Page 361 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 361


           This Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens
           including curatorial services, animal exhibit and health services, public information and education, facility maintenance,
           capital improvement administration, and business operations.

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures     Budget       Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2019-20        2020-21        2020-21                                                    2021-22

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

              17,733,189     16,207,655    18,282,000 Salaries General                                  18,227,379
               2,240,971      2,509,875     2,028,000 Salaries, As-Needed                                2,511,875
                197,422        201,164         93,000 Overtime General                                     201,164
                165,381        150,000        150,000 Hiring Hall Salaries                                 150,000
                 90,000         60,000         50,000 Benefits Hiring Hall                                  60,000

              20,426,963     19,128,694    20,603,000 Total Salaries                                    21,150,418
                 47,285         73,000         73,000 Printing and Binding                                  73,000
                531,434        789,400        729,000 Contractual Services                                 887,850
                  5,979         20,000         20,000 Field Equipment Expense                               20,000
                773,740        786,999        787,000 Maintenance Materials, Supplies and Services         786,999
                  6,000              -              - Transportation                                             -
                  8,831          5,001          4,000 Uniforms                                               5,001
                261,289        400,000        400,000 Veterinary Supplies & Expense                        400,000
                963,292       1,004,648     1,004,000 Animal Food/Feed and Grain                         1,004,648
                571,159        378,860        360,000 Office and Administrative                            418,860
                108,323        120,000        120,000 Operating Supplies                                   145,000

               3,277,332      3,577,908     3,497,000 Total Expense                                      3,741,358

              23,704,295     22,706,602    24,100,000 Total Zoo                                         24,891,776

              Actual       Adopted       Estimated                                                       Total
           Expenditures     Budget      Expenditures                                                    Budget
             2019-20        2020-21       2020-21                                                       2021-22

                                                   SOURCES OF FUNDS

              23,704,295     22,706,602    24,100,000 Zoo Enterprise Trust Fund (Sch. 44)                24,891,776
              23,704,295     22,706,602    24,100,000 Total Funds                                        24,891,776

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