Page 9 - Quezon City Investors Summit 2022
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                                                            GrowQC Food Bank

                                                            The project aims to create an integrated end-to-
                                                            end food bank system which is able to secure food
                                                            from public and private partners to deliver basic
      Workforce Ready                                       food commodities at the center of communities and
                                                            specific targeted food-vulnerable communities.
      A program that calls for inclusive learning
      recovery and investments for future-ready                  The city feeds at least 2.96M residents
      human resources. Areas of investment may                   daily (2020 PSA Census)
      include: infrastructure; learning spaces;                  The city currently has eight (8) public
      curriculum enhancement; internship;                        markets, twenty-seven (27) private
      equipment; learning resources; and                         markets, and sixty (60) talipapas
      capacity building.                                         142 barangays as potential market
           To be implemented in 158 public                       347 urban farms and gardens as source
           schools, catering to over 450,000                     of fresh produce
           students                                              Target to establish one (1) food bank in
           12,535 Senior High School                             every district of the city
           graduates (SY 2021-2022)                               14.7% in Metro Manila (est. 501,000)
           Target to have 100% of learners are                   or approx. 150,000 families in QC
           grade level ready by 2025                             experienced involuntary hunger (as of
                                                                 June 2022 SWS Survey)
      Persons-in-charge: Dr. Jenilyn Rose B. Corpuz,             488 of 3,184,407 or 0.015% are wasted
      CESO VI; Ms. Maricris F. Veloso                            children (2021 QC City Health Dept–
      Email:;;                         Nutrition Section at Total Pop (2021) x                                8.54% of each Barangay)

      2022, C40 Cities Bloomberg Philantrophies Awards
      Finalist, GrowQC: Food Security Program under the
      Innovative Climate Solutions Category                             Persons-in-charge:
                                                                        Mr. Emmanuel Hugh F. Velasco II
                                                                        Co-Chair, QC Food Security Task Force;
                                                                        Mr. Francis Ian Agatep

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