Page 234 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 234

City Attorney

           The City Attorney acts as legal advisor to the City, prosecutes all misdemeanor offenses occurring within the City of Los
           Angeles and defends the City in civil litigation.  The City Attorney represents the Municipal Corporation of the City of Los
           Angeles and its Council, boards, departments, officers, employees, and entities in legal proceedings and before federal
           and state administrative bodies. The City Attorney examines all contracts and ordinances as to form and legality, often
           interprets the legality of actions and activities of the City, and renders legal opinions construing federal and state laws,
           the Charter, and City ordinances.  In conjunction with its prosecution of misdemeanors, the City Attorney administers a
           wide range of neighborhood based diversion and restorative justice efforts. In addition to defending the City in a wide
           range of civil litigation, the Office initiates a variety of affirmative litigation, including actions to protect consumers and
           abate nuisances in Los Angeles' neighborhoods. The Office includes four branches: Municipal Law; Civil Litigation;
           Proprietary; and, Criminal and Special Litigation.

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures     Budget       Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2019-20        2020-21        2020-21                                                    2021-22

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

             140,005,804    129,107,500   139,961,000 Salaries General                                 146,171,018
                124,714          5,408        121,000 Overtime General                                       5,408
             140,130,518    129,112,908   140,082,000 Total Salaries                                   146,176,426

                306,700        242,915        310,000 Bar Dues                                             267,253
                224,099        198,311        100,000 Printing and Binding                                 198,311
                  2,834              -              - Travel                                                     -
               1,054,255      1,509,269     1,160,000 Contractual Services                               1,509,269
                 29,460         24,912         25,000 Transportation                                        24,912
               7,457,059      5,195,448     5,108,000 Litigation                                         5,195,448
                  5,000          5,000          5,000 Contingent Expense                                     5,000
               1,468,638       853,397        844,000 Office and Administrative                            903,397
                      -          7,830              - Operating Supplies                                     7,830
              10,548,045      8,037,082     7,552,000 Total Expense                                      8,111,420

               1,770,435             -      1,410,000 City Attorney Outside Counsel                              -

               1,770,435             -      1,410,000 Total Special                                              -

             152,448,998    137,149,990   149,044,000 Total City Attorney                              154,287,846

              Actual       Adopted       Estimated                                                       Total
           Expenditures     Budget      Expenditures                                                    Budget
             2019-20        2020-21       2020-21                                                       2021-22
                                                   SOURCES OF FUNDS

             140,202,628    128,057,392   136,727,000 General Fund                                      143,374,202
                 462,162       465,010        466,000 Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund (Sch. 2)          518,269

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