Page 3 - Reedley Exponent 2-21-19 E-edition
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Lights & Sirens February 7-February 13
Martinez shares fulfillment
of helping in his community
Thursday, February 7
• Drug equipment violations, Fresno Street and K Street, Parlier (Parlier Police De- partment), 8:22 a.m.
• Impersonation, 400 block of West Dinuba Avenue, 1 p.m. • Residential burglary, 1400 block of West Olson Avenue, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, February 8
• Commercial burglary, 10100 block of East South Avenue (Fresno County Sher- iff’s Department), 6:59 a.m. • Counterfeiting/forgery, 900 block of G Street, 11:02 a.m. • Commercial burglary, 8500 block of Bella Vista Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Police De- partment), 2:22 p.m.
• Larceny, 700 block of North Lourae Avenue, 2:23 p.m.
Saturday, February 9
• Commercial burglary, 800 block of East Manning Av- enue, 2:10 a.m.
• Theft of vehicle parts/ac-
cessories, 1100 block of D Street, 11:12 a.m.
• Drug/narcotic violations, 1300 block of Park Boule- vard, Orange Cove (Orange Cove Police Department), 1:19 p.m.
• Destruction/damage/vandal- ism of property, 13800 block of East 3rd Street, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 7 p.m.
• Drug/narcotic violations, North Hemlock Avenue and East Ponderosa Avenue, Reedley (Fresno County Sheriff’s Department), 7:37 p.m.
• Assault, 1100 block of East Parlier Avenue, 8:38 p.m.
Sunday, February 10
• Vehicle theft, North East Avenue and East Manning Avenue, 2:16 a.m.
• Drug/narcotic violations, 13100 block of East Parlier Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Po- lice Department), 3:02 p.m.
• Commercial burglary, 1500
block of East Laroda Circle, 4:33 p.m.
Monday, February 11
• Destruction/damage/van- dalism of property, 800 block of Tuolumne Street, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 1 p.m.
• Vehicle theft, 1500 block of South Reed Avenue, 9:30 p.m.
Tuesday, February 12
• Drug/narcotic violations, South Buttonwillow Avenue and East Duff Avenue, 1:13 p.m.
Wednesday, February 13
• Vehicle theft, 1200 block of E Street, 12:22 a.m.
(Crime reports are listed for the Reedley, Parlier and Orange Cove areas and are available online at crimere- Unless noted, the Reedley Police Department handled the calls.)
Local volunteer firefighter
talks about his experience with the department
By Juanita Adame
When he’s not at his full time job — working as a CNC programmer for Fresno Valves and Castings — Efrain Martinez can usually be found at the Reedley Fire Depart- ment, inspecting the fire en- gine, training with the various fire equipment, or responding to calls.
“It has been good here,” said Martinez. “I’ve worked my way up the ranks, from a firefighter engineer. Now I’m captain.”
Martinez has been volun- teering for the Reedley Fire Department for 13 years. He said there have been days where he finishes an 8-hour shift at his job, comes home and begins responding to calls for the department.
However tiring it can be- come, Martinez said working as a volunteer firefighter is something he truly enjoys.
“I was always into help- ing others, I had joined a few clubs in my younger days. I was able to join the fire de- partment in Parlier, as a mat- ter of fact,” he said. “I really enjoyed it, and I decided to stay with being a volunteer.
“I ended up dropping the other clubs because in the fire department I was able to help anybody and everybody in need of help, versus the clubs where they decide who to help, the fire department they help everyone.”
Born in Michoacan Mex- ico, Martinez said his family moved here when he was just 7 years old.
I was raised in Parlier and moved here [to Reedley] in 2002,” he added. “Most of my family lives in Parlier, [al- though] I do have a brother in Fowler. I’m here in Reedley, I have a sister down in Little Rock [in Southern California], and another sister in Los An- geles.”
He said that although he
and awards presentation at 6 p.m.
Musical entertainment, a popular attraction at the 2018 event, is again planned for this year.
