Page 18 - Reedley Exponent 8-2-18 E-edition
P. 18

ABOVE: Reedley Lions Club president Robert Takacs (at the podium) was the master of cer-
emonies for the court of honor ceremony where Christopher Lopez (right) was named an Eagle Scout. Lopez is a member of Reedley Boy Scout Troop 282. The ceremony was held in July at the First United Method- ist Church of Reedley.
RIGHT: Angela Avalos (right) is the Scoutmaster for Reedley Boy Scout Troop 282. She is al- so Christopher Lopez's mother. At the court of honor ceremony, Lopez recognized four people who mentored him at a Boy Scout and presented them with special pins. He gave pins to Avalos, Reedley High School teacher Alexander Busch, his aunt Anita Elizondo, and his father Christopher Lopez Sr.
Photos Contributed
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Reedley Senior Center. She also teaches classes in Dinuba and Kingsburg. Festejo said one of her oldest students is 97.
“Exercise is good for all ages,” she said.
Festejo’s exercise rou- tine includes strength, flex- ibility, range of motion, and weight-bearing exercises. She said this helps with os-
Jodie Reyna/The Exponent
Grace Lopez said the Reedley Senior Center's exercise class has improved her balance.
teoporosis, arthritis, and bal- ance problems. Festejo’s class includes exercises from both standing and sitting positions. Participants also use small, hand-held weights, which are optional. Students have the option to stay after class for floor exercises.
Grace Lopez, 77, makes it a point to never miss a class. After experiencing a fall a couple of years ago, Lopez said the exercise class has improved her balance and she hasn’t fallen since.
“I believe it helps me a lot,” she said.
After Anne Novotney, 83, started taking the class, her daughter commented on her growing arm muscles.
“It keeps my muscles working the way they are sup- posed to,” Novotney said. “I can feel the difference.”
Added Novotney: “I real- ly like the teacher. She makes a lot of sense.”
Festejo targets the exer- cises to senior citizens, with an emphasis on safety. She tells her students to stop if something hurts.
“My goal is to help people feel better,” Festejo said.
She encourages more se- niors to join the class. Festejo
said seniors need to exercise at least three times a week. She recommends that her stu- dents exercise outside of class as well.
"It keeps my muscles working the way they are supposed to. I can feel the
dif ference."
– Anne Novotney, about the exercise class at the Reedley Senior Center
“They want to play with their grandkids, carry the groceries in from the car, and climb up and down stairs. They want to do all these things, but if they don’t keep their body healthy, they don’t get to do those things,” Festejo said.
One of Festejo’s students recently commented on how shewasabletogoonahike with her family thanks to reg- ular exercise.
“It really makes a differ- ence,” Festejo said.
The Reedley Exponent B10 Thursday, August 2, 2018 EAGLE
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Busch, his aunt Anita Eli- zondo, his father Chris Lopez Sr., and his mother Angela Avalos.
Fred Collins, committee chairperson for Troop 282, said Lopez is the 23rd person to become an Eagle Scout in the 22 years that Collins has been part of the organization.
“It’s a very rare thing,” he said. “We’re trying to build nice young men to help with the future of this country.”
Avalos said Scouting helps to build ambition, con- fidence, and character.
Lopez plans to attend California State University Fullerton after graduation and major in music. He is a member of the Reedley High School River Rats, pep, jazz andsymphonicbands. Lopez is also a youth leader and gui- tarist at Redeemer’s Church.
Daniel Heinrichs, a mem- ber of Troop 282, also became an Eagle Scout earlier this year. Heinrichs is a 2018 graduate of Reedley High School.
Jodie Reyna/The Exponent
Retired Reedley College fitness instructor Shirley Festejo (third from the right) teaches a weekly exercise class at the Reedley Community Center that benefits senior citizens. The class is held from 10 to 11 a.m. everyMonday,Wednesday,andFriday. Friday'sclassisavideo.

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