Page 14 - Reedley Expodent 12-21-17 e-edition
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St. La Salle CRUSADERS News
Catholic Education
You can still enroll your children at St. La Salle, and we have preschool spots avail- able. We encourage you to let your child grow with us.
We believe a Catholic ed- ucation is the most important gift you can give your child. St. La Salle fosters knowl- edge, faith and service. We prepare students to use their God-given talents to the full- est later in life by offering the opportunity to explore many life paths. They will serve the church and our community to make the world a better place.
Call us at (559) 638-2621 for more information and to schedule a school tour. And, feel free to pick up a packet at our school office at 404 E. Manning Ave.
Support St. La Salle through using Scrip. When you make a purchase at Save Mart and are at the checkout stand, please enter (559) 638- 1916 on the keypad. This auto- matically will give the credit to St. La Salle. Thank you!
Christmas Program
“Thank you” to every- one who came to the annual Christmas Programs. Each year, the students work hard to put on a great performance. The transition kindergarten- to-eighth grade program was
Continued from page B1
Retirement Community on Dec. 13 for the annual Holiday Luncheon.
• RMCHS juniors and se- niors will volunteer on Dec. 15 for the Central Valley Promise event at Reedley College.
• Reedley College was a broadcast site for a free sev- en-part webinar series called “Black Minds Matter: A Fo- cus on Black Boys and Men in Education” taught by Pro- fessor J. Luke Wood from San Diego State University. The courses balanced a discussion on issues facing black male students, as well as offering research-based strategies for improving their success.
During each hour-long webinars, Wood delivered an opening commentary. There also were guest lectures, speeches, and interviews with key leaders in the field. The online course has attracted more than 10,000 educators, and there have been more than 130 broadcast sites na- tionwide. The webinars began at the end of October and were to finish in mid-December.
• This year, the Reedley College Adopt-A-Family pro- gram sponsored student fami- lies in need.
This is an annual program presented by the college’s Stu- dent Activities office. In past years, the program sponsored local families, but this year it will focus on students and their families in need.
• The Reedley College Safe Space Club has been very active with members winning the homecoming king and queen titles, participating in the Reedley Fiesta Parade, serving dinner at the Clovis Veterans Center, and hosting a community event with a Drag Queen performance and discussion. Club adviser Deb Borofka recently attended the CCC LGBTQ+ Summit held at
held on Dec. 10, and the pre- school program was on Dec.
And, “thank you” to Mr.
Moreno, Mrs. Hentzler, Mrs. Santoyo and all the preschool teachers for being patient with the children and putting on a great performance!
Choir at Christmas Mass
Our choir students will sing on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, at 5 p.m. at Mass at the new St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church. We ask stu- dents to please wear their Sunday best. Everyone is wel- come to join us, and we hope to see you there!
2018 Benefit Auction
St. La Salle School will host the 27th Annual Benefit Auction on Saturday, Feb. 3, 2018 at the Reedley Commu- nity Center. It will be another memorable event filled with fun and fellowship – all for a great cause.
Our school was estab- lished in 1953 and was found- ed by the Christian Brothers. More than 2,000 students have graduated from our school. Today, St. La Salle educates more than 300 students from preschool to eighth grade. They come from Reedley as well as nearby cities and the mountain communities.
It’s costly to operate a quality school like ours, and many families couldn’t afford such an education without the
the University of California, Riverside. She now has infor- mation on LGBTQ+ scholar- ships and has new connections to other local CCC LGBTQ+ clubs. The Safe Space Club will hosted a Movie Night the week prior to finals.
• Reedley College offi- cials presented a workshop at the Community College League of California annual convention on Nov. 16.
Those who presented the information were Reedley College President Sandra Caldwell; Sergio Lemus, who’s coordinator of Career, Trans- fer, and Transitions; and Adel- fa Lorenzano, coordinator of Reedley Middle College High School. The workshop was titled “From Dual Enrollment and the California Promise to Guided Pathways.”
