Page 17 - Mid Valley Times 5-13-21 E-edition
P. 17
Fresno State
returns in person
Thursday, May 13, 2021 | A17 | Mid Valley TiMes
Dinuba Lions Dinner
Contributed, Staff Reports
In-person gradua- tion and commence- ment ceremonies at Fresno State this spring — outdoors — after a year's absence because of COVID-19.
University gradu- ates for 2020 and 2021 and their families will be able to enjoy in-per- son celebrations at Bull- dog Stadium this year. It is the first time com- mencement ceremonies will be held at the foot- ball stadium since 2003. After the Save Mart Center was built, it be- came the new home for commencement in 2004.
Fresno County’s im- proved ranking in the state’s COVID-19 tier system allows Fresno State to offer smaller- scale, in-person com- mencement ceremo- nies Friday through Sunday, May 14, 15 and 16 outdoors for the two classes of graduates.
Those in attendance will hear a special mes- sage to students from keynote speaker Dr. Lynda Resnick, who along with her husband, Dr. Stewart Resnick, is one of this year’s four honorary doctorate re- cipients. The entrepre- neur, philanthropist and co-owner of The Won- derful Company will de- liver her pre-recorded
keynote address at all six of the commence- ment ceremonies.
About 6,164 class of 2021 graduates could be eligible for degree conferral, pending final certification of spring degrees.
There will be six separate ceremonies planned, each with up to 1,400 graduates. The university will follow state and local public health guidelines.
Here is the schedule of ceremonies:
Friday, May 14
9 a.m. — Kremen School of Education and Human Develop- ment. 7 p.m. — College of Health and Human Services.
Saturday, May 15
9 a.m. — College of Social Sciences. 7 p.m. — Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology and the College of Arts and Humanities.
Sunday, May 16
9 a.m. — College of Science and Mathemat- ics and the Lyles Col- lege of Engineering. 7 p.m. — Craig School of Business.
The ceremonies will be livestreamed on the Fresno State commence- ment page so students and families who are unable or choose not to attend an in-person cer- emony, and the public, can watch online.
ABOVEAND LEFT:RenownedWesternMusicper- former Dave Stamey sang a series of songs dur- ing a concert performance at the annual Dinuba Lions Dinner event. This year's fundraiser event, returning after a year's absence because of CO- VID-19, drew a crowd of 320 people from around the Valley to the Pucker Up Ranch in the foothills near Orange Cove.
Contributed Photos
Dave Stamey performs at May 1 outdoor fundraiser
The 2021 Dinuba Lions Club dinner and concert by renowned Western Music singer Dave Stamey on May 1 was attended by 320 people from around the Central Valley.
The outdoor event took place on an ideal spring late afternoon and evening at the Pucker Up Ranch, owned by Brent and Amy Smither and located in the foot- hills near Orange Cove.
Attendees enjoyed a steak dinner prepared by Ed Smither
and his team, and then were en- tertained in concert by Stamey. Called the Charlie Russell of West- ern Music, the Western Music Hall of Fame inductee performed a number of classic Western songs.
The event raised money for the Dinuba Lions, an active ser- vice club in the region. The club's projects include being Knights for the Blind; supping glasses for school-aged children and helping facilitate surgery for adults whose vision is compromised. Other proj- ects include the establishment of a Leo Club at the Washington Inter-
mediate School in Dinuba to sup- port students who have a desire to serve the community through their various projects.
The Dinuba Lions Club helps other organizations with projects by providing food service such as grilling steaks, beverage stations and pancakes by the thousands. The club is looking for men and women interested in community service to become members.
For more information, call (559) 591-7062 or go online to di- or the Dinuba Li- ons Club Facebook page.
Continued from page A2
provide background in- formation for the cen- tennial story.
A large homecoming celebration event was scheduled for the school
in the fall of 2020, de- signed to celebrate the school's founding on Ju- ly 23, 1920.
Some of the Centenni- al year events that took place was the hanging of a "Celebrating 100 Years" banner at the school in
October 2020; a written resolution in November adopted by the Kings Canyon Unified School District board of 2020- 21 being the GW Cen- tennial Year; and ongo- ing research through old newspapers, interviews
and Historical Society publications to compile history of the school.
Pandemic restric- tions forced the cancel- lation of the Homcoming celebration open house and school carnival planned for this month.