Page 3 - Reedley Exponent 1-3-19 E-edition
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Lights & Sirens December 20-December 26
Wayward branches
Thursday, December 20
• Robbery, 300 block of Tu- lare Street, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 7:08 p.m.
• Larceny, 1200 block of South Buttonwillow Avenue, 7:50 p.m.
Friday, December 21
• Drug equipment viola- tions, Madsen Avenue and Tuolumne Street, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 1:25 a.m.
• Drug/narcotic violations, East Evening Glow Avenue and South Sunset Avenue, 10:36 a.m.
• Destruction/damage/van- dalism of property, 100 block of North East Avenue, 4 p.m. • Vehicle theft, 1400 block of East Red Beaut Circle, 6:30 p.m.
• Drunkenness, East Locke Avenue and North Sunny Avenue, 9:28 p.m.
Saturday, December 22
• Vehicle theft (agricultural), South Buttonwillow Avenue and East Jefferson Avenue (Fresno County Sheriff’s Department), 5 p.m.
• Vehicle theft, 400 block of East Progresso Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Police De-
ALCOHOL Continued from page A1
are of legal drinking age. Additionally, businesses should have their staff par- ticipate in an ABC Licensee Education on Alcohol and Drugs (LEAD) Program.
The free training pro- gram, available through ABC, teaches employees about serving alcoholic bev- erages safely, responsibly and legally.
Botti said that individuals and businesses caught pro- viding alcoholic beverages to minors face serious conse- quences. The penalty for fur-
partment), 6 p.m.
• Vehicle theft, 13200 block of East Ann Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 6:16 p.m.
• Destruction/damage/van- dalism of property, 500 block of Center Street, Orange Cove (Orange Cove Police Department), 8 p.m.
• Destruction/damage/van- dalism of property, 800 block of East Manning Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Police De- partment), 8:08 p.m.
• Drug/narcotic violations, 1200 block of G Street, 10 p.m.
• Aggravated assault, 15700 block of East Manning Ave- nue (Fresno County Sheriff’s Department), 10:08 p.m.
Sunday, December 23
• Theft of vehicle parts/ac- cessories, 1100 block of East Dinuba Avenue, 9 a.m.
• Destruction/damage/van- dalism of property, 13700 block of East Young Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Police De- partment), 11 a.m.
• Larceny, 8500 block of South Rene Lopez Street, Parlier (Parlier Police De- partment), 11:49 a.m.
• Drug equipment violations, 700 block of J Street, Parlier
nishing alcohol to a minor is a minimum $1,000 fine and 24 hours of community service.
Businesses will also have an administrative hearing with ABC, which could result in fines or suspension of their ABC license. The Fresno Coun- ty District Attorney’s Of- fice will also be involved and could file a civil case against the licensee for un- fair business practices. The best way to protect yourself and your business is to be consistent with ID checks of
your customers. In addi- tion, businesses can do their part to help make sure 2019
(Parlier Police Department), 9:44 p.m.
Monday, December 24
• Drug/narcotic violations 900 block of East Manning Avenue, 1:12 a.m.
• Larceny, 8400 block of Si- erra Avenue, Parlier (Parli- er Police Department), 7:01 a.m.
• Aggravated assault, 700 block of J Street, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, December 25
• Assault, 8500 block of Smyrna Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 2:01 a.m.
• Larceny, East Manning Av- enue and South Mendocino Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Po- lice Department), 8:17 a.m.
Wednesday, December 26
• Drug equipment violations, 300 block of North East Av- enue, 1:07 p.m.
(Crime reports are listed for the Reedley, Parlier and Orange Cove areas and are available online at crimere- Unless noted, the Reedley Police Department handled the calls.)
remains a safe time for cel- ebration by reminding their patrons to designate a sober driver or find alternative ways to get home safely.
Funding for this pro- gram is provided by a grant from the California Alcohol- ic Beverage Control (ABC) through the department’s Alcohol Policing Partner- ship Program (APPP). ABC is a special fund agency. Its budget and this program are funded entirely by license fees from the alcoholic bev- erage industry.
PEDESTRIAN Continued from page A1
office, both Flores and Vida- les were possibly intoxicated with alcohol.
According to the CHP report, road conditions were clear and there was no fog in the area.
The crash remains un- der investigation, accord-
ing to the CHP. Highway Patrol investigators shut down about a mile of Man- ning Avenue from Dewolf to Leonard while they collected evidence.
Less than 24 hours later, a Mendota man was arrested in rural Fresno County just south of Fresno for a DUI- related crash that resulted in the death of 39-year-old Anna
TOP: No injuries were reported from a Dec. 28 accident when a truck struck a tree on 11th Street just east of G Street. The tree toppled over and struck
a man working on a vehicle parked along eastbound 11th Street.
LEFT: Onlookers assess the damage left from the toppled tree.
Erik Valencia / Photos Contributed
Rodriguez of Selma. High- way Patrol officials said Ed- win Sebastian, 28, was driv- ing west on American Av- enue when he ran a stop sign at Golden State Highway, lost control and overturned.
Rodriguez, a passenger in the 2015 Chrysler driven by Sebastian, died at the scene. Sebastian suffered moderate injuries and was hospitalized.
Eddie Elms
December 16, 1952 - December 17, 2018
Eddie Elms born December 16,1952, past away on Dec.17, 2018. A loving son and father. He was a heavy equip- ment operator for 20 plus years. He is survived by his parents Oscar & Lula Elms.His children Michelle Young- blood and Chad Elms. His grandchil- dren Colton Youngblood and Austin Seder.
A Celebration of Life was held on Saturday December 29th.
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2163 Park Street, 559-896-SALS (7257
The Reedley Exponent A3 Thursday, January 3, 2019
Enchilada & lunch size
tostada a la carte 76.49
Dine-In Only
Lunch size chili verde quesadilla
beans and rice
Lunch size  our enchilada
beans and rice
FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 519 E. 11th Street, Reedley
Pastor: Ron Robertson
Sunday Growth Classes: 9:30am Children’s and Youth programs
Sunday Worship: 10:30am – Service; Children’s Church, ages 4-11 5:30pm Prayer – Evening Service 6:00pm
Wednesday Dinner served at 6:00pm
Wed. Family Night at 7:00pm (Adults, Youth Children) Food Give away – the third Saturday of the Month at 9:00am Basketball – Monday 7:00pm; Wednesday 8:00pm
For more information, call the church at 559-638-2739 All are welcome to attend
FAITH COMMUNITY CHURCH 314 W. Manning Avenue • Reedley, CA 93654 638-2730
Pastor: Dr. Ernie Williams Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. Children’s Church for ages 3 thru 3rd grade Nursery available
Hand held burrito (choice of two  llings) served with beans and
rice 6.49 7.49
76.49 Friday:
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Church 1254NFrankwoodAve.Reedley 559-638-2112
Join us for worship ~Sundays at 9:30am All are welcome!
Musicians: Aarne Kela & Jason Awbrey
FREE FOOD GIVEAWAY! Saturday, October 6th • 9:00am CLC Parking Lot
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God’s work. Our hands.
and so m uch m ore at your  nger tips
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served with beans and
Lunch size  our taco rice 67.49

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