Caldwell also presented on the topic of “Implementing the Central Valley Promise, a Multi-District, Inter-segmen- tal Project,” with Chancellor Paul Parnell of the State Cen- ter Community College Dis- trict; Barbara Hioco of the Central Valley Higher Educa- tion Consortium; and Stuart Van Horn, chancellor of the West Hills Community College District.
• Reedley College held their Biannual Intramural Negotiations Tournament on Nov. 3, with 60 students par- ticipating. Israel Garcia was the overall winner of a $10 Starbucks card.
The tournaments at RC and the Madera Community College Center were present- ed by the Communications Departments.
• Reedley College – one of 20 campuses that are Dem- onstration Guided Pathways Colleges – attended the Cali- fornia Guided Pathways Proj- ect (CAGP) Institute No. 2 in Bakersfield, Nov. 30-Dec. 2.
Stephanie Curry, Reedley College’s Academic Senate president, was asked to speak on “Aligning Instruction and Student Services Around Pathways.” She talked about the collaborative work done
help of our annual fundrais- ers. These events generate 40 percent of the school’s annual budget.
As we prepare for another great auction, we need your help to make it a success. We hope you will consider donat- ing an item or service for the silent or live auctions. You also can be a sponsor and be recognized for your generous support in our Auction Pro- gram booklet, which is given to all attendees. All donations, large or small, can make a dif- ference. (Donations are tax deductible to the extent al- lowed by the law.)
As a committee, we are asking you help make this event a success by purchasing a raffle ticket. They are $100 each. The grand prize winner will receive $5,000. The other prizes are second, $500; third, $400; and fourth, $300.
Please give with your hearts and make a difference that will last a lifetime.
Dates to Remember
• Dec. 18-Jan. 3, 2018 – Christmas vacation
• Dec. 24 – Choir sing at Christmas Mass, at 5 p.m. on Dec. 24 at the new St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church (stu- dents, please wear your Sun- day best)
• Jan. 3, 2018 – School re- sumes
• Jan. 28–Feb. 2, 2018 – Catholic Schools Week
at Reedley College on the In- tegrated Plan for SSSP, BSI and Equity (Reedley College Mega Plan) to lay the foun- dation for Guided Pathways implementation.
• Reedley College officials learned in November that they have been accepted to present at the League of Inno- vation Conference in March 2018 in National Harbor, Maryland. The RC officials who will present are Michelle Stricker, Reedley College’s Matriculation coordinator; Stephanie Curry, Academic Senate president; and Renee Craig-Marius, vice president of Student Services. The pre- sentation will be called “Mega Planning Across Silos for Suc- cessful Pathways.”
• The Reedley College Choir joined the RC ASL Club and the Reedley High School Choir in a holiday concert on Dec. 3 at the First Christian Church in Selma. A preview of the concert was presented at Reedley College on Dec. 1 in the RC Student Center.
• The Reedley College Constitution Week Confer- ence celebrated the 226th an- niversary of the Bill of Rights on Dec. 7 in the Student Cen- ter.
This year’s keynote ad- dress will be delivered by Assembly Member Jim Pat- terson, who represents the 23rd District.
• Reedley College hosted a “Gatsby Gala” on Dec. 9 in the RC Cafeteria and Stu-
See RC REPORT page B9
Merry Christmas from Immanuel Schools!
December Holidays
Immanuel Schools will be closed Dec. 25 to Jan. 5, 2018 for the Christmas break. Classes will resume and of- fices will reopen on Monday, Jan. 8, 2018.
Junior High/High
School Updates
On Thursday, Dec. 21,
through Saturday, Dec. 23, the JV boys basketball team will compete in the Edison High Frosh & JV Tourna- ment at Edison High School. The JV girls basketball team will continue to compete in the Dinuba JV Tournament at Dinuba High School.
On Friday, Dec. 22, the boys varsity soccer team will play against Yosemite High School at Yosemite. The game begins at 5 p.m. For a
complete list of high school sports, go online to sched- and search for Immanuel High School, or visit our website at immanu- and click on “athletics.”
