Page 3 - Reedley Exponent 8-23-18 E-edition
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Lights & Sirens August 9-August 15
Tree cleanup at Reedley Beach
The Reedley Exponent A3 Thursday, August 23, 2018
Thursday, August 9
• Stolen property offenses, West Manning Avenue and North Reed Avenue, 1:02 a.m. • Larceny (agricultural), 6400 block of South Alta Avenue (Fresno County Sheriff’s De- partment), 3:30 p.m.
• Drug/narcotic violations, 12th Street and E Street, Reedley (Sanger Police De- partment), 4:16 p.m.
• Destruction/damage/van- dalism of property, 100 block of North East Avenue, 6 p.m. • Drug equipment violations, South Buttonwillow Avenue and East Dinuba Avenue, 7:22 p.m.
• Drug/narcotic violations, West Olson Avenue and South Reed Avenue, 7:52 p.m.
• Commercial burglary, 700 block of Center Street, Or- ange Cove (Orange Cove Po- lice Department), 8:54 p.m.
• Drug/narcotic violations, El Dorado Avenue and North Haney Avenue, 10:55 p.m.
• Drug/narcotic violations, East Springfield Avenue and South Sunset Avenue, 11 p.m.
Friday, August 10
• Drug/narcotic violations, 8500 block of South Wrico Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Po- lice Department), 12:55 a.m. • Larceny, 1300 block of East Manning Avenue, 8:21 a.m.
• Vehicle burglary, 100 block
HEINRICHS Continued from page A2
and how Scouts are an impor- tant part of their family’s life. He presented the Mentor pin to Scout Leader Fred Collins. Heinrichs thanked Collins for his encouragement, and con- stant monitoring to complete and achieve his Eagle.
“I wouldn’t have started my Eagle project if it wasn’t for Fred showing up at my door step with the Eagle paper-
of Hadar Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 9:45 p.m.
• Theft of vehicle parts/ac- cessories, 13500 block of East 5th Street, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 10 p.m.
Saturday, August 11
• Commercial burglary, 700 block of 2nd Street, Orange Cove (Orange Cove Police Department), 2:40 a.m.
• Drunkenness, 1100 block of C Street, 9:16 p.m.
• Intimidation, 900 block of East Carob Avenue, 9:30 p.m.
Sunday, August 12
• Drug/narcotic violations, South Academy Avenue and East Manning Avenue, Parli- er (Parlier Police Depart- ment), 2:37 a.m.
• Intimidation, confidential location, 10:02 a.m.
• Larceny, 1000 block of West Manning Avenue, 8:17 p.m.
• Assault, 100 block of West Manning Avenue, 11:15 p.m. • Drug/narcotic violations, East North Avenue and North Cedar Avenue, 11:48 p.m.
Monday, August 13
• Trespass of real property, 13200 block of East Young Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Po- lice Department), 1:16 a.m.
• Drug/narcotic violations, Madsen Avenue and Eva
work in hand and then show- ing back up to make sure I finished it,” he said. “Fred was always knocking at my door.”
“This one almost slipped through my fingers,” Collins said. “I had to constantly re- mind him he was drawing near his 18th birthday so there was no more time to waste.”
The Eagle Court Ceremo- ny ended with retiring of col- ors and a sitdown lunch. Dan- iel and his parents said they would like to thank Robert
Donna Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 9:50 a.m.
• Drug/narcotic violations, East 5th Street and South Whitner Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 11:13 a.m.
• Larceny, 900 block of North Reed Avenue, 1:54 p.m.
• Drug equipment violations, 900 block of I Street, 3:22 p.m. • Intimidation, 1600 block of East Santa Rosa Avenue, 3:51 p.m.
• Trespass of real property, 13400 block of East Amigo Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Po- lice Department), 11:23 p.m.
Tuesday, August 14
• Drug equipment violations, Reed Avenue and Friesen Av- enue, 1:32 a.m.
• Assault, 400 block of West Carob Avenue, 11:07 a.m.
• Intimidation, 300 block of 11th Street, Orange Cove (Orange Cove Police Depart- ment), 6:02 p.m.
• Assault, 300 block of 11th Street, Orange Cove (Orange Cove Police Department), 6:05 p.m.
(Crime reports are listed for the Reedley, Parlier and Orange Cove areas and are available online at crimere- Unless noted, the Reedley Police Department handled the calls.)
Takacs, Angela Avalos, Fred Collins, Stephan Shultz, and Darcy Takacs for all their help and support.
Jon Earnest / The Exponent
From left, Francisco Hernandez and James Chambers loaded limbs cut into logs onto a hauler driven by Angel Mondragon of Angel’s Tree Service on Aug. 16. The workers were cutting and trimming trees lin- ing a frontage road at Reedley Beach. The overgrown trees were causing a safety hazard along the east property wall of the Reedley Mobile Home park. The tree cutting took three days, leading to a temporary closure of Reedley Beach. The park facility was reopened by Aug. 18.
Reedley man accused of pulling pocket knife on officer, held on INS detainer
Staff Report
Police arrested a Reed- ley man Aug. 19 for allegedly pulling a small pocket knife out on two officers.
Juan Vallejo Palacios, 35, was booked into the Fresno County Jail on three felony charges including assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer and resisting/ obstructing/delaying an offi- cer. He was being held in jail without bail, and the county is- sued an INS detainer on Pala- cios through Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
The incident began shortly before 10:30 p.m. in front of a residence in the 1100 block
of C Street. The police report said Palacios walked from his residence toward a respond- ing officer and pulled a gray object from his pocket.
