Page 10 - Reedley Exponent 2-21-19 E-edition
P. 10
Feb 23, 24 -
Our High School Cheer Squad is hosting a 2 day cheer camp for TK – 6th grade, with a showcase on March 1st. And our Elemen- tary Science Club is hosting a Star Gazing party on Sat- urday, from 6-9pm (weather permitting). Contact the of- fice for details – 638-2529.
Enroll Your Student To- day. Enrollment is open for the 2019/2020 school year at Immanuel Schools! If you are interested in enrolling your children for the upcom-
ing year, you may pick up an enrollment packet from the District Office located at 1128 S. Reed Ave., Reedley, CA 93654. For more informa- tion and to schedule a tour, call today at (559) 638-2529, or visit our website at im- Imman- uel Schools – The Difference is Life Changing
What’s New in FFA-
Tickets are on sale for our 1st Annual Donkey Bas- ketball Game against Kings- burg High on March 11th. Tickets are $5, and available in our district office. Contact Ms. Myers with questions at; jmyers@immanuelschools.
Athletics News- Spring
sports are in full swing! Boys Baseball plays at home today against Washington Union, JV at 4:00pm and Varsity at 7:30 p.m. Boys Tennis plays at home against Redwood at 3 p.m. (weather permitting). Tomorrow our boys baseball team takes on Hoover at home, 3:30 p.m. While girls softball heads to Shafter for the 3rd Annual Slugfest. Also at home tomorrow is boys tennis against San Joaquin Memorial at 3:30 p.m. Sat- urday, our coed track team enters the Central Valley Relays at Dinuba HS.
Registration is now open for all students! Catholic Schools, the most important gift you will ever give your child. Let your child grow with us.
Visit us or call (559) 638- 2621 to schedule a visit or please visit our website for more information at stla-
We believe a Catholic school education is the most important gift that parents will ever give their child. At St. La Salle we foster knowl- edge, faith and service and we prepare our students to use their God-given talents to the fullest later in life.
We offer an opportunity for students to explore the many life paths that enable them to use their talents by serving the church and our community in various ca- pacities and make the world a better place.
A dozen reasons to choose a Catholic School ; We offer an education that combines Catholic faith and teachings with academic excellence. We partner with parents in the faith forma- tion of their children. We set high standards for student achievement and help them succeed. We provide a bal- anced academic curriculum that integrates faith, culture and life. We use technology effetely to enhance educa- tion. We instill in students the value of service to oth- ers. We teach children re- spect of self and others. We emphasize moral develop- ment and self-discipline. We prepare students to be pro- ductive citizens and future
Boot camp for good cause
The "Sweat for a Cure" boot camp is coming to the Fitness Quest Health Club in Reedley. The event to benefit St. Jude's Hospitals will be held on Friday, Feb. 22, doors will open at 4:30 p.m.
There will be pre-event entry donation tickets sold for $7. Tickets sold on the day of the event will be $10, there will also be a $1 raffle.
Tickets can be purchased at Fitness Quest Health Club. The club is located at 1601 10th St. in Reedley or call (559) 638-9895 for more in- formation.
leaders. We have a 99 percent high school graduation rate. 85 percent of our graduates go to college.
We cultivate a faculty and staff of people who are dedi- cated, caring and effective.
We provide a safe and welcoming environment for all. We are a proud Catholic School!
Scholarship Application-
Scholarship Applications are now open and you can reg- ister online at https://online.
St. La Salle School will not have any paper applications in the office, everyone must apply online at the web page listed above. You can also ac- cess this information through our web page at www.stla- Last day to apply is April 1, 2019.
2nd Grade Parents
There will be a parents meeting on February 27th at 6:30pm in preparation for the St. La Salle School 2nd grad- ers First Penance. This meet- ing is very important and all parent need to attend.
Spaghetti Dinner- St. La Salle School is having its annual Spaghetti Dinner on March 5th from Noon to 7:00pm! Purchase your tick- ets in the St. La Salle School Office or at the door.
There will be dine in or take out options available. Tickets are $10 for adults and $4.00 for Children. If you have any questions please feel free to call the school office at (559) 638-2621. This event is open to the public.