Juanita Adame / The Exponent
Efrain Martinez has worked his way up to the position of captain in the Reedley Fire Department. Martinez has been volunteering as a firefighter in the department for 13 years.
Squaw Valley man suspected in killing of fellow resident
enjoys the department, some days can be difficult, and said some calls have stayed with him.
“I don’t really think too often about the accident,” he said. “It has definitely been one of the worst scenes I’ve experienced in my time here.”
The call Martinez referred to was an traffic accident that happened on Lac Jac and Man- ning back in September 2015.
According to news reports a Chevrolet Corvette collided with the back end of a semi truck. The impact caused the car to burst into flames, kill- ing the driver and injuring the passenger.
Reedley Police officers responded to the scene and at- tempted to extinguish the fire however were unable to do so.
The driver of the semi truck was not injured in the crash.
“That call was so chaot- ic,” he said. “We have police on our scanners and we could hear in their voices how fran- tic they were so at that point we knew it was something re- ally really bad.”
But, even through the bad, Martinez said he enjoys his job, and the ability to help those in his community and has advice for those inter- ested in volunteering for the department.
“During our open house, we give out applications, we welcome anyone interested in becoming a volunteer to come and visit us,” he said. “If they’re the type who want to help the community, this is one way of doing it.”
Staff Report
Fresno County Sheriff’s homicide detec- tives arrested a 62-year-old Squaw Valley man on suspicion of murdering a 46-year-old fellow resident of the county foothill commu- nity northeast of Reedley.
Detectives took Roger Johnson into cus- tody on Feb. 16, and booked him into the Fresno County Jail on $1 million bail. Law enforcement believe that Johnson killed Gary Smith, who went missing in July 2018. Human bones were discovered on Johnson’s property, and detectives believe the remains are that of Smith.
A news release from the county sheriff’s office said investigators have been working on the case since July 19. That’s when family members of Smith said he had been missing and not seen in two weeks. At the time Smith was known to be staying in a trailer on John- son’s property in the 38000 block of Ruth Hill Road in Squaw Valley. After rumors swirled
in the community that Smith may have been killed, homi- cide detectives in September obtained a search warrant of Johnson’s property to look for evidence that could be related to Smith’s disappear- ance.
On Jan. 12, detectives received a report of possible human remains found off of Barberry Lane in Squaw Valley. At the property, detectives examined the remains and determined they were human bones. The bones currently are being processed through DNA analysis to get
an identification.
Anyone with additional information on
the case is asked to contact the Fresno Coun- ty Sheriff’s Office at (559) 600-3111, Crime Stoppers at (559) 498-STOP (7867) of online at Tipsters will re- main anonymous and could be eligible for a cash reward.
CHAMBER Continued from page A1
SMALL BUSINESS OF THE YEAR — Kimo’s Tropi- cal Car Wash
ENTREPRENEUR OF THE YEAR — Jordan Urba- no, Valley Fight Series
EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR — Kirby Kauk, Reed- ley High School
AG EXPO Continued from page A2
World Ag Expo that focused on technology applications in agriculture.
Other popular attractions at the 2019 World Ag Expo in- cluded the Ride & Drive ar-
HEALTH PROFESSION- ALOFTHEYEAR—Dr. Cindy Tang, United Health Centers
SAFETY PROFESSION- AL OF THE YEAR — Dana Boss, United Health Centers
REEDLEY BEAUTIFI- CATION AWARD — Neil and Charity Thonesen, Base Con- sulting Group Inc.
eas, Wine and Cheese, and the new Demonstration Pavilion. The 2020 World Ag Expo will be held Feb. 11-13. Space renewals are now being ac- cepted from 2019 exhibitors. Potential exhibitors can begin requesting space on Friday, March 1, at
The theme for the 2019
Awards Gala is “Reedley Beach Party.” The event will begin at 5 p.m. with a social hour, followed by the dinner
L L e e y y e e n n d de e k k k k e e r r , , J J r r . .
Arthur Leyendekker, Jr., 61 of Sunnyside, WA tragically passed away Dec. 11, 2018.
