Page 6 - Mid Valley Times 10-7-21 E-edition
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Thursday, October 7, 2021 | A6 | Mid Valley TiMes Community CALEnDAR
To submit an entry, send information to juanita@midvalleypub- or call
   (559) 875-2511 or (559) 638-2244
 Oct. 9 - Annual Open House join the Sanger Fire Department and the Sanger Police De- partment for their open house going from noon to 4 p.m.
There will be tours of the fire station, pub- lic safety and crime prevention tips, gun safety and shooting gal- lery, jail photos, beer goggle obstacle course and so much more! There might also be a helicopter in the house.
Cultiva La Salud, Financial Assistance Program, please apply if you meet the follow- ing criteria; women, 65
Oct. 21 - Prophecies of Hope Come and En- joy Pastor David Pikop. He has been a local pas- tor, and enjoys sharing bible prophecies, event will be taking place at 325 N. Eaton Avenue in Dinuba. There will also
Plus Sanger Fire will have demonstrations on burning down the house. Hot dogs and re- freshmants, all ages are welcome.
Blossom Trail Play- ers - Proposals for our Summer 2022 show are now being accepted! All proposals must be submitted by Oct. 13. Please send applications to blossomtrailplayers@
Let me help you spend your money and support some rockstar kids! Top off bids are also welcome. Auction is Saturday, Oct. 16
For information con- tact Sanger High School at (559) 524-7121.
To submit an entry for the Community Cal- endar send information to juanita@midvalley- or con- tact (559) 638-2244
The fund will go directly to vendors. For more information, please call (559) 498- 0870
vided along with various decoration accents.
We meet on Mondays in the Social Hall from 8:30 a.m to 11:30 a.m., For information contact (559) 591-2450.
Monthly Class, starts at 6p.m.-7p.m,formore information contact (559) 637-4203
Pre-K & Preschool Combo Class Space still available! Classes meet Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 a.m. to noon. For info contact (559) 637-4203
Oct. 7 - Reedley His- torical Society’s Annual Dinner Meeting. Please join us, all are welcome – society members and non-members.
Our very special guest speaker will be James Spitze – author of the recently pub- lished book, “Treasures en route to Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks.”
The dinner will be held at the Reedley Op- era House and will begin at 6 p.m. For informa- tion, contact (559) 638- 1913.
Oct.8to9-The56th Annual Reedley Fiesta This year’s theme honors Reedley’s aviation past and future. “Take Flight In Reedley!” There will be food, beer garden, diaper derby, live enter- tainment, vendor booths and so much more!
Immanuel News
Oct. 16 - Annual Din-
ner & Auction - Imman- uel Schools is thrilled to announce the return of our Annual Dinner &
 years of age or older, undocumented, and a Fresno County Resi- dent.
This is a one-time fi-
nancial assistance pay- ment for the following expenses, rent/ mort- gage, water, electricity medical, vision.
Sanger FFA Swine Students looking for buyers for their mar- ket hogs. Need to fill your freezer with pork before the prices get crazy?
Support a hardwork- ing Sanger FFA Swine member by purchasing their market hog at the Fresno Fair on Oct.12 Don’t want the meat but want the tax write off? Giveatopoffbidtoa kid or two!
  be a children's program for ages 5 - 12.
The event will be held from Oct. 21 at 7 p.m. through Oct. 23. Presentations will con- tinue through Oct. 30. For more information contact (559) 591-0758.
Reedley Senior Center Happenings
Reedley Senior Cen- ter is open Monday- Friday 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Enjoy the morning with friends. The pool table is available for those who wish to play pool. Cof- fee and pastries will be served.
Gleaners (drive th- ru) Every Wednesday 8:30am-9:30am. Avail- able 9:00am-9:30am for those who do not have a vehicle.
Every Monday - Yoga Monthly Class 6 p.m - 7 p.m. For more informa- tion (559) 637-4203
Every Wednesday - Men’s Hobby Time 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Join us in the Senior Center for a
game of poker and pool.
City Programs Volleyball Registra-
tion - The City of Reed- ley is now accepting registration through Sept. 30 for Youth Girls Volleyball. League is designed girls grades 3rd-8th grade. For more information please call (559) 637-4203.
Adult volleyball reg- istration is now open for Adult Volleyball through Sept. 21. This new pro- gram is designed for adults 18 and over. For more information please call (559) 637-4203
Mondays -Yoga
Dinuba Senior Cen- ter - The Coffee & Con- versation group have been crafting fall deco- rated painted jars. We welcome anyone who is interested in doing this project, just bring your own jars. Paint is pro-
with your new subscription or renewal of
RECEIVE 1 Ticket While supplies last
 paid new subscription will RECEIVE 2 Tickets
        Renewal will
        TO THE
Purchase New Subscription by October 14, 2021
Not good with any other offer. Tickets available in our offices.
     Auction event. This is the premier fundraising event of the year and one that you will not want to miss.
You can reserve your table/seat online today! Visit immanuelschools. com/donate/fundraising- events.cfm.
We are still looking for items to include in our auction. Donations may be dropped off at the District Office.
Contact Rhonda Du- erksen at rduerksen@ or (559) 638-2529 ext. 7108 with questions.
Enroll Today -We are still currently accepting new student applications for the 2021-22 school year. Space is limited at some grades. If you are interested in learning more, we would be hap- py to answer any ques- tions you have, or sched- ule a tour so you can see our beautiful campus!
Scholarships are available to families who qualify. Contact us today - admissions@immanuel-
To submit an entry for the Community Cal- endar send information to juanita@midvalley- or con- tact (559) 638-2244 or (559) 875-2511.

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