Page 7 - Mid Valley Times 11-7-19 E-edition
P. 7
The View From Here
As he
walked up to
the podium
on the morn-
ing of Nov.
5 during
the Reedley
Police De- partment’s
21st Annual Inspection
Awards Cer-
emony, Taylor Potts, a resi- dent of Reedley, and dressed neatly in his cowboy boots, wrangler jeans and button up shirt, looked out to the au- dience and said a few words.
When he began speaking- his southern accent was ap- parent.
Texas? “Na, can’t be.” I thought to myself.
There was not enough twang in their for him to be Texan.
Taylor had more of the southern drawl not normally heard in Reedley, or even in Texas for that matter. I soon learned he moved here from Alabama.
“Hi everyone,” he told the audience. “I’m the dead guy.”
Rewind back a few months to Feb. 12, 2019, and that statement will make more sense. That was the day that Taylor was found unresponsive by his girl- friend Hannah.
The first officers on scene, Cesar Cardenas, a
See COLUMN on page A10
Veteran's Day celebrated in Orosi
Photo by George Villagrana / Mid Valley Times
Veteran's waved at the crowds during the 2019 Cutler-Orosi Veterans Day Parade on Nov. 2. The parade was just one of many taking place in Fresno County where Veteran's are recognized and celebrated for their service.
Reedley Police Department honors their officers
Juanita Adame
CERT team represents at Sanger's Veteran's Day parade
Dinuba ballet dancer to perform in Moscow Ballet Company's Great Russian Nutcracker
Marc Ediger, a Lieutenant with Reedley Police spoke during the de- partment's annual Inspection Ceremony. Among the awards given were officer of the year and dispatcher of the year.
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
More than one hundred people attended the Reedley Police Department’s 21st an- nual Department Inspection on the morning of Nov. 5.
“So this morning we will be recognizing several employees who have contributed so much this past year,” said Joe Gar- za, police chief of the depart- ment.
“Either by their work ethic, commitment to this commu- nity or simply by doing exem- plarily work when called into action.”
Several employees were recognized including Nataly Juarez. Juarez earned the Dis- patcher of the Year award and
will represent Reedley at Fres- no County’s yearly dispatcher appreciation banquet.
Also recognized were Ruth- ie Greenwood for Profession- al Staffmember of the year. "What can I say about Ruthie," said Garza. "She has been our go to person since she took over the position of Adminis- trative Assistant."
Cesar Cardenas, a detec- tive with the department was recognized as the department’s Officer of the year.
"This ceremony is more than just recognizing their ac- complishments," said Garza. "Its about giving thanks to all who work for the department and who have sworn to protect and serve this community.”
JuanitaAdame /MidValleyTimes
Sanger's Community Emergency Response Team or CERT were on site during the city's Veteran's Parade on Nov. 2. From left are members Lupe Madrid, Rolinda Hernandez, and Berdett Bevans.
Serenity Halstead in concert on Nov. 7 at Visalia Fox Theatre
MVT Staff Report
Serenity Halstead, 9, of Di- nuba will be one of few Val- ley dancers to perform in this year’s Moscow Ballet Compa- ny’s Great Russian Nutcracker Thursday, Nov. 7, at the Visalia Fox Theatre.
Serenity auditioned along- side over one hundred other local ballet dancers, all com- peting for 16 main parts to be performed with the Moscow Ballet Company Dancers. Out of the 109 dancers that audi- tioned, Serenity landed one of the 16 main roles and will be performing alongside the Mos- cow Ballet Company Ballerinas.
Serenity currently stud- ies Ballet at Kaye's School of Dance in Dinuba. Her ballet in- structors are Michelle and Ste- fanie Halstead.
The performance will begin at 7 p.m.
Photo Contributed
Serenity Halstead will perform on Thursday, Nov. 7.