Page 9 - Mid Valley Times 3-19-20 E-edition
P. 9
Thursday, March 19, 2020 | A9 | Mid Valley TiMes
KCUSD, Immanuel schools closed until mid-April
Parlier Unified delays its reopening, Reedley College closed this week, delays face-to-face instruction to late April
By Jon Earnest
Mid Valley Times
The Kings Canyon Uni- fied School District and Im- manuel Schools closed their campuses to live instruc- tion effective March 17, just days after extracurricular events and athletic compe- tition ceased at the schools because of the COVID-19 crisis.
The KCUSD board of trustees met the evening of March 13, and later that night announced that all schools would close after the school day on March 16. That day, students were given in- structions for online classes and curriculum.
Non-student days be- gan March 17 and will run through Friday, April 3. Af- ter the regularly scheduled spring vacation break on April 6-13, students are ten- tatively slated to return to schools on Tuesday, April 14.
But that's subject to
Jon Earnest / Mid Valley Times
The central plaza area at Immanuel High School was deserted about the time of first period on March 17, the day the campuses closed to students.
of an announcement by the Fresno County Department of Health that a Parlier Uni- fied student recently had traveled to an area at risk for COVID-19.
Scott Griffin, director of human resources for PUSD, said that students were slat- ed to receive home study ma- terials on Monday, March 23, and were tentatively slated to return to classes on cam- pus on Tuesday, April 14.
••• Meanwhile, the Reedley
College campus has canceled most of its classes through this week to prepare for al- ternative online instruction options.
Thos alternative options (online, email, Zoom, etc.) will begin Monday, March 23, and last at least through Monday, April 27.
Jerry Buckley, RC presi- dent, said after March 23 that select classes (labs, clin- icals, small groups) can pro- ceed with partial face-to-face meetings. Instructors wish- ing to teach this method are advised to meet with their Dean to develop the proper course of action and then email students with details.
By George M. Villagrana
Mid Valley Times
Dinuba Chamber of Com- merce Executive Director Sandy Sills was looking for- ward to hosting a Business Expo that was scheduled for March 18.
Due to precautionary measures in wake to stop the spread of the coronavirus, Sills had to push back the
event until the fall adhering to the calls of sizing limits of gatherings.
The Andrew Bedoya Me- morial Scholarship Fund- raiser dance and auction that was scheduled for Saturday has been moved to August 8, according to Edward Bedoya.
The city of Dinuba Com- munity Services Department cancelled the annual Spring Fling event, according to
Stephanie Hurtado, parks and services community di- rector.
Hurtado noted that the city’s recreational and soft- ball season have not been cancelled and are looking to postpone until a later date pending on the timeframe.
All Relay for Life events have been postponed until the fall. The Cinco de Mayo parade and festival is a little
more than a month away, and organizers will be keeping a close eye on the impact of coronavirus in the area.
The Cutler-Orosi Lions Club’s Bingo Night Fundrais- er slated for Saturday, March 21, has also been rescheduled to Saturday, May 30.
Another event that was impacted in Orosi is the Noche de Oro fundraising gala which was going to be
held in mid-April. The event raises funds for the academy and pathway internship sti- pends for students at Orosi High, has been postponed until the fall, according to Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District Superinten- dent, Yolanda Valdez.
On March 16, Tulare County closed all of their li- braries through the end of the month.
Continued from page A1
of state and local public health experts on how we can keep all who are part of our school community – students, staff family
members and visitors –safeinthemidstofa growing health crisis.
“We are at a point where the balance has shifted and the appro- priate path is to close schools. We are taking
this step to keep our school communities safe,” Jones added.
The decision by the district came just two days before Fresno County officials declared a local public health emergency in response
to the Covid-19 Corona- virus crisis and prior to the discovery of a second person who recently test- ed positive for the virus.
Jones expressed how the decision to close all district schools was a dif- ficult one but also a nec-
essary step to slow the spread of the virus.
“The closing of schools has real conse- quences beyond the loss of instructional time,” Jones explained. “This is not an easy decision and not one we take lightly.”
As the crisis contin- ues and more informa- tion is made available the district, as will many oth- er districts, will continue
to monitor and reevalu- ate the situation as the middle of April nears. At that time, the district will consider whether or not to reopen schools or con- tinue with the closures.
“Our priorities are to the students, families and staff of our Sanger Unified community,” said Jones. “We will work tirelessly to navigate this together.”
change, according to Super- intendent John Campbell.
"We currently plan to wel- come students back to cam- puses on Tuesday, April 14, but that decision will depend on the circumstances at the time," he stated in a letter to parents. "We will re-evaluate this plan and provide updates prior to April 14.
A letter to district offi- cials said that schools and the Educational Support Center will remain open. In addition, breakfast and lunch will be
available weekdays through Friday, April 3. More infor- mation is available by going online to
Immanuel Schools had initially decided to remain open, but after leaders met on March 16, they decided to close the campus to student instruction.
"After much consider- ation, guidance and prayer, Immanuel Schools has de- cided to temporarily close, and begin a schooling from home format," the school's
Facebook page announced in a post. The home schooling begins on Monday, March 23.
Immanuel Schools' tenta- tive return date for students is the week of April 13, but of course that's subject to change.
The Parlier Unified School District had the rest of its schools join Parlier High and Brletic Elementa- ry School by closing to stu- dents. Those campuses had been closed since March 10 as a precaution in the wake
Dinuba event organizers scrambling in wake of coronavirus
Closed Tulare County schools still offering free meals
MVT Staff Report
With Dinuba Uni- fied, Cutler-Orosi and Monson Sultana closing in an effort to prevent the spread of coronavi- rus, the school districts will serve breakfast and lunch meals at various school sites.
Continued from page A1
of Education began non- student days on March 16. Students will tenta- tively return Tuesday. April 14 except Cutler- Orosi who are scheduled to be in class a day earli- er. That decision will de- pend on the circumstanc- es at the time. Plans will be reevaluated as each district will provide up- dates throughout.
The closure impacts programs at each district that includes adult school and after school activi- ties including athletics.
Students were provid- ed with academic materi- als throughout the week.
Social and emotional support services will be available on an on-call basis through Friday, April 3.
Here is the distribu- tion information for the school districts:
• Program is open to anyone 18 and under. Monday through Friday through April 3
• Starting time at 11 a.m., runs until 1 p.m.
• Event held at the Orosi High student parking lot. Golden Val- ley Elementary near cafeteria loading zone. Cutler Elementary near cafeterialoadingzone.
• Anyone 19 years and younger. Monday through Friday to April 3
• Starting time at 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
• Wilson Elementary School, Washington In- termediate School and Dinuba High School (North parking lot)
Monson Sultana
• Any person age 18 and under. Monday through Friday to April 3
parking lot (drive thru) • In Monson – Monson
store parking lot
• In Sultana – Red-
wood Inn parking lot Students and/or mi- nors must be present to pick up meals. Stay in your vehicle and main- tain traffic flow. For updates and additional information, visit the
schools websites.
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