Page 10 - Mid Valley Times 1-2-2020 E-edition
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e holidays have come and gone and now we may be facing the added pounds from all those Christmas goodies. ere can be a feeling of disappoint- ment or even disillu- sionment as we pack away the Christmas decorations. ose New Year’s resolutions are already a chal- lenge to keep. Maybe we can look to food to improve our mood and avoid further negative thought.
We have all heard that eating a healthy diet can help cut the
Now What?
risks of illnesses espe- cially as we age. Now studies are showing what we eat can a ect our mood. I am part of a task Force at Sierra View Homes Retire- ment Community
to study and provide healthier, plant based and protein meals for the Sierra View resi- dents.
ere is a strong connection between your brain and your gut. When you are depressed the level of healthy gut bacteria goes down. A healthy gut builds the good
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Thursday, January 2, 2020 | A10 | Mid Valley TiMes
Health &Fitness
Health &Fitness
Can You Eat Your Way to a Better Mood?
By Ro Linscheid
chemicals in the brain. Neurotransmitters like norepinephrine,
gamma-aminobutyric acid, serotonin are created in your gut. It is important to have good food to keep up your gut health and produce these impor- tant brain chemicals.
Studies have been done on diets high in ultra-processed foods. Sodas, instant soups, pre-made and pre- packaged foods tend to lead to obesity and cardiovascular disease. e European Journal of Nutrition examined the diets of almost 15,000 people. ey found the people who ate the most ultra pro- cessed foods had a 33 percent higher risk of depression than those who ate only minimal amounts. e ultra- processed food have
little nutrition such as omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins that provide brain health. ey also are full of sugar and additives that feed the bad bac- teria in your gut. e ndings show there
is a higher chance of depression when this diet is followed.
ere is more to mood maintenance than just eating the right food. To have good mood hygiene we need to look at some nutrition strategies. e rst is eating regu- lar meals and snacks at the same times every day. is helps keep your blood sugar levels even. Eating regularly helps keep your body fueled and your gut health in top work-
ing condition. Sec- ond, don’t skip meals. When you skip a meal
it is easy to over eat at the next meal. Have you heard the term “Hangary”? e com- bination of hungry
and angry. ird, avoid carbohydrates, and junk foods with high sugar content such as candy and soda etc. Sugar creates blood sugar spikes that can have a serious e ect on your mood when the sugar spikes wear o . Fourth, eat foods that boost mood such as protein. Protein helps to slow the absorption of carbohydrates. It also improves your gut health and therefore increases good brain chemicals. Vitamins such as vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, give the brain a good boost. Folate helps to ward o depression. Foods such as broccoli, len- tils, oatmeal, oranges,
and dark leafy greens provide folate. Also, B-12 found in cottage cheese, lean beef and salmon give the brain a feel good boost. Fifth, food, like complex car- bohydrates, that con- tain soluble ber can slow the absorptionof sugar into your blood- stream and increase se- rotonin, the “feel good” chemical. Both work
to help maintain a good mood. Complex carbohydrates can be found in oats, beans, pears, peas and Brussel sprouts.
ere is a strong con- nection between food and your mood. By combining strategies for eating regularly with foods that may have a positive e ect on your well-being you can develop a plan for feeling better in the New Year.
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To people outside
the medical eld, joint replacement surgery might sound like a so- lution that’s considered only after all other options have been ex- hausted. But joint re- placement surgery has
become very common, even though some studies have suggested certain procedures are being performed un- necessarily.
A 2014 study pub- lished in the journal Arthritis and Rheu-
matology found that one-third of patients who undergo knee replacement surgery may not be appropri- ate candidates for the procedure because their symptoms are not severe enough to merit aggressive intervention like surgery.
e decision to un- dergo surgery is always a patient’s to make. Weighing some pros and cons of joint re- placement surgery can help patients make the most informed deci- sions possible.
JOINT REPLACMENT... Continued on Next H&F Page
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