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Thursday, January 30, 2020 | A8 | Mid Valley TiMes In the garden
GardenChecklist: It'salmosttimeforTheBlossomTrail
Photo Courtesy Sanger Chamber
The Blossom Trail in eastern Fresno County allows visi- tors to take in a variety of blooming trees filled with floral scents and an array of color.
The Garden Check- list is filled with tips and tricks for local gardeners who wish to keep their green- ery, flowers, and herbs looking beautiful all year long.
Ornamental and fruit bearing trees will bloom this month in home gardens and along the Blossom Trail in eastern Fresno Coun- ty.
Tasks for this time of year include check your sprinklers and turning them off when the amount of rain per-
Making sure trees
are getting enough wa- ter. Avoid overhead ir- rigation if frost is
When pruning, re- member evergreens and shrubs such as pittosporum and podo- carpus and deciduous trees and fruit and nut trees except apricot, oleander and olive.
Fertilize fall planted annuals and perennials. Apply one-third of the needed annual amount of fertilizer to decidu- ous fruit and nut trees.
Consider the needs
of your plants before planting and put shade- loving and sun-loving plants in appropriate locations.
Bare root planting season ends in early February.
Fruits and vegeta- bles: asparagus, cab- bage, chard.
Enjoy annuals and perennials: snapdragon (Antirrhinum), calen- dula, Lente ros (helle- borus).
Bulbs, corms, tu- bers: crocus.
Trees, shrubs, vines: camellias.
Fruits and vegeta- bles: bok choy, cab-
bage, chard, grapefruit. Things to ponder, be aware of the continuing threat of frost dam- age—almond blossoms, citrus and avocados are at risk at 29 degrees or
Source: Adapted
from “A Gardener’s Companion for the Cen- tral San Joaquin Val- ley,” 3rd edition, cur- rently available from Fresno County Master Gardeners for $30. Gardening Questions answered at (559) 241- 7534. Prepared by Judy Parker, Fresno County Master Gardener.
Students displayed a colorful quilt with the message "you fit right in" the item will be up for bid in the an- nual auction on Feb. 1.
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Publishing
A chair and step stool with artwork from preschool students are also on the list for auction items this year.
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ABOVE: Students smiled as they posed for a pho- to with their auction project, a colorful quilt with their photos on it.
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