Page 15 - Reedley Exponent 4-12-18 E-edition
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St. La Salle CRUSADERS News
Registration is Open
Let your child grow with us at St. La Salle, where we be- lieve a Catholic school educa- tion is the most important gift you will give your child.
We currently have spots available in preschool and also are taking registration for all students.
At St. La Salle, we foster knowledge, faith and service as we prepare our students to use their God-given talents to the fullest later in life.
We offer an opportunity for students to explore many life paths that will enable them to serve the church and community and make the world a better place.
Call us at (559) 638-2621 to schedule a visit.
You also can go online to for more information.
Reasons to Choose
a Catholic Education
We are a proud Catholic
school. Here are 12 reasons to choose a Catholic school for your child:
1, We offer an education that combines Catholic faith and teachings with academic excellence; 2, We partner with parents in the faith formation
of their children.
3, We set high standards
for student achievement and help them succeed; 4, We pro- vide a balanced academic cur- riculum that integrates faith, culture and life.
5, We use technology ef- fectively to enhance educa- tion; 6, We instill in students the value of service to others.
7, We teach children re- spect of self and others; 8, We emphasize moral development and self-discipline.
9, We prepare students to be productive citizens and future leaders; 10, We have a 99 percent high school gradu- ation rate, and 85 percent of our graduates go to college.
11, We cultivate a faculty and staff who are dedicated, caring and effective; and 12, We provide a safe and wel- coming environment for all.
Scholarship Applications
The deadline to apply for a scholarship is April 15.
We don’t have paper appli- cation forms in the office, so they must be filled out online. To do so, go to https://online.
Or, you also can access this information through our web page at stlasallereedley. org.
Please support St. La Salle School when you make a pur- chase at Save Mart. At the checkout stand, just enter the numbers (559) 638-1916 on the keypad.
This automatically will give the credit to our school.
Celebrating Monsignor
Join us in celebrating Monsignor John Esquivel’s 50 years of priesthood and his years of service to St. Antho- ny of Padua Catholic Church and St. La Salle School.
The community is cor- dially invited to a Mass of Thanksgiving at 10 a.m. on Friday, April 27, at the new St. Anthony of Padua church, 1018 N. Frankwood Ave.
We hope to see everyone there!
Also, there will be a dinner on Saturday, April 28, at the Ridge Creek Golf Club in Di- nuba. The last day to purchase tickets is Sunday, April 15.
Dates to Remember
•April12and13–Drop off items for the yard sale
•April18,19and20–Yard sale, 3-6 p.m.
• April 28 – St. La Salle First Communion, 10 a.m.
• May 4 – Spring Carnival
Important Dates
Friday, April 27, will be Immanuel’s annual Serve the Community Day. Students will participate in beautifi- cation projects in our local communities. Through these projects, our students will serve in a tangible way that glorifies God (Matthew 5:16).
On Saturday, April 28, our Open House/Spring Cel- ebration will be held. This is an annual community event highlighting school projects for all our grades. The Im- manuel family, students and community come together for fellowship and fun. The event includes bounce hous- es, a free barbecue dinner, and an evening program in the Chapel called “Celebrat- ing Milestones.” It will honor the first graduating class of Immanuel, the Class of 1946. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this won- derful event.
High School Updates
On Thursday, April 12, boys golf will celebrate Se- nior Night and then compete in the CSL Mini 9 Hole at the Ridge Creek Golf Course in Dinuba; tee time is 2 p.m.
Also on April 12, boys tennis will compete at the Immanuel Sports Complex against Selma High, start- ing at 4 p.m.; girls softball will play Selma High in Sel- ma, with JV starting at 2:15 p.m. and varsity at 4 p.m.; and boys baseball will play Kingsburg High at the Im- manuel complex, with the JV game at 4 p.m. and var- sity at 7 p.m.
On Friday, April 13, coed track will compete in the Frosh Soph West Coast Relays at Buchanan High School, beginning at 2 p.m.
On Saturday, April 14, baseball will play their makeup game against Kingsburg High at the Immanuel complex. JV will play at 4 p.m. The var- sity game starts at 7 p.m. and will include the Kaleb Perry dedication.
For a complete list of high school sports, go on- line to immanuelsports. or visit our website at immanuel- and click on “athletics.”
• Spring Day is April 13. Our seventh- through
Mart Supermarket, Rotary Club of Reedley, Reedley Se- nior Commission, Inc., Golden LivingCenter, Reedley Lions Club, Reedley YMCA Com- mittee, Blossom Trail Pho- tography, Dr. Luis Guzman, Reedley Police Department, and the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program.
11th-graders will head to Magic Mountain, while our seniors will enjoy a day at Disneyland.
• The High School Choir will take their annual trip to Southern California to min- ister through song, from Fri- day, April 20, to Sunday, April 22. The group will visit local churches, have a possible col- lege campus tour, and end go to Disneyland.
• FFA is gearing up for the last of their judg- ing competitions. They will have a field day at Reedley College and Fresno State on Saturday, April 21. Qualify- ing teams will participate in the State FFA Finals at Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo, from May 4-6.
Members also will partic- ipate in the State FFA Leader- ship Conference, April 22-25 in Anaheim. Kallie Huebert and Taylor Lovewell have been chosen as state finalists.
Huebert is competing against two others in the state in the agricultural pro- cessing area for her work experience project at Hue- bert Farms Inc. Lovewell is competing against two others in the state in forest manage- ment and products with her independently owned and operated firewood business.
Both students will be in- terviewed at the state lead- ership conference and will be on stage during the third general session in front of thousands of FFA members, teachers, and supporters. State winners will advance to the national competition.
