Page 8 - Mid Valley Times 1-2-2020 E-edition
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Thursday, January 2, 2020 | A8 | Mid Valley TiMes In the garden
Garden Checklist: Citrus fruit is in season, protect it from frost
Photo Courtesty Jared Subia
Remember when fertilizing citrus fruit this season, apply a nitrogen fertilizer prior to them blooming and always read the labels carefully when applying fertilizer.
The Garden Check- list is filled with tips and tricks for local gardeners who wish to keep their greenery, flowers and herbs looking beautiful all year long.
A wide variety of cit- rus fruit brightens win- ter gardens and winter menus this month.
Tasks this month in- clude controlling cool- season weeds before they mature and go to seed.
Plants installed last spring and fall may need water if rainfall has been inadequate.
Remember to run sprinklers periodically through cycle to main- tain clean lines and to exercise the valves.
Pruning for this time
of the year includes thinking ahead, so when harvesting blooms for ar- rangements, make cuts with an eye towar shap- ing the plant.
Shape hedges. When doing that cut away 50 percent of last year’s growth on peaches and nectarines.
Remove leaves from roses in January to force the plant into dormancy. This is not necessary with shrub or ground cover roses.
When fertilizing, ap- ply nitrogen fertilizer to citrus trees prior to bloom. And, always read labels carefully before applying fertilizer. Use only if necessary.
When planting, re- member that bare root planting season contin- ues.
Peas, both edible and decorative varieties can be planted this month.
Before planting soak dried peas between damp paper towels in a shallow dish. Cover loosely with plastic and keep towels moist. Plant seed when they just begin to sprout.
Now is the perfect time to enjoy annuals and perennials: Prim- rose (Primula polyantha), English primrose (Prim- ula vulgaris), pansy (Vi- ola), sweet violet (Viola odorata).
Bulbs, corms, tubers: squill (Scilla bifolia), ‘Paper White’ narcissus (Tazetta daffodils).
Trees, shrubs, vines: Anthony Waterer spirea (Spiraea japonica), bridal wreath spirea (Spiraea prunifolia).
Fruits and vegetables:
April 2019
lemons, navel orange, parsley.
Things to ponder, remember that frost is possible when it is clear enough to see the stars. Remember to leave frost-damaged foliage until danger of frost has passed. Prune later if needed.
Remove fallen camel- lia blooms promptly to prevent petal blight on next year’s flowers.
Source, adapted from “A Gardener’s Compan- ion for the Central San Joaquin Valley,” 3rd edi- tion, currently available from Fresno County Master Gardeners for $30. Gardening Ques- tions answered at (559) 241-7534.
Prepared by Judy Parker, Fresno County Master Gardener.
Don’t Miss Out!
2020 Community Guide
and Business Directory
Mid Valley Publishing is looking forward to working with all of you to produce a beautiful, informative and user-friendly publication that will bene t the entire community.  e guide, used by the public to locate products and services, will be made available to Reedley residents and visitors. It will be distributed at restaurants, placed in local hotel rooms and will also be distributed throughout the year at several events and locations.
 e guide is scheduled to be released in February of 2020. Janie Lucio, advertising executive with Mid Valley Times, will be in contact with Reedley businesses and organizations over the next couple of months to discuss advertising opportunities. Please note that Greater Reedley Chamber of Commerce Members receive a FREE listing in the directory and will also receive a discount on a purchased advertisement in the guide.
If you are interested in this advertising opportunity, you may contact Janie Lucio direct at: (559) 638-2244 or janie@midvalleypublishing. com. You can also contact the Chamber at (559) 638-3548 or info@
Call Janie Lucio at 638-2244 to Reserve Space! Deadline December 16, 2020
The sixth annual Tiger ROmP at Reedley College hosted students from a variety of lo- cal schools, the event allowed students to experience hands on projects like the one
pictured where they were able to investigate a crime scene.
May 2019
"Year in Review" continues next week featuring Sanger and Dinuba
Veronica Diaz, an Early Childhood Coordinator at Washington Elemen- tary in Reedley was high- lighted on a national television show called "Despierta America." The show is the Spanish lan- guage counterpart to Good Morning America. Diaz went on the show to speak about several pro- grams benefitting local students.
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1405 W El Monte Way
¢ 99
Dinuba • 559.315.5192
Store Hours: 10am - 10pm
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Call Juanita Adame (559) 875-2511
2019Community Guide & Business Directory

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