Page 314 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 314
Actual Adopted Estimated Total
Expenditures Budget Expenditures Budget
2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22
46,341,709 8,236,592 44,086,000 General Fund 8,792,156
85,981 27,053 27,000 Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund (Sch. 2) 27,053
25,000 - 25,000 California State Asset Forfeiture Fund (Sch. 3) -
30,045 27,053 27,000 Stormwater Pollution Abatement Fund (Sch. 7) 27,053
30,045 27,053 27,000 Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Fund (Sch. 10) 27,053
30,045 27,053 27,000 Sewer Operations & Maintenance Fund (Sch. 14) 27,053
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Fund (Sch.
81,572 73,447 73,000 73,447
157,000 141,363 141,000 Proposition C Anti-Gridlock Transit Fund (Sch. 27) 141,363
17-18 California Violence Intervention and Prevent
63,361 - - -
(Sch. 29)
2019-2022 CALTRANS New Roads to Second
96,939 - - -
Chance Fund (Sch. 29)
2019-22 UWGLA HCRT Implementation Grant Fund
324,695 - - -
(Sch. 29)
39,354 - - Fiscal Year 2018-19 CALVIP Grant Fund (Sch. 29) -
Fiscal Years 2018, 2019 & 2020 Title II Grant Fund
12,598 - - -
(Sch. 29)
29,896 - - FY15 Justice Assistance Grant Fund (Sch. 29) -
14,405 - - FY16 CCTA Grant Fund (Sch. 29) -
71,594 - - FY16 Justice Assistance Grant Fund (Sch. 29) -
93,857 - - FY16 UASI Homeland Security Grant Fund (Sch. 29) -
FY17 Improving Criminal Justice Responses Grant
56,541 - - -
(Sch. 29)
1,449,339 - - FY17 UASI Homeland Security Grant Fund (Sch. 29) -
29,617 - - FY18 DH Grant Fund (Sch. 29) -
19,765 - - FY18 KU Grant Fund (Sch. 29) -
148,027 - - FY18 Proposition 47 BSCC Grant Fund (Sch. 29) -
43,919 - - FY18 UASI Homeland Security Grant Fund (Sch. 29) -
91,633 - - FY 2018 ISAO Pilot Grant Fund (Sch. 29) -
Homeless Emergency Aid Program Grant Fund (Sch.
389,365 - - -
105,000 - - Innovation Fund (Sch. 29) -
OVW Training and Services Women with Disabilities
46,541 - - -
(Sch. 29)
Securing the Cities Grant FY12 and FY13 Fund (Sch.
159,578 - - -
30,000 - - Measure M Local Return Fund (Sch. 52) -
50,097,421 8,559,614 44,433,000 Total Funds 9,115,178