Page 2 - Reedley Exponent 1-11-18 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent A2 Thursday, January 11, 2018
Fresno County reports its first flu death of 2017-18
The Fresno County Department of Public Health on Jan. 8 reported the first influenza-associated death of a Fresno County resident during the 2017-18 flu season.
Jorge Caratachea
Jorge Zaragoza Carata- chea of Reedley died Dec. 31 in Fresno. He was 68.
Mr. Caratachea worked as a laborer.
He is survived by one son, three daughters, three brothers, three sisters, 14 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Visitation will be from 3 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 11, at Sterling & Smith Funeral Home in Dinuba. A Rosary will be at 1 p.m. followed by a Mass at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 12, at the new St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church in Reedley. Burial will be at Reedley Cemetery.
Arlis Lee Coleman
Arlis Lee Coleman of Reedley died Jan. 1 in Kingsburg. He was 83.
Mr. Coleman worked as a ranch manager.
He is survived by one son, two daughters, one sister, six grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.
Services were held Jan. 9 at Dopkins Funeral Cha- pel in Dinuba. Burial was at Smith Mountain Cem- etery in Dinuba.
Marion Dawson
Marion E. Dawson of Orosi died Dec. 15 in Kingsburg. He was 98.
Mr. Dawson worked as a real estate broker.
He is survived by one daughter, two sisters, three grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren and 11 great-great-grandchildren.
Graveside and memorial services were held on Jan. 8. Burial was at Smith Moun- tain Cemetery in Dinuba.
Jessie Hernandez
Jessie Hernandez of Reedley died Dec. 26 in Fresno. He was 81.
Mr. Hernandez owned a flower shop in Orange Cove. He is survived by his partner, one son, one daughter, his mother, five brothers, two sisters, five grandchildren and six
great-grandchildren. Services were held.
Leopoldo Hernandez
Leopoldo Moreno Her- nandez of Orange Cove died Jan. 5 in Orange Cove. He was 89.
Mr. Hernandez worked as a farm laborer.
He is survived by five sons, four daughters, his mother, two brothers, two sisters, 40 grandchildren and 86 great-grandchildren.
Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. with a Rosary at 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 11, at St. Isidore’s Catholic Church in Orange Cove. A Mass will be at 9:30 a.m. Friday, Jan. 12, at St. Isa- dore’s Catholic Church. Burial will be at Smith Mountain Cemetery in Di- nuba.
The department didn’t give ad- ditional details on the victim, only that he or she was a county resident under the age of 65.
Meanwhile, Tulare County, in the first week of January, reported two flu-related deaths of women who
were under the age of 65.
Ken Bird, Fresno County Health
Officer, said in a Jan. 8 news release that people should get flu shots to safeguard themselves against the ongoing virus.
“This tragic, untimely death
reminds us that we all must take action to prevent infection with in- fluenza,” he said. “Protect yourself. Protect your loved ones. Protect our community. Vaccinate.”
Bird said that the best way to prevent catching the flu is to get an
annual vaccination. Health officials are encouraging everyone over the age of 6 months to get vaccinated, regardless of age or health status.
Fresno County residents with in-
See FLU on page A3
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The Reedley Exponent (USPS 458-860) is published weekly on Thursdays for $20 a year, $24.50 other areas and $26.50 out-of-state by Mid-Valley Publishing Inc., 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654. Periodicals postage paid at Sanger, CA 93657. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Reedley Exponent, 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654
The Reedley Exponent is one of Fresno County’s oldest newspapers. It was established in March, 1891, in the Knauer residence on the corner of what now is F and 11th streets. In about 1893, it moved to the building where it is still located. The newspaper’s office is at 1130 G St, Reedley, CA 93654, Phone (559) 638-2244.
940 F Street • Reedley • 638-2233
Carol Lehn
Carol A. Lehn of Reed- ley died Dec. 25 in Reedley. She was 81.
Mrs. Lehn was a home- maker.
She is survived by one son, two daughters, one brother, 11 grandchildren and two great-grandchil- dren.
Services were held on Jan. 6.
Mary Newton
Mary Elizabeth Tracy Newton of Dinuba died Jan. 5 in Dinuba. She was 103.
Mrs. Newton was a re- tired teacher.
She is survived by two sons, four daughters, 19 grandchildren, 40 great- grandchildren and eight great-great-grandchildren.
A graveside service will be from 1 p.m. Friday, Jan. 12, at Smith Mountain Cemetery in Dinuba. A me- morial service will be at 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. 12, at First Baptist Church in Dinuba.
Salvador Nunez
Salvador Aranzazu Nunez of Orosi died Dec. 28 in Visalia. He was 84.
Mr. Nunez worked as a field laborer.
He is survived by his wife, three sons, seven daughters, 46 grandchildren and 33 great-grandchildren.
A Rosary was held Jan. 8 at Dopkins Funeral Chapel in Dinuba. A Mass was held Jan. 9 at St. Cath- erine’s Catholic Church in Dinuba. Burial was at Smith Mountain Cemetery in Dinuba.
Jose Sanchez
Jose J. Sanchez of Cut- ler died Jan. 8 in Visalia. He was 83.
Mr. Sanchez worked as a laborer.
He is survived by three sons, two daughters, four sisters, 18 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren.
Visitation is from 4 to 8 p.m. with a Rosary at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 12, at Ster- ling & Smith Funeral Home in Dinuba. A Mass will be at 9 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 13, at St. Catherine’s Catholic Church in Dinuba. Burial will be at Smith Mountain Cemetery in Dinuba.
Rosemary Schneider
Rosemary Schneider of Reedley died Dec. 23 in Fresno. She was 87.
Mrs. Schneider worked as a music teacher.
She is survived by her husband, one son, one daughter, three brothers and one sister.
A memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 17, at First United Method- ist Church in Reedley. A second memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Saturday, March 10, at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Sonoma.
RC starts spring semester
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Ask one of our Funeral Directors about service upgrade options AT NO ADDITIONAL COST to existing pre-arranged plans with us or Pre-arrangements requested to be transferred to us.
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Reedley College began its Spring 2018 semester on Jan. 8. The college has 6,979 students enrolled in classes. The combined cam- puses in Reedley, Madera and Oakhurst have more than 10,300 students taking classes, according to George Takata, director of marketing and communications. Parking is relaxed during the first week, and enforcement will begin Monday, Jan. 15.
TOP: Students gather at the college’s computer lab in the main library.
ABOVE: Students dealt with rain on the first two days of classes Jan. 8 and 9. The student center and cafeteria were two popular hangouts.
Photos by Jon Earnest / The Exponent
LEFT: Returning Reedley College students enjoyed free pan dulce and hot chocolate on the first day of the spring semester.
Reedley College / Photo Contributed
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Pete Petinak
A Celebration of Pete Petinak’s Life
Cyndy Petinak-Jordan and Rick Petinak invite you to celebrate the life of their father, Pete Petinak (1927 - October 27, 2017). All who knew and loved Pete are invited to honor him at a celebration on
Saturday, January 20th, at 10 am at the Dinuba First Baptist Church at 600 E. Nebraska Ave.
A luncheon will follow the service.
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Cairns Funeral Home
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