Page 16 - Reedley Exponent 5-10-18
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The Reedley Exponent B8 Thursday, May 10, 2018 Youth & Education
St. La Salle CRUSADERS News
‘The Parable’
Immanuel High School Performing Arts presents “The Parable, A Modern Telling of Jesus’ Teachings,” opening Thursday, May 10, in the Immanuel Performance Lab.
Performances will be at 7p.m.onMay10,11and12, and at 4 p.m. on May 12. Tick- ets are available at the door; $8 for adults, $5 for students.
High School Updates
On Thursday, May 10, baseball will play Minarets High at the Immanuel High Sports Complex; JV plays at 4 p.m. and varsity play at 7 p.m.
On Friday and Saturday, May 11 and 12, boys tennis will compete in Section In- dividuals at the Immanuel sports complex; match times to be announced.
Also on May 11, var- sity baseball will play Cen- tral Valley Christian High at the sports complex at 7 p.m. Meanwhile, the softball team will play CVCH for the championship at 4 p.m. at the sports complex.
Finally, on May 11 (11:30 a.m. start) and May 12 (10:30 a.m. start), the swim team
Andersen wins Reedley Library pun contest
The Reedley Airport
Commission Invites you to our Annual
10 a.m. - 2 p.m. - Aircraft Displays 12:00 Noon - Guest Speaker: Dick DeKoning
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Special Thanks To These Supporters • • • • • • • • • • • • • • êAcademy FeedêAlta Pump Co.êCairns Funeral HomeêDave Knoll Plumbing
êFarmex Land Management, Inc.êFraternal Order of Eagles #2781êGolden Farms Express, Inc.
êValli HansenêRobert HarrisêAnthony JewellêJim Manning DodgeêDan Kevorkian
êKing’s Body ShopêKings River Sinclair StationêKings River Tractor, Inc.êKulikov Ranches, LLC
êLee’s ServiceêBruce McElhoeêRobert MasonêMulholland CitrusêDenise Phariss
êReedley Lumber and Bldg. CenterêReedley Rotary ClubêRegier AviationêRay RemyêRhodes Inc.
ê David Richey ê Sam Jorgensen Pump Co. ê Carl Smith ê W & E Electric ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Proceeds bene t Reedley Airport For more information: City of Reedley • 559.637.4203
Registration Now Open
St. La Salle now is accept- ing registration for preschool through eighth grade. And, register for preschool in May and June, and the registration fee will be waived.
We invite you to let your child grow with us. We believe a Catholic school education is the most important gift you will give your child. At St. La Salle, we foster knowledge, faith and service in our stu- dents, and they can explore many life paths. We want stu- dents to use their God-given talents to the fullest later in life, to serve the church and community, and make the world a better place.
Call us at (559) 638-2621 to schedule a visit. You also can go online to stlasallereedley. org for more information.
Reasons to Choose
a Catholic Education
We are a proud Catholic
school. Here are 12 reasons to choose a Catholic school for your child:
1, We offer an education that combines Catholic faith and teachings with academic excellence; 2, We partner with parents in the faith formation of their children; 3, We set
high standards for student achievement and help them succeed; 4, We provide a bal- anced academic curriculum that integrates faith, culture and life.
5, We use technology ef- fectively to enhance educa- tion; 6, We instill in students the value of service to others; 7, We teach children respect of self and others; 8, We em- phasize moral development and self-discipline.
9, We prepare students to be productive citizens and future leaders; 10, We have a 99 percent high school gradu- ation rate, and 85 percent of our graduates go to college; 11, We cultivate a faculty and staff who are dedicated, car- ing and effective; and 12, We provide a safe and welcoming environment for all.
Support St. La Salle School when you make a purchase at Save Mart. At the checkout stand, just enter the numbers (559) 638-1916 on the keypad.
This automatically will give the credit to our school.
Spring Carnival
“Thank you” to everyone who attended this year’s St. La Salle School Spring Carni- valonMay4.Wehadlotsof fun, with games, food booths,
will compete in the Central Section Swimming Champi- onships at East Bakersfield High School.
For a complete list of high school sports, go online to immanuelsports.bigteams. com, or visit our website at and click on “athletics.”
