Page 484 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 484
Public Utilities Code Section 130350 provides that the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission may adopt a sales tax within
the County, provided that it is approved by a majority of the electors. Funds are used to (a) improve and expand existing public
transit Countywide, including reduction of transit fares, (b) construct and operate a rail rapid transit system, and (c) more effectively
use State and Federal funds, benefit assessments, and fares. The City receives an allocation from a 25 percent share of the
revenue collected, based on the City's percentage share of the population of Los Angeles County. Thirty-five percent of the
proceeds are allocated to the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission for construction and operation of a rail system and 40
percent is allocated to the Commission for public transit purposes.
Actual Estimated Budget
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
249,862,673 247,925,862 Cash Balance, July 1 272,200,855
- - PYUNEXPAPPR1 Prior Years' Unexpended Appropriations 219,154,137
249,862,673 247,925,862 Balance Available, July 1 53,046,718
- - 11,725 Advertising 901,000
- - 11,748 Farebox Revenue 11,966,729
2,196,276 813,000 11,768 Lease and Rental Fees 193,908
- - 11,780 MTA Bus Passes 1,491,240
- - 11,781 MTA Additional Support for Bus Operations - Measure R 4,907,220
78,097,241 76,453,000 11,799 Proposition A Local Transit Tax 80,993,695
56,388,067 161,140,000 11,806.5 Reimbursement from Other Funds 139,685,000
8,796,174 - 11,840 Other Receipts -
5,211,711 3,006,000 11,842 Interest 3,000,000
400,552,142 489,337,862 Total Revenue 296,185,510
415,960 416,000 5 Aging 422,492
93,118 91,000 195 Controller 108,577
89,000 80,000 229 Council 80,136
5,191 - 455 Information Technology Agency -
60,434 82,000 513 Personnel 91,201
1,228,012 - 541 Police -
37,477 104,000 595 Bureau of Contract Administration 125,795
47,144 - 607 Bureau of Engineering -
57,334 - 653 Bureau of Street Lighting -
2,336,550 2,045,000 667 Bureau of Street Services 2,121,456
4,770,572 5,007,000 691 Transportation 5,866,348
Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
City Transit Service
- 600,000 10,680.25 Facility Lease 600,000
2,110,751 3,000,000 10,705 Marketing City Transit Program 3,000,000
13,843 - 10,744 Reimbursement for MTA Bus Pass Sales -
95,744,674 138,000,000 10,785 Transit Operations 145,000,000
2,764,541 - 10,786.5 Transit Operations Expansion -
141,439 300,000 10,787 Transit Sign Production and Installation 300,000
729,785 800,000 10,789 Transit Store 800,000
1,251,884 250,000 10,796 Universal Fare System 250,000