Page 5 - Mid Valley Times 9-3-20 E-edition
P. 5

COMPLEX Continued from page A1
in downtown,” she said.
The lot the business com- plex sits on was purchased prior to buying the bowling alley, Orbit Lanes, according
to Trevino.
“Once we got the bowling
alley, we fixed it up and now we’re trying to get people to get on this side of town,” Tre- vino said.
The complex is 10,000 square feet and has 10 office spaces and should be com- pleted this month.
Ortega’s Taqueria will be one of the tenants and will occupy 3,000 square feet, ac- cording to Trevino.
“They have rented from us
George M. Villagrana / Mid Valley Times
Work on the new business complex in downtown Dinuba continued with flooring and putting tiles in the 10 office spaces. The complex is 10,000 square feet and should be completed this month.
previously in Orosi,” he said.
Trevino said they own Cove, Orosi and just pur-
AMBULANCE Continued from page A2
department utilizes cardiac monitors/defibrillators while providing advanced life sup- port during medical emergen- cies.
Currently, the department has a physiocontrol cardiac monitor/defibrillator that is 14 years old. Parts and service of the monitor are no longer sup- ported by the manufacturer.
Thompson said the old equipment will sometimes be kept in reserves in case the de- partment needs it.
“Other times, we either auction off the vehicle and donate the other equipment to training programs and or agencies in need.”
SANGER Continued from page A3
tools were reportedly stolen from a back yard in the 2000 block of Web- ster Avenue.
• A female subject in the 1100 block of O Street was transported to a nearby hospital for a mental health evalu- ation after making sui- cidal statements.
• A vehicle stop was con- ducted in the 500 block of Brehler Avenue, in which the driver was found to be on active felony pro- bation with search con- ditions. During a search of the vehicle, officers found 2.5 grams of meth- amphetamines, three shaved keys (burglary tools), drug parapherna- lia and four stolen credit cards. A female passen- ger reportedly admitted to possessing the items. She was arrested and later transported to the
REEDLEY Continued from page A3
Saturday, August 29
• Narcotics violation/arrest, 1200 block of C Street, 12:27 a.m.
• Outstanding warrant/arrest, 1100 block of C Street, 11:15 a.m.
• Driving without a license/
in the area, leaving the vehicle at the scene. As officers arrived on the scene and began search- ing for the subject, he reportedly called in a false 911 call in an at- tempt to get officers to leave the scene. Though officers were unable to locate the suspect, his identity was confirmed during the investigation and a warrant was is- sued for his arrest.
Thursday, August 27
There were 145 calls for service and 20 traffic citations were issued.
• A male subject was ar- rested in the 1400 block of George Avenue for being in possession of narcotics and narcotics paraphernalia.
• A male subject was ar- rested in the area of 10th Street and Hoag Avenue for eight outstanding misdemeanor narcotics warrants.
• A female subject was arrested for domestic violence after officers responded to a large disturbance in the 1400 block 0f 4th Street.
• A DUI arrest was made in the area of Hawley Avenue and 3rd Street.
Friday, August 28
There were 127 calls for service and 5 traffic citations were issued.
• Vandalism to a vehicle was reported in the 300 block of Harrison Av- enue.
• A restraining order vi- olation was reported in the 2600 block of Jenni Avenue.
• A stolen vehicle was recovered in the alley- way of the 900 block of P Street. The vehicle was reportedly connected to a residential burglary in Dinuba and a hit-and-run collision in Reedley.
• A male subject was ar- rested for domestic bat-
tery in the 800 block of I Street.
Saturday, August 29
There were 101 calls for service and 4 traffic citations were issued.
• A non-injury traffic collision was reported in the area of Academy Avenue and 9th Street. • A male subject was ar- rested in the 800 block of 10th Street for being in possession of a stolen vehicle, narcotics and narcotics paraphernalia. • A male subject was ar- rested in the 400 block of Academy Avenue for nar- cotics paraphernalia after it was reported he was causing a disturbance at a nearby business.
• A physical fight be- tween three females was reported in the area of O and 8th Street. Two of the females fled the scene prior to police ar- riving.
• A male subject was ar-
rested for an outstanding warrant in the 400 block of Academy Avenue.
• A male subject was ar- rested for outstanding warrants in the 400 block of Academy Avenue.
• A male subject was ar- rested for felony charg- es after a domestic dis- turbance was reported in the 1000 block of Fall- er Avenue.
