Page 2 - OWUSU Samuel-8133319, ICT Education Philosophy
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In my experience, students learn best by doing rather than by watching. William Glasser

            once famously said "We learn, …50% of what we see and hear, 80% of what we discuss

            and 95% of what we teach." Hence, in my classroom I try and have the students do, discuss,

            or teach the material they are learning. This style of instruction is aided by the powerful

            technological tools of today.

            As an educator, I find it essential to keep up-to-date on new information. I will always try

            to incorporate new innovations into my classroom and modify my approach to find the best

            ways to relate the learning materials to my students. Like the use of internet, I can guide

            my students through research activities related to any given lessons. I like to think of myself

            as an educational facilitator rather than a teacher. This is a major shift in my pedagogy and

            is a direct result of how I have embraced technology in the classroom.

            Everything  has both sides, right  and wrong. We have to get the  right one. People  are

            misusing technologies. So, it is important to save our young generation from misusing the

            ICT and if we can teach them the proper use of it, then we can save our young society.

            Because  adding  this  subject  to  the  curriculum  will  lead  them  into  the  proper  use  of


              OWUSU Samuel - 8133319, Department of Teacher Education, B.ED. J.H.S. Specialism, KNUST
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