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The Reedley Exponent A2 Thursday, January 3, 2019
Public encouraged to donate to Reedley Parkway Committee
The Reedley Parkway Commit- tee reminds the public that dona- tions continue to be accepted to the Reedley Parkway Fund to dedicate benches, tiles, and trees at various locations along the trail.
Donations for trees are $25 per tree; 6 inch by 6 inch ceramic tiles are $100 each; and benches with plaques are available for $2,000. All
three amenities make ideal ways to recognize your family, a memorial/ tribute, or birthday/anniversary gift for a loved one.
All donations go the projects and improvements directed by the Reedley Parkway Committee, a group of local volunteers focused on maintaining and beautifying Reedley’s parkway corridor. Cur- rently, funds are being raised to construct the initial phase of a par
course (exercise equipment) on the Parkway. If you haven’t seen the murals just north of Dinuba Av- enue, check them out also.
Contact Dale Melville at 355- 5880 or email to dalemelville50@ for additional informa- tion. The Reedley Parkway Fund operates as a non-profit 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible.
For the past several years, the Reedley Parkway has been main-
tained by dedicated volunteers working cooperatively with the city. Most weekends one or more volunteer groups can be seen prun- ing, weeding, and raking areas of the Parkway.
Current volunteers (from the river to Buttonwillow Avenue) are the Hannon Family, Reedley High School Leo Club, First Mennonite Church, Kings Canyon Unified School District, Reedley Pirate
Youth Wrestling, Paseo 55, Wash- ington Afterschool Program, Reed- ley Social Services, Lee’s Service, Central Valley Teen Challenge, Thiele Technologies, Noe Agabo Martinez & Antonia Agabo, and Reedley Dynasty Skills Center.
Please be sure to say thank you to these parkway volunteers that — along with the city — keep the Reedley Parkway safe, healthy, and an enjoyable place to visit.
Forest ranger district recognized at regional awards
Coming in 2019
The Western Divide Ranger District of the Se- quoia National Forest was awarded “District of the Year” at the 9th Annual Pa- cific Southwest Regional Forester’s Honor Awards Ceremony last month in Sacramento.
District employees were recognized at the Dec. 12 dinner and ceremony for their hard work and dedica- tion when managing heavy tree mortality, restoring forest lands, working with partners, and providing exceptional service to the public.
Since 2016, the West- ern Divide Ranger District has aggressively dealt with the tree mortality epidemic while maintaining a care- ful consideration for all resources. Many fire killed trees along roads were re- moved through commercial timber sales from areas burned in the 2016 Cedar Fire and 2017 Pier Fire.
Proceeds are being used to restore the land; plant trees, clean up debris from creek bottoms, and rebuild infrastructure that was lost along roadways. In 2018,
over 4,200 acres was treated to reduce the risk of high- intensity wildfires.
Forest Service person- nel from across the Se- quoia National Forest have teamed up with partners such as California Conser- vation Corps and the Tulare County Fire Department in their efforts to manage the overwhelming level of tree mortality in and adjacent to local communities and recreation areas. District personnel were recognized for excellence in communi- cation, both internally and externally. District employ- ees have proven they value each other, their partners, and the public they serve.
“Too often people over- look the broad, positive im- pact that public servants have on their daily lives,” said Randy Moore. region- al forester for the PAcific Southwest Region. “That’s why these honor awards are so important: through them we salute [their] amazing accomplishments.
“This year’s recipients are excellent examples of how dedicated Forest Ser- vice employees, and part- ners are making a differ- ence.”
Aurora Figueroa
Aurora Anita Figueroa of Dinuba died Dec. 23 in Reedley. She was 71.
Mrs. Figueroa was a homemaker.
She is survived by her husband, one son, three daughters, one brother and 10 grandchildren.
No services were an- nounced.
Elisa Gil
Elisa Gil of Dinuba died Dec. 24 in Reedley. She was 41.
Ms. Gatz worked as a field laborer.
She is survived by one son, one daughter, her mother and two brothers.
Visitation will be from 4to8p.m.withrosaryat6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 10, at
Dopkins Funeral Chapel in Dinuba. Mass will be at 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 11,. at St. Catherine’s Catholic Church in Dinuba. Burial will be at Smith Mountain
Cemetery in Dinuba.
Henry Halemeier
Henry James Halemei- er of Reedley died Dec. 29 in Reedley. He was 94.
Mr. Halemeier was a farmer.
He is survived by his wife, two sons, seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Fri- day, Jan. 4, at the First Lu- theran Church in Dinuba. Burial will follow at Reed- ley Cemetery.
Here are three new Reedley attractions that will debut in 2019 or soon after:
TOP:School and community leaders took part in a February groundbreaking ceremony for the new Reedley Middle College High School campus facility at Reedley College. Construction con- tinues, with completion expected by the end of February.
ABOVE: An old warehouse building on the Reedley High School campus is torn down in December. Debris has been cleared, and the Kings Canyon Unified School District has plans to construct added fields, including a new varsity baseball diamond and facility.
LEFT: A portion of a prefabricated restroom was lowered into place at the Trimble Park Splash Pad facility in August. The facility — located at 8th Street and Reed Avenue just south of the Korean Memorial — will be formally dedicated before the start of the 2019 summer water activities season.
Exponent File Photos
FRED HALL ............................................................................. Publisher JON EARNEST............................................................... Editor / Sports JUANITA ADAME ...................................................Panorama Editor DEBRA LEAK........................................................................Marketing JANIE LUCIO.....................................................................Advertising DUBY TREVINO..............................................................Graphic Artist CLINTON ANTONIO......................................................Graphic Artist TOM MONTIJO..............................................................Graphic Artist KATE ISAAK................................................................ Classified Sales STACY HAWKINS .............................................................Accounting ROSEMARY OCHOA........................................................Accounting
The Reedley Exponent (USPS 458-860) is published weekly on Thursdays for $20 a year, $24.50 other areas and $26.50 out-of-state by Mid-Valley Publishing Inc., 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654. Periodicals postage paid at Sanger, CA 93657. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Reedley Exponent, 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654
The Reedley Exponent is one of Fresno County’s oldest newspapers. It was established in March, 1891, in the Knauer residence on the corner of what now is F and 11th streets. In about 1893, it moved to the building where it is still located. The newspaper’s office is at 1130 G St, Reedley, CA 93654, Phone (559) 638-2244.
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Have a letter to send? Email to Jon Earnest at

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