Page 10 - Mid Valley Times 12-12-19 E-edition
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Thursday, December 12, 2019
| A10 | Mid Valley TiMes
Community CALENDAR
To submit an entry, send information to or call Sanger Office at (559) 875-2511 Reedley Office at (559) 638-2244
Gaucin 559-367-2175 or apachefbfundraising@
American Red Cross
Central California Re- gion is looking for vol- unteers. Details, vol- unteer.centralca@red-
The Hannibal House Thrift Store at 1501 14th St. will be open the first Saturday of the month from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The store welcomes donations. Details, 559- 875-0564.
519 E. 11th Street, Reedley
Wednesday Nights
7:00 a.m. Prayer 7:00 p.m. Family Night 8:00 p.m. Basketball
Dec. 14 - SANGER (VFW) Veterans of Foreign Wars will be serving it's monthly- community breakfast from8-10amatthe American Legionhall, 1502 "O" Street, Sanger. Cost:$6.00. Date Change due to the Toyland Pa- rade on Dec. 7th. For in- formation contact Clint Vance at (559)960-2337.
The Friends of the Sanger Library meets every third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. The meeting is open to the public and anyone interested is in- vited to attend.
Apache Football Boosters meets at 7 p.m. the first Tuesday of every month in the activity room in the administration build- ing at Sanger High School. Details, Monica
Dec. 13, Reedley Peace Center will have Speaker: Vic Bedoian from 6:30-8:30 talking about being a stringer at KPFA
Winter Break Camp
The City of Reedley is offering a Winter Break Camp at the Reedley Community Center, 100 N. East Ave. Decem- ber 16-20, December 26,27,30, 31 and Janu- ary 2 & 3 from 7:45am- 5:15pm. For informa- tion contact (559) 637- 4203.
Dec. 13 - Movie Night The City of Reed- ley is hosting a movie night at the Reedley Community Center, 100 N. East Ave. on Friday December 13th showing “The Grinch.” For more information please call (559) 637-4203.
Dec 15 - Reedley Ea- gles Lodge #2781 will be hosting a French Toast breakfast on Sunday, Decmber 15 from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We will be serving French Toast,
Dec. 21 - The Cen- tral Valley Independent Bikers are hosting the second annual Family Christmas Toy Drive ride. Meet at 6884 Ave. 416 at 10 a.m. Entry fee is $10.
For more informa-
gie is from 6 to 7 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the Sanger Youth Center, 818 L St. Details, 559- 876-6300, ext. 1430 or
Zumba and Step Class by Rosa is from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday for zumba and from 8 to 8:50 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday for step. De- tails, Rosa 559-355-4204 or rosareyessalva@ya-
9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Service Pastor Ron Robertson speaking
We welcome you to join us
For more information: Pastor Ron Robertson • Pastor Frank Pinon
Christ Lutheran Church
1254 N Frankwood Ave. Reedley | 559-638-2112 | Join us for worship Sundays at 10:00 a.m. | All are welcome!
Pastor Virgil Miller is Preaching | Musicians: Aarne Kela & Jason Awbrey Facebook: Christ Lutheran Church ELCA
Grace of God of Dinuba
A Non-Denominational Church
Meeting at the First Lutheran Church
961 E Elizabeth Way, Dinuba, CA 93618 • 595-1441
Pastor Nancy Boyd 9:00 a.m. Worship Service & Children’s Church
Our services are contemporary and casual with doors open wide to people from all backgrounds, regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey. We’re a church where every day is a celebration of God’s goodness and love.
Our Center for Healing is open every Monday night at 7:00 and by appointment throughout the week. Please see our website for more information.
For information on Bible Studies and activities, see our website -
The Lock It Up
Sanger High School The WAMS Pantry
480 South College Avenue, Dinuba,
Minister: Christopher Roberts WELCOMES YOU
Sunday Mornings---9:50 a.m. Worship---10:50 a.m. Sunday Evening Service---6:00 p.m.
CA 93618 • Phone: (559) 406-5410
Wednesday ---7:00 p.m.
I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me. Please come join us and be strengthened through the preaching
of God’s word.
Classes will be held every second and fourth Wednesday of each month for ages 5 years and older.
Hip Hop — An eight- week session is under- way. Fridays from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Register online through DASH or come by the Reedley Community Center. De- tails, (559) 637-4203
The Reedley Read- ing Group meets every first Tuesday of the month. For more infor- mation email gnmjohn-
The Reedley Read- ing Group invites those interested to its month- ly book discussions.
The group meets the first Tuesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. at the Reedley Library, 1027 E. St. The titles of books the group is read- ing are posted in the li- brary. Details, gnmjohn-
To submit an entry, send information to news@midvalleytimes. com.
N. Eaton Ave.
Bingo is held from
8 to 11 a.m. every Tues- day, Wednesday and Thursday at the Dinuba Senior Center, in Dinu- ba.