Born in Escondido, CA, 1957 and at a young age labored alongside his 10 siblings on father’s Arthur Leyendekker 15 dairies in CA, Netherlands and in Yakima Valley, Sunnyside, WA. He remembers the teachers at Dinuba Windsor and Grandview schools and the kind Mennonite neighbors: Ernest Gunther, Warkentins, C. Vanderstelt and the staff at Dinuba Grandview School who provided family support. The dairy industry work 24/7 took a toll on his life and he became disabled. He is survived by his mother Helen and 10 siblings; Gerben, Jenny, Ina, Wilma, Charles, Sidney, Helen, Richard, Frank and Andrew. He lived each day with appreciation of life’s blessings and reached out to family and friends. Through SIGHT LIFE, recipients of his corneas regained their sight and independence. His mother and family extend appreciation of your kind support.
Memorials if desired, be given to Hartland Camp/Ernest Gunther Cabin Fund, Sunnyside Christian School and Dinuba Menonnite Bretheran Church or animal humane shelter.
Harley R. Buller
June 24, 1923 – February 11, 2019
Harley was born in Watova, OK. to Herman and Mary Buller on June 24, 1923.
On February 11, 2019, the gates of Heaven opened
up and welcomed Harley into the arms of Jesus. He
is a Veteran of the Greatest Generation and a Dust Bowl migrant.
In 1935, his parents, ve children and two dogs moved from west Texas
in an old Chevy sedan via Route 66 to Reedley, Ca. Harley attended Reedley schools until he was dra ed
in the Army Air Corp in 1943. He married Starling Avants in August 1945, just before he was discharged in November of the same year. In Reedley, they raised their family and he started his career as a building contractor. He built many homes and commercial buildings in the Fresno County area. Reedley City Hall and Jail was one of his highlights. He took great pride in his work. He committed himself to every project, big or small with perfection.
In 2001, he married Helen Cerna. eir total love for each other brought them many years of joy and happiness.
Harley was a member of Reedley Kiwanis Club for 50 years, serving two terms as president.
He will be remembered for his love of family, his love of country, Christian faith and compassion.
He is preceded in death by his parents, brother, Franklin, Vernon and sister Donabel Schmidt.
He is survived by his wife Helen of 18 years, brother Merlyn and wife June, sister Roselyn and husband Gerald Avants, brother Don, brother Ron and wife Judeene, son Loren and wife Kathy, daughter Carolyn and husband John Janzen, son Kenneth and wife Melissa, step-children Xochitl Cerna and Netz Cerna, 11 grandchildren, and 20 great-grandchildren.
Visitation will be held at Cairns Funeral Home on Sunday, February 24 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. A memorial service will be held at the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Reedley on Monday, February 25 at 9:30 a.m. followed by Interment Service at Reedley Cemetery at 11 a.m.
FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 519 E. 11th Street, Reedley
Pastor: Ron Robertson
Sunday Growth Classes: 9:30am Children’s and Youth programs
Sunday Worship: 10:30am – Service; Children’s Church, ages 4-11 5:30pm Prayer – Evening Service 6:00pm
Wednesday Dinner served at 6:00pm
Wed. Family Night at 7:00pm (Adults, Youth Children) Food Give away – the third Saturday of the Month at 9:00am Basketball – Monday 7:00pm; Wednesday 8:00pm
For more information, call the church at 559-638-2739 All are welcome to attend
FAITH COMMUNITY CHURCH 314 W. Manning Avenue • Reedley, CA 93654 638-2730
Pastor: Dr. Ernie Williams Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. Children’s Church for ages 3 thru 3rd grade Nursery available
Roger Johnson
The Reedley Exponent A3 Thursday, February 21, 2019
Christ Lutheran
1254 N Frankwood Ave. Reedley 559-638-2112
Join us for worship ~ Sundays at 9:30am All are welcome!
Musicians: Aarne Kela & Jason Awbrey
FREE FOOD GIVEAWAY! Saturday, October 6th • 9:00am CLC Parking Lot
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God’s work. Our hands.