Sunday, August 30
There were 87 calls for service and 4 traffic citations were issued.
• A verbal disturbance between a male and fe- male was reported in the 600 block of I Street.
• A violation of a domes- tic violence retraining order was found after a traffic stop in the area of Bethel and Jensen avenues.
• A family disturbance was reported in the 1200 block of Millwood Av- enue.
DINUBA Continued from page A3
erator was on fire in an apartment unit.
• A non-injury traffic ac- cident was reported in the area of Road 96 and Avenue 412 at 4:35 p.m. • A possible DUI was reported in the area of Englehart Avenue and Dinuba Avenue at 5:07 p.m.
Saturday, August 29
• A non-injury traffic ac- cident was reported in the 1100 block of Millard Way at 2:50 a.m. It was reported a small white car hit a parked vehicle. • Loud music was re- ported in the 300 block of Vermont Avenue at 9:17 a.m.
• A non-injury traffic ac- cident was reported in the 700 block of West El Monte Way at 11:30 a.m.
• A reckless driver was reported in the area of East Saginaw at 2:01 p.m. It was reported ve- hicles were racing.
• Theft was reported in the 700 block of West El Monte Way at 6 p.m.
Sunday, August 30
• Theft was reported in the 100 block of West Merced Street at 5:46 a.m. • Lost property was re- ported in the 100 block
of North H Street at 9:16 a.m.
• Loud music was re- ported in the 700 block of Marshall Avenue at 12:18 p.m.
• A tailgate from a 2001 GMC Sierra was report- ed stolen in the 700 block of West El Monte Way at 1:26 p.m.
• An assault was report- ed in the 1300 block of San Antonio Avenue at 9:42 p.m.
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Fresno County Jail.
• A male subject was ar- rested in the 1200 block of Hume Driver for ob- structing and resisting an officer after refusing to stop during a bicycle stop. He was eventu- ally detained and found to be on parole. He was taken into custody and later transported to the Fresno County Jail.
• A male subject was ar- rested for domestic bat- tery in the 700 block of L Street after a witness re- ported hearing a female screaming for help and observing a male sub- ject holding a female and pushing her to the ground. • Officers responded to the 200 block of Clare- mont Avenue for a re- port of a male subject who reportedly stole a family members vehicle to go across town and commit a vehicle bur- glary. He was reportedly scared off by a resident
Thursday, September 3, 2020
| A5
Mid Valley TiMes
Trevino, who started con- struction on the complex in April, said the pandemic shut a lot of things downs.
“We had problems getting the duct work for the air con- ditioners. It took three weeks to get when it usually takes a week to finish.”
Despite being slowed by the pandemic, Trevino said they never halted construction.
“I haven’t stopped one bit,” he said. “God has been good to us. When things went down, we were still busy and continued working.”
Floors were being in- stalled and coating will begin this week.
“After that we will do the sidewalks. It’s getting there,” he said.
eight shopping strips in sur- rounding communities.
“We have one in Orange
chased one of 8,000 sq in Visalia. It’s exciting,” he said. Work on the complex has taken longer to complete.
citation, 1500 block of 11th Street, 1 p.m.
• Driving without a license/ci- tation, Frankwood Avenue and Manning Avenue, 4:38 p.m.
• Vehicle burglary reported, 800 block of East Manning Avenue, 6:44 p.m.
• Subject check/two outstand- ing warrants/arrest, Dinuba Avenue and Zumwalt Avenue,
6:49 p.m.
• Subject check/three out- standing warrants/arrest, 1000 block of I Street, 5:57 p.m.
Sunday, August 30
• Subject check/three out- standing warrants/arrest, 1400 block of J Street, 1:27 p.m.
• Vehicle stop/DUI and mul- tiple warrants/arrest, 1000
block of K Street, 5:02 p.m.
• Disturance reported, 900 block of West Friesen Avenue, 5:43 p.m.
• Non-injury traffic collision, Reed Avenue and I Street, 7:02 p.m.
• Vehicle stop/DUI arrest, Huntsman Avenue and Dinu- ba Avenue, 9:33 p.m.
• Vehicle stop/DUI and narcot-
ics violations/arrest, Parlier Avenue and Columbia Avenue, 10:47 p.m.
(Unless otherwise noted, the Reedley Police Depart- ment handled the calls. The department reminds the pub- lic to practice social distanc- ing, wash your hands regu- larly, and if you feel sick, stay home!)
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