Page 8 - Mid Valley Times 10-10-19 E-edition
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Thursday, October 10, 2019 | A8 | Mid Valley TiMes 'Garden Checklist' fills October with new list of tips ABOVE: The best time to enjoy almonds, hazlenuts, wal- nuts and pecans is now. BELOW: Remember to sharpen pruning tools for fall prun- ing needs. Contributed The "Garden Check- list" is filled with tips and tricks for local gar- deners who wish to keep their greenery, flowers and herbs looking beau- tiful all year long. Now that those cool fall mornings are back, they invite you to enjoy a stroll in the garden with a cup of something hot. Tasks for this time of the year include- Top dress warm-season lawns with well-compos- ted manure. Don't forget to sharp- en and clean tools for fall pruning For pruning, remem- ber leaf fall is the time to start pruning — ex- cept for apricots and ol- ives, which should have been done in August. When fertilizing, don't forget to feed cool- weather plants and veg- etables to promote fall growth. Planting tips for this time of year include this time of year as a good time to plant landscape trees and shrubs. Remember to contin- ue to plant cool-weather annuals and those that use less water such as Classic Coreopsis or hybrids such as ‘Rum Punch’ Perennials- Lantana, Penstemon ‘Margarita BOP' Bulbs, corms, tu- bers: allium, anemone, Babiana. Fruits and veg- etables: carrots, garlic, lettuce, plant from seed. Annuals- snapdrag- on (Antirrhinum), calen- dula, chrysanthemum paludosum. Trees, shrubs, vines: Cotoneaster. Enjoy these now; harvest almonds, ha- zelnuts, walnuts and pecans when the outer hulls split open and nuts fall to the ground. Pick up daily or shorten the task by shaking branches or knocking nuts down with a pole. Before shelling, dry nuts in the sun for 2-3 days. And remember, prop- erly dried nutmeats should snap in two rather than bend. Use shelled nuts right away, or store in the freezer to prevent oxidation (ran- cidity), mold, and infes- tation by ants or small worms. Things to ponder this time of year. Overnight temperatures in late Oc- tober occasionally drop below freezing. Frost protection will be need- ed for houseplants, cit- rus, avocados and other cold-sensitive plants. Do not replace vinca with pansies in the same bed. A soil-borne fungal root rot affects these plants. A drought tip to keep in mind is use drip or soaker hoses for cool- season vegetable gar- dens, rather than less efficient overhead or furrow irrigation. Source for this ar- ticle is from “A Gar- dener’s Companion for the Central San Joaquin Valley,” 3rd edition, cur- rently available from Fresno County Mas- ter Gardeners for $30. Gardening Questions answered at (559) 241- 7534. Prepared by Judy Parker, Fresno County Master Gardener. 23rd R-N MARKETS 13639 E. MANNING AVE. PARLIER OPEN8AMTO9PMSEVENDAYSAWEEK Anniversary 24 Oz. FOR Chicken 44 Popcorn 3 Count 1 $109 Drumsticks ¢ Lb. Pork Butt Roast Jumbo Wieners ¢ FRESH Nescafe Clasico $ 69 FRESH $ 99 1 Sweet 1 7 Oz. $ 39 $ 79 Burritos $ 39 Lofthouse Sugar $ Frosted Cookies 7•Up, Squirt, RC, Sunkist or A&W ¢ 4/¢ 3/¢ 2 Liter +TAX FRESH LBS FRESH White Corn FOR Camaronazo Tomato & $ 29 Romero’s El Monterey 739 +CRV Chilies 99 99 32 Oz. 1+CRV Photos by Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times ABOVE: The Reedley "Fruit Basket of the World" exhibit features vari- ous local fruit and will be on display through Oct. 14. LEFT: Reedley's display also features a pirate and pirate ship. ABOVE: Parlier was among the other towns with agriculture displays at the Big Fresno Fair. Sale SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE AT “R-N PARLIER ONLY” SPECIALS BEGIN: Wed, October 9 thru Tue, October 15, 2019 006592 In fairness to all our customers, we reserve the right to limit 10 pkgs.... OF any item for sale except where noted. Sale items not available to commercial dealers or wholesalers. And to correct all printed errors. Hunt’s 1 Tomato Ketchup 2/$ Act II 2/$ San Marcos 1 Whole Jalapeños 2/$ 26 Oz. Farmer John 729 5 Lb. Bag 99 Sold in a Bag 12 Oz., EXCLUDES BEEF Farmer John Jalapeño 12 Oz. Essential Everyday All-Purpose Flour Shrimp Cocktail FOR FOR 22¢ Flour Tortillas 20 Count 32 Oz. C.R.J. STORE COUPON Guerrero $ 68 Essential Everyday $ 88 Large Eggs 98 Corn Tortillas 1 Drinking Water 1 White or Yellow, 80 Count 24 Pack, 16.9 Oz. Bottles +CRV 18 Count LIMIT 1 PKGS. PER COUPON PER FAMILY WITHOUT $ COUPON WITH COUPON 1.48 LB. Sliced Bacon 10 Count