Page 8 - Mid Valley Times 7-9-20 e-edition
P. 8
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
The fire caused damage to a bucket and light fixture on Brandon Young's front porch.
Continued from page A7
Ditommaso had not just extinguished the fire, but left the location.
“One of my buddies was here but he was asleep,” said Young. “I had asked him to watch the house and he fell asleep.”
The man house sit- ting for Young did not get Ditommaso’s infor- mation.
Young then began to look for him online to identify him and thank him for saving his home.
After a few hours, he was able to identify Ditommaso and set up a meeting to personally thank him for his act of kindness.
Young speculates that an ember from nearby fireworks started the fire, however the cause of the fire has not been confirmed.
The city of Sanger issued a total of 20 cita- tions for illegal fireworks during the Fourth of July
“Good thing Gabriel
was vigilant enough to go back around and put it out,” Young said. “He looked out for us and he’s a good man and he didn’t have to do that, and there are still good people in this world.”
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Thursday, July 9, 2020 | A8 | Mid Valley TiMes
Garden Checklist: Now is the time to plant pumpkins
The Garden Check- list is filled with tips and tricks for local gar- deners who wish to keep their greenery, flowers, and herbs looking beau- tiful all year long.
Shakespeare once said that "sweet flow- ers are slow and weeds make haste."
With that quote in mind, the tasks for this time of year include wa- tering camellias regu- larly to avoid bud drop during bloom season.
If you have nematode problems in your vege- table garden, summer is the time to solarize your soil.
Rinse dust off foliage, especially the underside of leaves, to discourage spider mites.
Wash white flies off plants with insecticidal soap. When pruning, remember to cut spent canes of caneberries to the ground after har- vesting berries. Attach new canes to the trellis for next year’s crop.
When fertilizing, ap- ply high potassium fer- tilizer once fruit starts to form on pepper, cu- cumber, sunflower and tomato plants.
A few winter vegeta- bles may be planted by seed this month. Consult the California Garden Web for more informa-
If not already done,
pumpkins may be plant- ed in July.
Enjoy these now, annuals and peren- nials: Russian sage (Perovskia), annual phlox (Phlox drummon- dii), moss rose (Por- tulaca), gloriosa daisy (Rudbeckia), marigold (Tagetes), zinnia.
Bulbs, corms, tubers: tiger lily (Tigridia).
Trees, shrubs, vines: lantana, oleander (Neri- um), rose.
Fruits and vegeta- bles: peaches, plum, to- matoes. , zucchini.
Things to ponder, rebuild water basins around deep-rooted
Continued from page A7
there are easier ways to navigate those conver- sations. With facts and language others can un- derstand."
She advises any non-black students or community members who want to become in- volved with the Black
permanent plants; wa- ter deeply and less fre- quently.
Watch for the bright orange twining stems of the parasitic plant dod- der. Remove any affect- ed plants.
Source: Adapted from “A Gardener’s Companion for the Cen- tral San Joaquin Valley,” 3rd edition, currently available from Fresno County Master Garden- ers for $30.
Gardening Questions answered at (559) 241- 7534. Prepared by Judy Parker, Fresno County Master Gardener.
Lives Matter movement to contact local leaders and find out how they are bringing awareness in their communities.
"We recommend getting black voices in- volved,” she said.
For more informa- tion on local Black Lives Matter members or leaders, visit Black-
Last weeks answers
Continued from page A7
ager, I really enjoyed the Fourth of July. As time has passed how- ever, I am beginning to see it’s only an excuse to set fires to property and destroy peoples homes.
There were two large fires in Reed- ley, along with the fire in Sanger. This is not including the fires in Fresno and the rest of the county.
I don't know what caused the increase of illegal fireworks, or what caused us to be- come so reckless when celebrating this holiday, but it was sad. It was overall a disappointing night to say the least.
According to data
from the Fresno Coun- ty Sheriff's Office dis- patching center, there were a total of 600 calls answered in a 24-hour period during the Fourth of July.
That number did not include the non emergency calls, those totaled over 1,000. To- gether, more than 1,600 calls for service were made on July 4. The de- partment also released data comparing 2019 to 2020. They found that call volume increased by 140 percent.
The numbers are alarming. We as a so- ciety are better than this. There is no need for these unnecessary fires on a holiday that is suppose to celebrate our country.
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