• FFA will compete in the St. Helena Vine Pruning com- petition on January 5 and 6, 2018.
• The finals schedule for Dec. 21 is 9-10:20 a.m. fourth period final, 10:20 a.m.break, and then 10:40 a.m. to noon fifth period final. The sched- ule on Dec. 22 is 9-10:20 a.m. sixth period final, 10:20 a.m. break, and then10:40 to noon seventh period final. All bell schedules are listed online at schedules/
Elementary Updates
Our annual Christmas program was held on Dec.19 in the Immanuel Chapel. It was a great blessing to all
as the elementary students praised Jesus!
This week we finished testing in our classes and now are gearing up for the Spring semester.
Remember the next PTF (Parent/Teacher Fellowship) meeting will be held on the first Tuesday we are back to school, Jan. 9. It will start at 6 p.m.
Have a Merry Christmas and blessed holiday! Go Ea- gles!
Enroll Your Student
You still can enroll your students for 2017-18 at Im- manuel Schools. You can pick up an enrollment pack- et from the district office at 1128 S. Reed Ave. in Reedley. For more information, call us at (559) 638-2529, or visit our website at immanuelschools. com for up-to-date informa- tion on Immanuel Schools, where the difference is life changing.
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By Christina Ontiveros
Reedley Senior Citizen Coordinator
Our Appreciation
Thank you, Sierra View Homes, for making our Vol- unteer Appreciation Lun- cheon a big hit. Our seniors can’t stop talking about the delicious lunch that you pro- vided. With your help, our volunteers felt special and appreciated.
We invite you to learn what’s new regarding the California Telephone Access Program (CTAP).
CTAP will be at the Reedley Senior Center on Wednesday, Jan. 3, at 11 a.m. If you have a hearing, vision, mobility, speech or memory impairment, you may be eli- gible for a free phone that is designed to assist you with your disability. The senior center is at 100 N. East Ave. You can reach the center at (559) 637-4207.
Ice Cream Social
/Social de Halados
Join us for delicious ice
cream on Wednesday, Dec. 27, following lunch. All you
need to bring is yourself and a friend. “Thank you” to the Golden LivingCenter for providing the ice cream and toppings.
Ven u únite a nosotros para un Social de Helados. Todo lo que necesita es traer a ti mismo y un amigo. Pro- porcionaremos helado sin azúcar gratis, coberturas y golosinas. Este evento se lle- vará a cabo despus de lonche el Miércoles 27 de Diciembre en la Sala Principal Phil Hud- son. Venga a refrescarse y disfrutar de la visita con los amigos. Gracias al Oro Cen- tro de Vida por patrocinar nuestros sociales de helados.
Senior Center Lunches
Meals taste so much bet- ter when you can enjoy them in the company of others! Join us in the Phil Hudson Senior Room weekdays at 11 a.m. (except holidays) for a nutritious lunch and good time. This program is par- tially funded by the Fresno- Madera Area Agency on Ag- ing.
If you are 60 or older, a suggested donation of $1.50 is appreciated but not re- quired. Reservations must
be made by 11 a.m. the week- day before you plan to attend. Call (559) 637-4207 to make your reservation.
Christina Ontiveros
“Prime Time”
Senior Center NEWS
La Ciu-
dad de Reedley les invita a visitar y participar en los programas de personas may- ores. En el edificio del cen- tro de la comunidad hay un cuarto especial para ustedes. Si tienen preguntas y necesi- tan informacion y asistencia les podremos ayudar de 9:30- 11:30 a.m. los dias de Lunes a Viernes.
Please note: if you know a Spanish-speaking person, please pass along this infor- mation and encourage him or her to join us for lunch daily at 11 a.m. We are a Spanish- speaking friendly center. They always can call the center at (559) 637-4207 and ask for Christina. Thank you!
Exercise Class
Enjoy the benefits of a
See SENIORS page B9
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Call Crystal
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1155 E. Springfield Ave. • Reedley

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