Page 5 - Mid Valley Times 9-2-21 E-edition
P. 5

                 Thursday, September 2, 2021
    RHS students protest dress code policy
  The View From Here
  I would like to start this week’s column by first an- swering one of our read- er’s ques-
Our loyal
Juanita Adame
district many times about it seemed like they didn’t really care.”
According to the school’s website, the Kings Canyon Unified School District adopt- ed the current policies based on recommendations from a district wide community task force.
“Early last week, it was brought to the Reedley High School administration’s at- tention that students had a concern with the dress code,” school officials said in a state- ment on the afternoon of Aug. 31.
The statement read, “For- tunately, here at RHS, we have a process for students to share their viewpoints and provide input. We utilize “R” Voice, a student advisory committee to act as a voice and chan- nel students’ thoughts, ideas, and needs to advance RHS academically, socially, and culturally. The Reedley High School administration invit-
ed students to the regularly scheduled “R” Voice meeting. During the meeting, students shared varying viewpoints and we will continue the dis- cussion at our next meeting.”
Some of the school poli- cies include; no ripped jeans, neat, acceptable and modest clothing as well as no type of gang attire apparel. All shorts, culottes, and “skorts” must be fingertip length all the way around. Skirts, dresses, miniskirts must be fingertip length.
“I got dress coded at break- fast for my pants being ripped and I missed a whole class pe- riod because I was waiting for my brother to bring me an ex- tra pair of pants,” Garcia said.
“Our goal isn’t to get rid of the dress code entirely we just want some of the rules to get updated.”
For a full list of the Reed- ley High School dress code, visit dress-code.
 reader, Wayne over in North- ern California asked me a question last week.
“Did you or did you not contract COVID-19?”
He asked the question in response to the Aug. 12 col- umn I wrote. In it, I wrote about a close relative of mine contracting COVID-19. After reading back through my column I realized I did give the impression that at one point I tested positive for COVID-19.
However, the answer to the question Wayne asked is, no, I [thankfully] haven’t contracted COVID-19 since the pandemic began. I will add however that back in December 2020, I came down with a nasty cough, accompanied by a low grade fever, I immediately went to be tested, but my test came back negative.
I was told it likely was a 24 hour virus. I’ve made sure to take the necessary measures to ensure I am safe from it, and I will con- tinue to do that for my own safety as well as the safety of those around me.
So thank you for asking the question, Wayne. I hope I have cleared things up a bit.
A few days after I re- ceived the letter from Wayne, we received a differ- ent type of message in our Instagram inbox.
Several students had reached out asking us to cover a protest they’d orga- nized to speak out against the Reedley High School dress code policy.
After filtering through a series of messages I was finally able to reach the source. In other words, the student who started the pro- test. I will admit, I was ex- pecting an outspoken upper- classman, maybe a junior or senior to be that student. To my surprise however, it was a young lady by the name of Sadie Garcia.
Garcia is a sophomore at Reedley High and at 16 years old, she made quite the impact when she decided to take a stand for herself and other students.
No matter the outcome of the dress code policy, no matter if the administration holds tight to their rules on how students should dress, it was interesting to speak to such a young and deter- mined young lady!
ABOVE: Reedley High School students took to the hallways of the campus on the afternoon of Aug. 24 holding signs and protesting the school's current dress code policy which they say is outdated.
TOP RIGHT: One of the signs used during the Aug. 24 protest that read "My education is more important than my clothes, change RHS dress code."
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
A Reedley High School sophomore named Sadie Gar- cia said it all began with a hat she wore to school.
“So basically this started when I got dress coded,” Garcia said on the afternoon of Aug. 27. “I was wearing a hat and there was nothing wrong with it, so I was really confused and I talked to my
friends about it and I realized that everyone has been getting dress coded just for dumb rea- sons.”
Garcia decided to have a demonstration to speak out against the school’s dress code which she and other students believe is outdated.
“I posted something online and told my friends to pro- test during break [Aug. 24] because we’ve talked to the
  Dinuba High prepares for 'Green Out' game
Photo Courtesy / Dinuba High School
The Dinuba High School Emperors are preparing for their Sept. 3 football game with sales of t-shirts and green seat passes. Visit the school's website for more information.
Sanger High Choir amazes with national anthem
Jon Earnest / Mid Valley Times
Members of the Sanger High Choir titled "The Remnants" sang an a cappella version of the national anthem before the Apaches' season-opening football game against Clovis High on Aug. 20. From left are Florence Molano, John Memley, Maddie Brown, Loren Williams and Christa Cantu Esqueda. They were directed by Dan Warnecke.
Thonesen memorial ceremony held Aug. 28
A memorial dedication ceremony was held on Aug. 28 to honor the life of Les Thonesen.
Thonesen, a Reedley na- tive and SCCCD board mem- ber was honored at the ar-
boretum located in front of Reedley Middle College High School. A tree and dedication plaque were named in Thone- sen’s honor.
Thonesen served on sev- eral school boards and was an active member of the Farm Bureau.
  Photo of the week
   A photo of 6-year-old, Joziah Padilla during his first day of school at Silas Bartsch School in Reedley was sent in by Erica Ceballos. "He's confident about learning new things and making new friends and he dreams of one day becoming an air force pilot," Ceballos said. Have a photo you'd like featured? Email juanita@

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