Page 18 - Mid Valley Times 7-2-20 E-edition
P. 18

Continued from page A1
his, remained intact. “We had 2,000 square feet of condensed boxes and wooden pallets that were well-involved,” said Justin Watson, bat- talion chief for the Reed- ley Fire Department. “And with the continu- ing winds, the fire con- tinued to spread until we got units in place able to
contain the fire.”
The business has sev-
eral locations through- out the county, including a location in Parlier.
Maxco is known for creating produce boxes and boxes for other food items.
“Our main focus was to protect the building where the package as- sembly takes place be- cause that part what will keep them producing after the fire,” said Jer- ry Isaak, Reedley Fire Chief. “Fortunately, the wind was mildly blowing from the northwest and this helped divert the intense heat away from the plant.”
BUDGET Continued from page A1
that ensures staffing lev- els which in turn provides for the safety and quality of life of our citizens dur- ing these difficult times is heart-warming.”
Thusu went on to add the uncertainty of the fu- ture due to the COVID-19 pandemic makes a case for a fiscally conservative approach going forward.
“On behalf of myself
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
Fire crews spray down hot spots remaining in a pile of burned boxes and pallets and other materials in the stor- age yard area of the Maxco Supply plant in southeast Reedley on June 25. The overnight blaze burned about 2,000 square feet of condensed boxes and wooden pal- lets. Cause of the fire remains under investigation.
MVT Staff Report
The newest addition to the Sanger Police De- partment may be a famil- iar face around town. Of- ficer Alex Guillen, who was sworn into the de- partment on June 9, was actually born at Sanger Hospital and graduated from Sanger High School in 2013.
After graduating from Fresno State, Guil- len went on to graduate from the police academy in 2018. Before joining the force, Guillen has spent time as a local soc- cer coach.
Officer Guillen was introduced via telecon- ference at the June 18 Sanger City Council meeting, where he ex- pressed his gratitude for his new role in his home- town.
“I’m very thankful for the opportunity,” Guillen told council and staff. “This is where I wanted to be my whole life.”
VID-19 response and re- covery.
Thusu said a public hearing will be held be- fore submitting for the non-competitive grant. One of the potential uses could be to assist busi- nesses affected by the pandemic, according to Thusu.
The grant is part of the $18.7 million addi- tional CBDG funds ap- proved under the Fed- eral CARES Act.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
| Mid Valley TiMes
Newest Sanger officer
Isaak said that al- though crews were able to protect the assembly building and offices, the fire was able to spread into the material stacks and a large number of their product was de- stroyed.
In all, it took fire- fighters nearly 12 hours to extinguish the large fire. Crews were called
and the rest of the coun- cil I want to thank the City staff, citizens and businesses getting us here,” he said.
In a closer look at the budget other expendi- tures by fund type are:
• Enterprise Funds ($16,467.792)
• Special Revenue Funds ($15,368.995)
• Internal Service ($5,963.383)
• Capital Projects ($5,951.271)
back hours after they left because a portion of the burn pile began to reignite. It was quickly extinguished.
A total of seven units from a variety of agencies in the region stepped in to assist with the fire.
The cause of the fire remains under investiga- tion.
• Debt Services ($3,624.828)
Several budget high- lights for fiscal 2020-21 include converting three part-time sports assistant positions into one full- time Sportsplex Coordi- nator. The position will provide improved over- site at the Sportsplex and introduce new activities and organized sports. In addition, two part-time grounds maintenance worker positions will
now be one full-time po- sition in Parks and Com- munity Services that will improve the main- tenance and beautifica- tion at all the city parks. There is funding for new restrooms at Entertain- ment Plaza ($108,000) and $50,000 for on-going installation of new side- walks and replacement of damaged sidewalks throughout the com- munity. Approximately, $160,000 will be for en-
ABOVE: Gerald Galvin, left, Sanger's interim police chief, intro- duced new officer Alex Guillen on June 9.
LEFT: Officer Alex Guillen is a native of Sanger and graduat- ed from Sanger High School in 2013.
Sanger PD / Photos Contributed
gineering and design of a third clarifier at the Wastewater Treatment Plant and $150,000 will be for community services to purchase and install shade structures at the playgrounds at Muirfield, KC and Nebraska parks.
In other news, the City of Dinuba will be re- ceiving $124,317 through the Community Block Development Grant to be used for projects and programs related to CO-

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