, Del Rey, Sel- ma and portions of Fresno.
Orange Cove event set for Sept. 29 in Eaton Park
Staff Report
The Orange Cove Area Chamber of Commerce is hosting a community event in Eaton Park from 4 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 29. It’s one of a series of “In the Cove” community events presented by the chamber.
In addition to a variety of food and craft booth ven- dors, there will be a bounce
Leslie Salwasser
Leslie Salwasser of Reedley died Sept. 24 at his residence. He was 89.
Mr. Salwasser was an industrialist with the Sal- wasser Manufacturing Co. in Reedley.
house on site and other ac- tivities. Also, there will be Latin guitar music and sing- ing from Fresno-based trou- badour-songwriter Francisco Ramirez.
Activities are free and open to the public at Eaton Park in downtown Orange Cove. Vendors wishing to set up a booth for the day can contact Jess Chambers at 626-5179.
He is survived by his wife, one daughter, one brother and one grand- child.
A graveside service will be at 10 a.m. Monday, Oct. 1, at the Reedley Cem- etery.
TOP: Immanuel High School senior Noelle Robbins, foreground, performed a solo with the high school choir during its perfor- mance in the chapel at the school’s Rally Day on Sept. 22.
ABOVE: Yvonne Martens, first grade teacher at Immanuel Elementary School, prepared to hold her breath while sitting in the dunk tank.
LEFT: Immanuel High School students and faculty participated in an acoustic worship service and snacked on s’mores while gathered around a bonfire in the lawn area of campus.
John Schlesselman / Photos Contributed
Students, families and faculty attend Sept. 22 event
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bounce houses and a cake walk. The high school event featured worship music with acoustical guitars and instru- ments. A bonfire was set up on the lawn area of campus with students and guests snacking on s’mores.
Upcoming events at Im- manuel include:
• The homecoming foot- ball game against Liberty High School from Madera Ranchos on Friday, Oct. 5, at the Immanuel Sports Com- plex at 42675 Road 44, south of Reedley. Varsity kickoff is scheduled for 7 p.m.
• The 11th annual “Even- tide by The River” event in the school gym on Satur- day, Nov. 17. The school’s main fundraiser for the year directly benefits the educational experience for all students, kindergarten through 12th grade. Events begin with a silent auction at 5 p.m., followed by dinner at 7 p.m. and a live auction at 8 o’clock.
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The Reedley Exponent (USPS 458-860) is published weekly on Thursdays for $20 a year, $24.50 other areas and $26.50 out-of-state by Mid-Valley Publishing Inc., 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654. Periodicals postage paid at Sanger, CA 93657. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Reedley Exponent, 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654
The Reedley Exponent is one of Fresno County’s oldest newspapers. It was established in March, 1891, in the Knauer residence on the corner of what now is F and 11th streets. In about 1893, it moved to the building where it is still located. The newspaper’s office is at 1130 G St, Reedley, CA 93654, Phone (559) 638-2244.
Staff Report
Hundreds of students, family members and Imman- uel Schools faculty gathered on Sept. 22 for the annual Rally Day festivities at the campus in southwest Reedley.
More than 850 meals were served at the event according
to Julie Torres, director of communications at Immanuel Schools.
Activities included a Fall Family Fun Night on the el- ementary school campus and lawn games and worship on the high school campus. The Immanuel High and Imman- uel Elementary choirs per-
formed for guests.
Events began in the
school chapel with the Rally Day program. In addition to the choirs singing, Dar- ren Duerksen and Josiah J. Grauman were inducted as Class of 2018 members in the Immanuel Schools Hall of Fame.
Duerksen, who graduated from IHS in 1986, currently teaches Intercultural Stud- ies at Fresno Pacific Univer- sity and has been on staff for seven years. He also is the program director of Intercul- tural and Religious Studies at the university.
Grauman, pastor of Spanish ministry at Grace of the Valley Church in Kings- burg, is an Immanuel Class of 1998 alumnus. He is in his fourth year as dean of Span- ish Education at Master’s Seminary.
The Fall Family Fun Night attractions included a dunk tank where teachers were soaked, paintball games,
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