Page 10 - Mid Valley Times 10-10-19 E-edition
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PhotosCourtesy /ReedleyCollegeTwitterPage ABOVE: Students spoke to participants of the Human Libray in 2018. BELOW: A Fresno Police Sergeant was among the par- ticipants at last years Human Library. Photos Courtesy Saldana Family ABOVE: Eliseo Saldana, 8, of Reedley was killed in a car accident on Oct. 6. LEFT: A photo of Eliseo is placed at the accident site. HUMAN Continued from page A7 covering alcoholic, a stay-at-home father, a Syrian refugee, a Japa- nese internment camp survivor, a sex traffick- ing survivor, a Native American, a Middle Eastern minority, a Dear Young People, an Atheist, a feminist, a person living with se- vere food allergies: it's not just peanut butter, a black man, a mass shooting survivor, a Sikh, and a former gang member who lost two adult children to gun violence. For more informa- tion on the Human Li- brary event, visit reed- COLUMN Continued from page A7 looked to be like parts of a car bumper. I looked up to see the entire fence along a part of the business perimeter had been destroyed. Bent down like a piece of tin foil. An aluminum ladder belonging to the busi- ness was also mangled and bent beyond recog- nition. More than fifty peo- ple were now on scene, yet even with all those people there, the mood was still quiet, still som- ber. As the family of Eliseo Saldana arrived, they brought with them a photo of the 8-year-old child whom, just three days before was proba- bly sitting at home play- ing Fortnite or watching tv. But now his family was creating a memo- rial for him. Eliseo was killed Oct. 4 at that very intersection. \[Story in A section\] Candles, a wooden cross, a rosary, and oth- er items were placed near his photo. As journalists, we are taught to capture a moment. I was, however fight- ing an internal battle, being a journalist “cap- turing a moment,” yet doing so with honor and respect for this grieving family. How does one wrap their mind around losing a child? And how am I, sup- pose to tell this story and show what a won- derful child Eliseo was, yet do so while his par- ents are standing there experiencing the worst days of their lives? Afterward, I met up with Fernando Saldana. Eliseo’s older brother. “Fernando,” I said. “Let’s focus on Elis- eo’s good memories, tell me about him.” Fernando looked weary, tired, and ex- hausted. His eyes still red from tears. Yet, even through all that, he took the time to talk to me. He was gra- cious, kind, and allowed me to interview him. So,whatcanweasa community do to sup- port the Saldana fam- ily? They have set up a GoFundMe account, and any amount will help. Fernando also told me that another stop sign along Alta Avenue, making it a four way stop at that intersection could prevent this from happening again. May- be so others would not have to experience the same excruciating grief. Eliseo’s memory will live on. He was a child who brought joy and laughter to his family and friends. As journalists we also learn to separate ourselves from our sto- ries, keep our emotions on check. However, there are times when a story will pierce right through our college education, it will pierce right through our fancy journalism degree, it will pierce through all of our pro- fessional training and skills we’ve learned- and reach us at our very core. This was one of those stories. Eliseo you will never be forgotten. Miguel Bajo 5-2-73 5’ 10, 190 lbs. Domestic Violence Wart# F19903087 Lashaira Chavez 2-15-97 5’ 3, 125 lbs. Assault Wart# F17901727 James Gonzales 9-8-65 5’ 9, 160 lbs. Carrying Concealed Dirk/Dagger Wart# F19902369 Carlos Gutierrez 8-23-95 5’ 8, 140 lbs. Stolen Vehicle Wart# F18907611 Erik Jimenez 5-6-93 5’ 7, 170 lbs. Assault Wart# F17904208 Alejandro Leon 4-23-93 5’ 5, 168 lbs. Battery on Custodial O cer Wart# F16905624 Jorge Martinez 10-9-98 5’ 9, 215 lbs. Dissuading Witness Wart# F18907234 Jose Padilla 3-23-81 5’ 5, 230 lbs. Domestic Violence Wart# F16905635 Jose Rivas 3-31-89 5’ 6, 280 lbs. Carrying a Loaded Firearm/Public Wart# F19905342 Tommy Ortega 11-18-85 5’ 5, 160 lbs. Domestic Violence Wart# F18902865 Thursday, October 10, 2019 | A10 | Mid Valley TiMes Put auto and home together for hundreds in savings. When you have a State Farm® car and a State Farm home, get ready to drive around with a big, money-saving State Farm smile. GET TO A BETTER STATE.TM CALL ME TODAY. Get our 3-Bed, 2-Bath, 4-Door, V-6 discount. VINTAGE - Home & Garden GorGeous enGlish Bar, rusty Birds, Flowers, yard art, Galvanized trays, Buckets, BirdFeeders, Franciscan “apple” china, lots oF new “Junk” Come browse the store. Call the store 298-1699 or call Janet at 288-4802 or Suzan at 289-9391 for more info. Instagram: two_sisters_clovis Next Swapmeets Nov. 9th - Dec. 14th 5054 N. Academy, Suite A Corner of Shaw & Academy Second Saturday Swap Meet Saturday, October 12TH • 8AM 006568 Fresno County Area This information is brought to you by Mid Valley Publishing Company If you know where any of these fugitives are located, you can remain anonymous, and if your information leads to an arrest... you will receive a REWARD of up to $1,000. Call Fresno Area Crime Stoppers at 498-STOP or 498-7867 06595