Golf Tournament
St. La Salle invites you and your friends to its annual golf tournament at Ridge Creek Golf Club in Dinuba. Come
out and have a great time! You also have a chance to win $1,000.00! All Checks payable to St. La Salle School. Please contact Ed Todd at (559) 779- 9124 or Eric Martinez at (559) 591-2254 for more informa- tion.
Spring Open House
St. La Salle School will be hosting an Open House at 5:00pm on Tuesday, March 26, 2019. A light dinner will be offered for free from 5-6pm. classroom visits from 5:30- 6:45p.m.
Program at 7:00-7:30 p.m. There will be a chance to win free registration for your stu- dent! Please come and enjoy the evening with your chil- dren at St. La Salle School!
Gift Cards Fundraiser (Scrip Program) Save Mart will no longer participate in the SHARES program but will continue to participate in the scrip program. St. La Sal- le School participates in the Scrip program year-round!
What better way is there to shop for the family and help support our school at the same time! St. La Salle School has a variety of gift cards on hand or we can order them for you!
These are some of the retail stores that participate with us: Macy’s, Sephora, Disney, Target, Starbucks, Walmart, Save Mart and so much more! Please stop by the school for a full list of Gift Cards.
Dates to Remember-
Spaghetti Dinner-March 5, 2019. Ash Wednesday- March 6. St. La Salle Golf Tournament Mar. 16. Open House Mar. 26.
The 30th Annual Blos- som Bike Ride will take place on Saturday, March 2.
This year, three differ- ent routes will be offered to riders. As the mileage gets longer, the various routes will provide more of a chal- lenge to participants.
The shortest route is 20 miles. This route will have more scenic landscapes for- riders to enjoy the blossom trail.
The 40 mile route will in- clude some hills to climb and give riders the right course of mileage for the year.
The most challenging of the three is the 60-mile route.
This route takes riders into the foot hills outside of Reedley as well as provide a couple of challenging climbs early in the year. The event is hosted by the Reedley Li- ons Club and the ride is open to riders of all levels.
For more information visit
Come Join Sal’s for
between 11:00am and 4:00pm
St. La Salle CRUSADERS News
ABOVE: RidersfrompreviousBlossomTrailBikeRides.
Photo Courtesy BlossomBikeRide.Com
Blossom Trails bike ride to offer more routes
Adventist Health has new medical director
Dine-In Only
Lunch size chili verde quesadilla
beans and rice
Adventist Health wel- comed Mario Martinez, M.D., as the new medical director and provider for Adventist Health HMO – Reedley Jef- ferson and AHMO – Reedley Cypress
Martinez is a board-cer- tified family medicine physi- cian with Adventist Health.
He will serve as medical director for the Adventist Health Medical Office (AH- MO) – Reedley Cypress and Reedley Jefferson locations. He will also join the team at AHMO – Reedley Jefferson as a family medicine provider.
Dr. Martinez said he is ex- cited to expand his care to Ad- ventist Health Medical Office in Reedley as well as his role as medical director for two of
"I love this community and I am happy to expand my role and practice here."
- Mario Martinez, MD, Adventist Health
the Adventist Heatlh loca- tions. He added that he will continue to provide the best possible care at these loca- tions. “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to join the exceptional team at AHMO – Reedley Jefferson, and am looking forward to my new role as medical director for two practice locations,” he said. “I love this community and am happy to expand my role and practice here.”
Dr. Martinez received
his medical degree from the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago. He completed both his family medicine internship and resi- dency with UCSF Fresno, and he is board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine.
As a family medicine phy- sician, Dr. Martinez special- izes in care for both children and adults, including; wellness exams, physicals, women’s health, men’s health, hyper- tension and diabetes. He is flu- ent in both English and Span- ish. As always, new patients at two Adventist Health Medical Office locations are currently being accepted. For more in- formation, contact (559) 391- 3110 or for the Reedley Jef- ferson, location contact (559) 391-3105.
Enchilada & lunch size
tostada a la carte 76.49
Lunch size our enchilada
beans and rice
TheReedleyExponent B2Thursday,February21,2019 Youth & Education
Hand held burrito (choice of two llings) served with beans and
rice 6.49 7.49
76.49 Friday:
served with beans and
Selma Location Only
2163 Park Street, 559-896-SALS (7257
Send us your school news bulletins by noon Monday to be included on our Youth and Education page. Email to: community@
Have a story idea?
Call Juanita Adame at 559-638-2244
Lunch size our taco rice 67.49