In other activities, the high school FFA will host an “Ag Literacy Day” on Thurs- day, May 10, at Immanuel Elementary School, from 8:30 a.m. to noon. This is an opportunity for the elemen- tary students to learn about agriculture and all it has to offer. Then on Monday, May 14, the FFA chapter mem- bers will hold their end-of-the year awards ceremony in the North Gym at 6 p.m.
Final Exams
Junior high and high school finals (except for seniors) will be conduct- ed Thursday, May 24, to Wednesday, May 30. Our stu- dents are well on their way preparing to complete the semester.
The high school seniors will take their finals Monday, May 21, to Friday, May 25.
Elementary Updates
Our Star Gazing Party and Movie Night was a great
success. “Thank you” so much to the parents who made this possible. The fifth- graders enjoyed their “stay” trip and learned about grav- ity with different activities.
This week our fourth- graders visited Columbia to learn about the history of California and the Gold Rush. Also, our third grade class toured downtown Reedley and learned about its history and how our city government works.
On Thursday, May 10, we are having our very first “Ag Literacy Day” hosted by our high school FFA team. We are very excited about this opportunity.
Have a good week every- one!
Enroll Your Student
Are you looking for a change in your child’s edu- cation? Consider Immanuel Schools. Enrollment packets are available in the district office, 1128 S. Reed Ave. in Reedley. Or visit us online at to download the information or schedule a tour.
Call us at (559) 638-2529, ext. 7101, for more infor- mation about Immanuel Schools, where the differ- ence is life changing.
a mariachi band, a student tal- ent show, student choir perfor- mance, and a band program.
We had lots of great priz- es, too. This event wouldn’t have been a success without all of you!
Founders Dinner
Join us on Friday, May 11, to say “thank you” to the family of August and Ralph Madrigal and to Judge Ste- phen Drew for their generous support of St. La Salle. Contact the school office at (559) 638- 2621 for tickets and more in- formation.
Dates to Remember
• May 16 – Feast of St. Hannibal Mass, 10 a.m.
• May 18 – Color Run; ear- ly dismissal at 12:30 p.m.
• May 22 – Kindergarten graduation, 6:30 p.m.
• May 23 – Farewell As- sembly, 1 p.m.
• May 24 – Eighth grade graduation, 7 p.m.
• May 25 – Preschool- kindergarten graduation, 6:30 p.m.
• May 28 – Memorial Day (no school)
• May 29 – Transitional kindergarten graduation, 6:30 p.m.
• May 31 – Last day of school, promotion Mass at 10 a.m.
Join Us for
A FREE BBQ HOT DOG MEAL Starts at 11a.m.
Korky Kevorkian Memorial
BBQ & Fly-In
May 12, 2018 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Beauti cation Projects
Friday, May 11, 2018 42675 Road 44 • Reedley, Ca 93654
$20 / Seat • $150 / Table of 10
Reserved Assigned Seating
Refreshments 6:00 PM Dinner 6:30 PM
There will be an offering received for Central Valley Teen Challenge.
Special Guest Speaker Music & Testimonials
Greg Garner
Special music and stories of life transformations from the Central Valley
Chief of Police, City of Selma Teen Challenge New Creation Choir
Call for tickets: (559) 715-6954
FREE Admission
FREE Airplane Rides!
For the first time, a pun contest was held at the Reedley Library, on March 28. It was called the “Once U-Pun a Time” Pun- slinger’s Contest. The competition motto was “You Quack Me Up!”
LEFT: Vicky Andersen holds the Champi-Pun Award she won at the contest. Terrance McArthur, who’s the adult program- ming librarian for the Fresno County Public Library system, said punning contests are held in cities such as San Francisco and Austin, Tex. In fact, the annual O. Henry Museum Pun-Off World Championships are held in Austin. McArthur said he and the Fresno County library system wanted to start these contests in the area.
In addition to Reedley, a contest was held at the Sunnyside branch in Fresno. Plans originally called for a contest at the Sanger branch, but that library is closed for renovations. A competition may be held once that branch reopens, which is scheduled in June.
Photo Contributed

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