Page 10 - Reedley Exponent 3-7-19 E-edition
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Youth & Education St. La Salle CRUSADERS News
Senior Center NEWS
TheReedleyExponent B2Thursday,March7,2019
Let your child grow with us! Enrollment is now open for 2019-2020 School Year!
Catholic Based Educa- tion: The most important gift you will ever give your child! We believe a Catholic school education is the most impor- tant gift that parents will ever give their child. We offer an opportunity for students to explore the many life paths that enable them to use their talents by serving the church and our community in vari- ous capacities and make the world a better place. Catholic schools make a difference in every child’s life! Visit us at- for more information.
Five Reasons to choose a Catholic School , We offer an education that combines Catholic faith and teachings with academic excellence. We partner with parents in the faith formation of their children. We set high stan- dards for student’s achieve- ment and help them succeed. We use technology effetely to enhance education. We instill in students the value of ser- vice to others
Scholarship Applications
are now open and you can reg- ister online at online.factsmgt. com/signin/49BH0. St. La Salle
School will not have any paper applications in the office, ev- eryone must apply online at the web page listed above. You can also access this informa- tion through our web page at Last day to apply is April 1, 2019.
Basketball- Congratula- tion to the St La Salle Bas- ketball Team they were the League basketball Champs for 2019. Academic Decath- lon 2019! Congratulations St. La Salle! Decathlon Team 2019- Charlotte Burks, Kelly Fernandez, Makenna Gobby, Angel Godinez, Alicia Guer- rero, Sophia Hoffma, Pablo Palafox, Andrew Valenzuela Adan Vazquez , Rosmary Wal- lis, Samantha Alanis and John Paul Rooney
Golf Tournament
St. La Salle invites you and your friends to its annual golf tournament at Ridge Creek Golf Club in Dinuba. Come out and have a great time! You also have a chance to win $1,000.00! All Checks payable to St. La Salle School. Please contact Ed Todd at (559) 779- 9124 or Eric Martinez at (559) 591-2254 for more informa- tion.
Spring Open House
St. La Salle School will be hosting an Open House at 5:00pm on Tuesday, March 26, 2019. A light dinner will be of-
fered for free from 5-6pm. classroom visits from 5:30- 6:45pm. Program at 7:00- 7:30pm. There will be a chance to win free registra- tion for your student! Please come and enjoy the evening with your children at St. La Salle School!
Gift Cards Fundraiser (Scrip Program)- Save Mart will no longer participate in the SHARES program but will continue to participate in the scrip program. St. La Salle School participates in the Scrip program year- round! What better way is there to shop for the family and help support our school at the same time! St. La Salle School has a variety of gift cards on hand or we can or- der them for you! These are some of the retail stores that participate with us: Macy’s, Sephora, Disney, Target, Starbucks, Walmart, Save Mart and so much more! Please stop by the school for a full list of Gift Cards.
Lenten Season
Stations of the Cross March 13th at 11:00am
We hope that every fam- ily will observe Lent by at- tending Mass every Sunday.
During Lent there will be a Fish Fry every Friday put on by the knights of Co- lumbus in the St. La Salle
School Hall from 5:00pm- 8:00pm.
Dates to Remember- Stations of the Cross-March 13, 2019 at 11:00am. Open House on March 26, 2019
Chuk- chansi Ca- sino Get-A- Way- Join our next Chukchansi Casino trip on Monday,
Christina Ontiveros
topic will be, “Do I have al- lergies or a cold”? Dr. Guz- man always provides great information and takes time for questions and answers
A Special Invitation To You. Come Visit the Reedley Senior Center. Have you been by to visit the senior center lately? Whether this would be your first time or just haven’t been by for awhile we invite you to stop by for coffee and Danish and maybe make a reservation to have lunch here with us.
We open at 9 a.m. for cof- fee and Danish. We have bil- liards open from 9-11 am, you can work on a puzzle, watch TV or visit with friends.
Seniors 60 + can also sign up to enjoy a wonderful hot lunch that is served Monday- Friday at 11 a.m. WE all know that appetites are so much better when we eat in the company of others. Now is the time to make a resolu- tion to start 2019 with the Reedley Senior Center as part of YOUR routine. Try it, come by and visit us.
Ven u únite a nosotros para un Social de Helados. Todo lo que necesita es traer a ti mismo y un amigo. Pro- porcionaremos helado sin azúcar gratis, coberturas y golosinas. Este evento se lle- vará a cabo despus de lonche el miércoles 23 de enero en la Sala Principal Phil
Exercise Class- Join an Exercise Class on Monday and Wednesday in the Cali-
fornia Room from 10 to 11 a.m. Thank you Shirley for instructing the classes. We also have a video exercise class on Friday at 10 am in the California Room.
Lunch at the Senior Cen- ter- Meals taste so much bet- ter when you can enjoy them in the company of others! Join us in the Phil Hudson Se- nior Room at the Community Center weekdays at 11 a.m. (except holidays) for a nutri- tious lunch and a good time.
This program is partially funded by the Fresno-Made- ra Area Agency on Aging. If you are 60 or older, a suggest- ed donation of $2 is appreci- ated, however, not required. Reservations must be made by 11:00 am the weekday be- fore you plan to attend. Call (559) 637-4207 for your reser- vation today.
La Ciudad de Reedley les invita a visitar y participar en los programas de personas mayores. En el edificio del centro de la comunidad hay un cuarto especial para ust- edes. Si tienen preguntas y necesitan informacion y asis- tencia les podremos ayudar de 9:30-11:30 am los dias de lunes a viernes Please note: if you may know a Spanish speaking person please pass this information on to them and encourage them to join us for lunch daily at 11 am. We are a Spanish speaking friendly center. Ask them to call the Center and ask for Christina. Thank you!
Mar. 25. Cost is $17 which includes $10 free play and $5 towards lunch buffet with current photo ID.
Come to the Phil Hudson Senior Room weekdays from 9a.m.to12p.m.topayand sign waiver form. Payment accepted by check or Money Order payable to The City of Reedley. Sponsored by the City of Reedley Community Services
Monterey / Gilroy Outlets
- Join us on a trip on Friday, May 10, 2019. First stop is Monterey Fisherman’s Wharf for lunch then off to Gilroy Outlets. Cost is $43, with lunch on your own. Day of trip we will meet at the Se- nior Center at 6:30 a.m. and be back around 8 p.m. There will be a lot of walking so bring your walking shoes and snacks for the bus ride. Come to the Senior Room weekdays from 9 a.m. -12 p.m. to pay and sign waiver form. Payment accepted by check or Money Order pay- able to The City of Reedley
Healthy Corner- Dr. Guzman will be at the Senior Center on Wednesday, March 13 at 11 a.m This months
Private Medical Consultant
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- Con dential in of ce and out of of ce consultation available. - MD from UCLA. Residency trained at Yale and UC Davis.
California Medical Lic G72556 Board Certi ed Paul Atmajian, M.D.
1011 G Street, Suite 2, Reedley, CA 93654 (559) 726-2265
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*Variable APR 4.00% as of 2/28/19. Lifetime maximum APR is start rate plus 5.00%, currently 9.00%. $125 application fee is waived. A minimum $10,000.00 advance is required when the credit line is established. Closing costs (up to $324 depending on lien position, credit limit and other factors) are waived. $25 annual fee. Rates and terms subject to change without notice. Loans subject to credit approval. Available on California owner-occupied real property only. Other restrictions may apply.
Offer valid for applications received 3/01/19 – 5/31/19.
Express your feelings
Leave a tribute on our online Obituaries
Have a story idea?
Call Juanita Adame
559- 638-2244

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