Junior High Updates
The coed track team will compete on Saturday, April 14, in the Area 1 Meet at the Immanuel Sports Complex; events begin at 9 a.m. Junior high baseball and softball teams next play on Thurs- day, April 19, at Kings River; game times are at 3 p.m.
On Wednesday, April 18, our eighth grade students will participate in PSAT test- ing as they begin college preparation.
Elementary Updates
This week, our third- graders visited the Mon- terey Bay Aquarium, while the Fresno Chaffee Zoomo- bile visited our kindergarten classes at Immanuel.
On Friday, April 13, we will have Family Bowling Night, 6-8 p.m. at Freeway Lanes in Selma. On Saturday, April 14, the Area 1 Track Meet will be held at the Im- manuel Sports Complex, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. This meet will be for bantams, midgets, inter- mediates, and juniors. Have a great week and Go Eagles!
Enroll Your Student
Considering a change in your child’s education? Con- sider Immanuel Schools.
Enrollment packets can be picked up in the district office at 1128 S. Reed Ave. in Reedley (zip code 93654). Or, visit our website at im- Call us at (559) 638-2529, ext. 7101, for more information on Im- manuel Schools, where the difference is life changing.
On March 22, seventh and eighth grade students from St. La Salle Catholic School attended a Mass of- ficiated by Bishop Armando X. Ochoa of the Diocese of Fresno. The Mass was held at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in northeast Fresno.
ABOVE: The students and St. La Salle leaders posed for a picture with Bishop Ochoa in the main entrance of the church.
The Reedley Exponent B7 Thursday, April 12, 2018 Youth & Education
Photo Contributed
Farm Fresh County Breakfast
Fresh Baked Biscuit and Gravy with 2 Large Eggs and your choice of Bacon or Sausage.
Bacon or Sausage & Eggs
2 Large Eggs with your choice of Bacon or Sausage, Served with Hash Browns and Toast.
French Toast Combo
3 Slices of  ick French Toast with 2 Large Eggs and your choice of Bacon or Sausage.
Hot Cake Combo
2 Big Hot Cakes, 2 Eggs and your choice of Bacon or Sausage.
Home of Dinuba’s Original Earlybird Early Bird Specials Served Daily from 6 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Continued from page B2
center. They can call the cen- ter at (559) 637-4207 and ask for Christina. Thank you!
Senors y Senoras
La Cuidad de Reedley les invita a visitar y participar en los programas de personas mayores. En el edificio del centro de la comunidad hay un cuarto especial para ustedes. Si tienen preguntas y necesi- tan informacion y asistencia les podremos ayudar de 9:30- 11:30 am los dias de Lunes a
Please note: If you know
a Spanish-speaking person, please pass along this infor- mation and encourage him or her to join us for lunch daily at 11 a.m. We are a Spanish- speaking, friendly center. They can call the center and ask for Christina. Thank you!
Reedley residents 55 and up can come to the Reed- ley Community Center on Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. for free fresh fruit, vegetables and bread. The center is at 100 N. East Ave.
Personas mayors de edad 55 anos + vengan for frutas y verduras los Miercoles a las 8:30 a.m.
Senior Center Community Partners
We want to express appre-
ciation to our community part- ners for their continuing sup- port for our senior programs:
Sierra View Homes Re- tirement Community, Save
(No Substitutions
or take out on early bird specials. No meal splitting please.)
Open 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. 910 North Alta
Dinuba • 591-2122
May day, May day,
When it rains it pours goes the saying!  is time it was Low Life Cowards who came in the middle of the night to our Storage Bin located behind the Dinuba Memorial Hall grounds and did major collateral damage by stealing all our fund Raising Equip- ment and Supplies. Stolen were a Large Kobota Generator and and Small Honda Generator.  e generators play a major role in getting us electricity and fresh cool air during the 100 + degree
at the United Market parking lot Firework Sales.  is is a major fund raiser for July.  ey also stole 5 shade tents, new cans of red, white & blue paint used for painting the disability ramps and walk-ways at Memorial Hall.  ey took two wagons that fold up to carry heavy stu .  e heavy duty plastic tarps used for  oor- ing at Raisin Day and Cinco de Mayo were also taken. Missing is the required netting that goes around the Tents used to sell Tri- Tip sandwiches. We are on our 14 year selling our famous Sands’.  e Cowards also took one extra large plastic container that had over 20 di erent size Electrical Cords. We also lost our box with the tools that took years to accumulate.  ey le  behind six folding chairs and the our  ags. Our long tables were also spared. Missing is three butane containers used for the BBQ cooker at the park.  e Memorial Wall committee has been using our equip- ment for raising funds to pay o  the Wall. Boy, What a time to lose these items as summer approaches.
Not long ago Dinubans and people of this District came around and donated when we asked for monies to pay for the Disability Ramps; we are asking the public for DONATIONS so we can start from scratch. We are in a race for time as the next big project will be Cinco De Mayo. We have a non-pro t number we can give you so your donation is tax deductible.
We estimate losses at $2500 of the prices paid back then? However,  e Veterans Organization will take whatever you can give.  is Cowards of the night hurt us and put us down but NOT out. Please send what you can or bring to the Manager at Dinuba Memorial for Project United.
VIETNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA (Att: George Madrid) P.O. BOX 745, DINUBA CA 93618 559-528-2811or drop off Donation at Dinuba Memorial Hall during workinghours
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Lunch size  our enchilada
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Come Join Sal’s for
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Hand held burrito (choice of two  llings) served with beans and
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served with beans and
Selma Location Only
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Lunch size  our taco rice 67.49
Any 1 $85 5
Coffee with any Earlybird Breakfast
Earlybird Breakfast $ 99
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