Page 425 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 425
Other Special Purpose Funds
Actual Adopted Estimated Total
Expenditures Budget Expenditures Budget
2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22
54,350 132,000 132,000 Technical Services 132,000
1,863,910 2,368,510 2,369,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs 2,210,344
Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Fund (Sch. 10)
36,463 - - Air Quality Education and Outreach -
14,888 - - Air Quality Monitoring Program -
Alternate Fuel Fleet Vehicles, Trucks, and
359,820 330,115 330,000 184,958
72,386 - - Carshare Bikeshare Professional Services -
78,410 400,000 400,000 Electric Vehicle Carshare Program 300,000
1,266,588 - - Electric Vehicle Infrastructure -
218,016 500,000 500,000 Open Streets Program 500,000
25,198 15,000 15,000 Single Audit Contract 25,000
168 455,584 456,000 Sustainable Transportation Initiatives -
2,213,951 2,317,281 2,317,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs 2,700,837
Community Service Block Grant Trust Fund (Sch. 13)
650,351 496,245 744,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs 1,017,867
Convention Center Revenue Fund (Sch. 16)
25,142,425 26,375,281 14,768,000 LACC Private Operator Account 21,141,731
5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 LACC Private Operator Cash Flow 5,000,000
- 740,009 - LACC Private Operator Reserve -
1,573,616 770,179 770,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs 300,398
Department of Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch. 18)
36,117 39,000 7,000 Congress/Budget Advocacy Account -
Empower LA Awards - CD10 Redevelopment
- 10,000 - -
16,320 32,000 25,000 Neighborhood Council Budget Advocacy -
- 186,965 - Neighborhood Empowerment - Future Year 197,767
Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment Fund (Sch. 19)
- 2,053,656 2,053,000 Assessment District Analysis -
1,903,220 - 847,000 CIEP St Lighting Rehab Projects -
26,257 - - Electric Vehicle Infrastructure -
5,581,202 10,000,000 10,000,000 Energy 11,000,000
268,432 268,432 268,000 Energy Conservation Assistance Loan Repayment 268,432
221,947 - - Enhanced MTA Bus Stops Security Lighting -
421,869 - - Fleet Replacement -
210,781 - - Graffiti Removal 330,000