Page 325 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 325
Actual Adopted Estimated Total
Expenditures Budget Expenditures Budget
2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22
1,697,725,807 1,796,387,613 1,670,587,000 General Fund 1,702,988,343
76,573 - - Special Parking Revenue Fund (Sch. 11) -
1,795,921 1,659,257 1,609,000 Sewer Operations & Maintenance Fund (Sch. 14) 1,795,921
40,109,398 38,046,000 38,046,000 Local Public Safety Fund (Sch. 17) 45,118,009
Department of Neighborhood Empowerment Fund
6,250 - - -
(Sch. 18)
750,000 750,000 750,000 Arts and Cultural Facilities & Services Fund (Sch. 24) 750,000
4,359 - - Arts Development Fee Trust Fund (Sch. 25) -
Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund (Sch.
1,228,012 - - -
1,062,568 - - City Attorney Grants Fund (Sch. 29) -
41,476 - - Council District 2 Real Property Trust Fund (Sch. 29) -
53,113 - - FY16 CCTA Grant Fund (Sch. 29) -
126,516 - - FY17 SHSP Grant (Sch. 29) -
28,924 - - Innovation Fund (Sch. 29) -
68,404 - - Narcotics Analysis Laboratory (Sch. 29) -
7,272,770 - - Police Department Grant Fund (Sch. 29) -
393,207 - - Police Department Trust Fund (Sch. 29) -
Securing the Cities Grant FY12 and FY13 Fund (Sch.
62,590 - - -
125,000 - - Special Reward Trust Fund (Sch. 29) -
28,047 - - Standards and Training for Correc (Sch. 29) -
296,989 - - State AB1290 City Fund (Sch. 29) -
Sunshine Canyon Community Amenities Fund (Sch.
20,000 - - -
Transportation Regulation & Enforcement Fund (Sch.
452,239 635,000 616,000 635,000
Cannabis Regulation Special Revenue Fund (Sch.
- - - 451,008
3,775 - - Planning Case Processing Fund (Sch. 35) -
El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument Fund
898,785 744,785 745,000 744,785
(Sch. 43)
Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (Sch.
20,820,942 19,107,894 10,142,000 8,425,648
1,773,451,665 1,857,330,549 1,722,495,000 Total Funds 1,760,908,714