Page 5 - Mid Valley Times 10-7-21 E-edition
P. 5

                 Thursday, October 7, 2021
    Open house returns to Reedley Municipal Airport
  The View From Here
  As I sat and listened to Susan Bell speak, I be- gan to feel a little dizzy.
I had to remind my- self I was neither flying in an airplane or riding on a roller coaster.
However, listening to her give details about G Force and how it can affect the human body made my stom- ach turn just a bit.
“Normally when you stop pulling and go forward, the blood comes back,” she said on the morning of Oct. 2, during Reedley Munici- pal Airport’s Open House Event. Susan is an expe- rienced pilot and was the guest speaker.
“You’re supposed to go land after that because obvi- ously you’ve kind of messed with your system. But a lot of people will grey out,” she said.
Bell was explaining the effects of negative G Force on pilots, and her expla- nations were so clear and precise that it was enough to make me want pass out myself. I could only imagine experiencing that sensation in real life.
I looked up some infor- mation on G Force. What exactly is it and how does it affect the human body? I’m sure I’ve felt the mildest form of G Force on a roller coaster or something but nothing close to what Bell was describing.
A quick Google search gave me a more defined answer to what G Force is. Google defined g-force as a measure of accelera- tion. 1G is the acceleration we feel due to the force of gravity. It's what keeps our feet firmly planted on the ground. The explana- tion goes further into math properties of G Force but since I’m horrible in math I’ll leave that explanation to the experts.
Bell was telling the crowd how she had to get her body use to the effects of G Force. She also talked about negative G Force which she said can have ex- treme effects on the body.
“Especially in the desert where I practice because the heat makes it worse,” she said. “The negative G, aneurisms, broken blood vessels there’s a lot of nega- tive effects from negative G’s.”
The open house was live and in person again after a year long break due to CO- VID-19. Guests were able to ride in airplanes, learn about Korky Kevorkian, the Reedley Municipal Airport and of course the stomach turning effects of G Force.
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
There was one message that pilot Susan Bell— this year’s guest speaker for the annual Korky Kevorkian Open House at the Reedley Municipal Airport wanted to share with her audience.
“I want make certain that everyone here knows that you’re never to old to go af- ter your dreams,” said Bell on the morning of Oct. 2. “You are never too old to become a pilot.”
Bell said she didn’t learn to fly until she was in her 30s. “And within 6 years of learning to fly I won a na- tional championship title,”
she said.
The annual open house
was postponed last year due to COVID-19 restrictions but guests were again able to en- joy the in person experience this year.
“I’m so excited to be here, I’ve been planning to attend since May 2020,” she said. “I'm not a commercial pilot I am a commercial glider pilot and have also flown for NASA missions but not as a pilot.”
Bell works at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and flys aeronautics planes
Dinuba 'Dog event set
A local event that was canceled last year due to COVID-19 restrictions has returned.
Dinuba's "Dog Days" is set to take place on Oct. 16 starting at 11 a.m.
The event will feature a competitions for several categories. Some of the cat- egories include best kiss, fetch, stay, costume, and dog
 Juanita Adame
Bob Glougie a local pilot showed Vernon Wilson several of the con- trols inside the cockpit of his airplane.
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
The annual event draws crowds from all over the Central Valley. It was postponed last year due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Sanger 4H students celebrate early wins at Fresno Fair
Photo Courtesy / Fairmont 4H Facebook Page
Fairmont Elementary School students had a successful first day at the Big Fresno Fair on Oct. 4 taking home several 1st place show- manship ribbons for their poultry.
Juanita Adame /Mid Valley Times
Guest speaker, aeronautics pi- lots Susan Bell spoke to the crowd about how she learned to fly.
“Something I actually do
at NASA is I work in the field of Earth science which stud- ies also climate change,” she said. “I would love to some- day fly an electric aerobatics aircraft.”
More than one hundred people attended the event. For more information on fu- ture Kevorkian Open Houses, contact the Reedley Munici- pal Airport at (559) 637-9453.
Days' returns, for Oct. 16
/ owner look alike.
There will also be licens-
ing, nail trimming, and in- formational booth and raffle opportunities.
All dogs must be on a leash. The event will be held at Nebraska Park, 1000 E. Nebraska Avenue in Dinuba. For more information con- tact Michelle Tapia at (559) 591-5940.
       Photo Courtesy / Fairmont 4H Facebook Page
There were also 3rd place Showmanship and Best in Show wins as well as Reserve Best in Show, and Champion Laying Hens rib- bons as well. The Big Fresno Fair officially opens on Wednesday, Oct. 6 and continues through Oct. 17.
This photo of a baby Aaliyah with her big orange bow and smile wassentinbyCarinaArmenta. Haveaphotoyou'dlikefeatured? Email
Photo of the week

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