The officer told Palacios to drop the weapon and drew his own weapon out while stepping back slightly, the re- port said. Palacios continued to walk toward the officer, and dropped the knife before turning and walking away. He refused orders to stop and eventually was tackled by two officers and arrested.
The call for police came
when Palacios —who report- edly lived in the house — had been reportedly banging on and then kicking the door. He was believed to be under the influence of alcohol.
Pamela Staggs, records supervisor for the Reedley Police Department, said Fres- no County has an agreement with ICE officials to check on the immigration status of people arrested. She said if he is found to be illegally in the country, he will remain in custody and eventually be de- ported to his country of origin.
September 25, 1927 ~ August 15, 2018
Lillian Ella Pauls was born to Henry and Agnes Gaede September 25, 1927 in Hillsboro, Kansas. She died on August 15, 2018 in Reedley, California at the age of 90 a er a short illness. Lillian attended Hillsboro public schools, Tabor College and later while raising her family, Reedley College and Fresno State graduating with a Masters in Education.
Growing up on a Kansas wheat farm, she loved the country life sharing outdoor adventures with her two older brothers. Prominent in her family’s home and later in her foyer was a plaque that read, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Lillian was drawn to a personal faith in Jesus Christ as God and Savior at a young age.
Sam and Lillian met at Tabor College and were married on August 29,1947. In 1952 they moved to Reedley, California where they were faithful members of the Reedley Mennonite Brethren Church for 38 years. Shortly before Dad’s death on May 9, 2000 they bought a ve acre ranch in Sanger, California and Mom lived there for the next 16 years living out her country farm retirement.
Lillian was blessed with four sons, Steve, Tim, Nate and Joe. Our mom is remembered as a fast-paced-go-getter, o en wearing us out with her energy. She challenged her sons and her students to excel in learning, to seek adventure and to follow the Lord. She taught Kindergarten through college classes concluding her 26 year teaching career with special education students. For her this was an adventure, “I knew I always wanted to teach.”
In October 2016, Lillian su ered a serious stroke and lived her last two years at the Reedley Palm Village Retirement Center. She missed farm life, but charged on engaging in many activities, outings, and chapel services. She o en commented “I have nothing to complain about” and wrote in her diary, “God has been good to me.” e cares of life had eased and she easily forgave and forgot the hard things from the past. She died peacefully.
Lillian is survived by her four sons and their wives, Steve and Janet Pauls of Anchorage, Alaska, Tim and Alice Pauls of Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, Nate and Sherrie Pauls of Reedley, California and Joe and Kathy Pauls of Fresno, California; seven grandchildren, Suzanne and husband Shawn Clarke, Stephanie and husband Jack Parisi, Carol Pauls, Mark Pauls, Natalie and husband Myer Gerster, Caleb Pauls and Beth Pauls and three great grandchildren, Elijah and Asher Clarke and Xavier Parisi.
Lillian’s parents, her husband Sam, brothers Harold and Elmer Gaede, and a sister Aldine preceded her in death.
Visitation will be at Dopkin’s Funeral Home in Dinuba, ursday, August 23 from 2-8PM. ere will be a short graveside service at the Reedley Cemetery Pavillon at 9:30AM on Friday, August 24. A Celebration of Life and meal will be at 4PM at the Palm Village Community Room on Friday, September 28.
Memorial donations in Lillian’s name may be made to Fresno Paci c University, 1717 S. Chestnut, Fresno, CA 93702; Palm Village, 703 W. Herbert Avenue, Reedley, CA 93654; or Mennonite Central Committee, 1010 G Street, Reedley, California 93654.
FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 519 E. 11th Street, Reedley
Pastor: Ron Robertson
Sunday Growth Classes: 9:30am Children’s and Youth programs
Sunday Worship: 10:30am – Service; Children’s Church, ages 4-11 5:30pm Prayer – Evening Service 6:00pm
Wednesday Dinner served at 6:00pm
Wed. Family Night at 7:00pm (Adults, Youth Children) Food Give away – the third Saturday of the Month at 9:00am Basketball – Monday 7:00pm; Wednesday 8:00pm
For more information, call the church at 559-638-2739 All are welcome to attend
FAITH COMMUNITY CHURCH 314 W. Manning Avenue • Reedley, CA 93654 638-2730
Pastor: Dr. Ernie Williams Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. Children’s Church for ages 3 thru 3rd grade Nursery available
Storyidea?Call 638-2244
Join us for worship Sundays at 9:30am
All are welcome!
Aarne Kela & Jason Awbrey
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God’s work. Our hands.
FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 729 E. Manning Ave. (Corner of Manning & Sunset) (559) 638-3881
Sunday Bible Study 9:30 AM, Worship service 10:30 AM
Wednesday Prayer @ 6:30 PM, Choir practice @ 7:30 PM
Some people cross their ngers for good luck but there’s a more meaningful Cross you can turn to when you are in need. God is there when you need Him most. Check us out and see how life has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with faith.
Christ Lutheran
1254 N Frankwood Ave. Reedley 559-638-2112
You may list your Church Announcement on this page for $10 per week. Including Church name, address, phone and service times with additional 50 words for announcement. Deadline for Church News is 12 p.m. Friday. For more information, please call 638-2244.