Details, Cece Bobst at (559) 591-2450.
CALVARY APOSTOLIC CHURCH Apostolic in Doctrine- Pentecostal in Experience
1013 N. Alta Ave. Dinuba, CA 93618 • Phone: (559) 397-1313 Pastor: Ron Bohde
Sunday a.m. Sunday School
and worship 10:00
Sunday Spanish service 2:00 Sunday p.m. Praise and worship 6:00
Tuesday p.m. prayer service 7:00 Wednesday p.m. Bible study 7:30 Youth service last Wednesday of every month 7:00
We are a friendly family oriented church where everyone is welcome. For a real life change, come and join us. See how a Spirit change can also change both You and your family forever. YOU ARE WELCOME HERE
First Baptist Church of Dinuba
A church for people on the grow!
600 E. Nebraska Avenue, Dinuba • Phone: 591-0234
Website: Facebook: DinubaFirst Baptist
Senior Pastor: Dr. Tom Carter Associate Pastor: Rev. Rick Foddrill Youth Pastor: Nick Gomez
Director of Children’s Ministry: Natalie Zuniga
Ministerio en Español : Sunday: 9 a.m. Contemporary Worship: Sunday: 9 a.m. Contemporary Worship: Sunday: 10:45 a.m. Traditional Worship: Sunday: 6 p.m. Awana Children’s Ministry:
Wednesday: 6:15 p.m.
First Baptist Church lives to glorify God by leading people to Christ, helping them grow in Christ, and training them to minister for Christ.
Dinuba Presbyterian Church
1250 E. Nebraska Ave. (at Hayes Ave.) Phone: 591-6610
Pastor: Rich Latta (859-9662) Men’s Bible Study: Friday 6:00-7:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship Service at 10 a.m. ESL Class every Tuesday night 7-8pm. 10/29-12/3.
Welcome!! We are just ordinary folks with an extraordinary God.
We are Christ-followers, who love the Lord Jesus and want to bless this community and see the Kingdom of God come here in Dinuba. Come, join us!
First Lutheran Church an LCMS congregation
961 E. Elizabeth Way, Dinuba, CA 93618 • Phone: (559) 591-0375
9:45 Bible Study • 11:00 Worship
Jesus said, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit...fruit that lasts” (John 15:16) In response, First Lutheran Church holds values of Bible Centered Preaching and Teaching, Strong Families, and Godly Servant Leadership. A church where God gives and we receive.
1518 Cherry Street (Corner of “P” Street) Sanger, CA 93657
SUNDAY - Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday - Bible Study 7 p.m. CLASES EN ESPANOL - 9:30 a.m. Call 875-8270 / 960-8982 Para Espanol
Sanger First Southern Baptist Church 1116 ‘O’ St. (On the corner of ‘O’ and 11th)
Give us 30 days. If you still want to go elsewhere, go.
Sunday Morning Worship Celebration @ 10:45 a.m. / Sunday School @ 9:30 a.m. Watch for our TV Ministry on KJEO 32.3 Wed./Fri. @ 7:30 p.m.
You may list your Church Announcement on this page for $15 per week. Including Church name, address, phone and service times with additional 50 words for announcement. Deadline for Church News is 12 p.m. Friday.
For more information call, Reedley 638-2244, Dinuba 591-4632, Sanger 875-2511.
Have a story idea?
Call Juanita Adame (559) 875-2511
is seeking donations of non-food related items for students.
Donations benefit students in need. De- tails, Meagan Speer and Brenda Cisneros 559- 524-7015.
To submit an entry, send information to news@midvalleytimes. com.
Bacon, Eggs and Fresh Fruit along with Coffee and Orange Juice. All proceeds to benefit the Reedley Eagles Project Fund
Third Thursday of the month, 10:45 a.m. The Friends of the Li- brary at the Reedley Library, 1027 E St. This month's meeting is Thursday, Nov. 21.
New members wel- come. For more details, call (559) 638-6476.
Every Saturday at 10 a.m. Read to a Dog. Dogs love children and books, come read a story to a registered therapy dog from Tail Waggin' Tutors.
All school age chil- dren are welcome. For more information contact the Reedley Branch Library at (559) 638-2818 or visit fresno-
Builders Club — Join others at the Reedley Library and create Lego masterpieces with other Lego enthusiasts.
tion contact Gil at (559) 305-1733, Joey at (559) 900-5470, or Tim at (559) 827-6832.
The Dinuba Senior Center holds Coffee & Conversation every Monday at the center’s Social Hall from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at 437
Youth Coalition is seek- ing members interested in learning about pre- scription drug abuse and gaining profession- al development experi- ence and community service hours. Details, Frances Nixon 559-244- 3617 or fnixon@health-
Aerobics with An-