Page 1 - OWUSU Samuel-8133319, ICT Education Philosophy
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            ICT  in  education  is  an  essential  part  of  a  modern  study.  ICT  means  Information  and

            Communication Technology. This world is based on pieces of information. Everybody

            around the world is connected by the internet. Modern civilization can’t live without the

            use of technology. Therefore, the importance of ICT education, is much higher than ever


            I  believe  that  each  learner  is  a  unique  individual  who  needs  a  secure,  yet  stimulating

            environment in which they learn. In light of this, educators must be mindful that the twenty

            first century learners are technology savvy, as a result it would be more effective to turn

            their class into multimedia thus involving the use of technologies. I am therefore compelled

            to  include  technologies  in  the  lessons  that  I  will  teach.  Multimedia  classes  are  more

            interesting than the traditional way of teaching. A student can easily understand any topic

            when he will practically observe the topic properly. A teacher can easily describe the topic

            by using a computer and a projector. I do not believe that in the near future, technology

            will replace teachers, however, it will enhance the teaching experience and teachers will in

            turn become facilitators who will monitor learning in order to clear up misconceptions and

            keep students focused.

              OWUSU Samuel - 8133319, Department of Teacher Education, B.ED. J.H.S. Specialism, KNUST
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